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Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). KSEPAC September 21, 2010 6:00 – 7:30. What is PBIS. Focus of PBIS is to look at the: Function of the behavior (why does the behavior occur) Relationship of behavior to the environment Implementation of evidence based strategies

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Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

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  1. Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) KSEPAC September 21, 2010 6:00 – 7:30

  2. What is PBIS Focus of PBIS is to look at the: • Function of the behavior (why does the behavior occur) • Relationship of behavior to the environment • Implementation of evidence based strategies • Teaching of new skills (replacement behaviors)

  3. Academic Systems Behavioral Systems • Intensive, Individual Interventions • Individual Students • Assessment-based • High Intensity • Intensive, Individual Interventions • Individual Students • Assessment-based • Intense, durable procedures • Targeted Group Interventions • Some students (at-risk) • High efficiency • Rapid response • Targeted Group Interventions • Some students (at-risk) • High efficiency • Rapid response • Universal Interventions • All students • Preventive, proactive • Universal Interventions • All settings, all students • Preventive, proactive Designing School-Wide Support Systems for Student Success 1-5% 1-5% 5-10% 5-10% 80-90% 80-90%

  4. Student School Family Community Systems Approach

  5. What does PBIS look like? • Families and communities are actively involved • Time for instruction is more effective & efficient • Function based behavior support is foundation for addressing problem behavior. • Full continuum of behavior support is available to all students

  6. What Will You See in a PBIS School? • Small number of positively stated and behaviorally exemplified expectations are taught and encouraged • Positive adult-to-student interactions exceed negative • Data and team-based action planning & implementation • Administrators are active participants in all aspects of implementation • >80% of students can tell you what is expected of them and give behavioral example because they have been taught, actively supervised, practiced, and acknowledged

  7. Eight Practices of PBIS • Administrative Leadership • Team Implementation • Define Concrete Expectations • Teach Behavior Expectations • Acknowledge and Reward Positive Behavior • Monitor and Correct Behavior • Use Data for Decision Making • Family and Community Collaboration

  8. What do Families Bring to the Table? • Knowledge of their child that no one else has • A serious interest in their child’s education • Interest and expertise as their child’s first teachers • Accountability as citizens for successful schools • Strengths and interests to contribute to the educational process • (Sarason. 1995) Sarason, 1995

  9. Engaging Families in the Behavior Planning Process • Families and School Staff work as collaborative partners • Communication is two-way…all members are sharing ideas, concerns, and possible solutions • Focus on the skills the student needs in order to successfully participate in school • Respect cultural differences

  10. Engaging Families in the Behavior Planning Process • Provide parent education to support positive behavior • Ensure that everyone understands that behavior is a function of need • Ensure that everyone understands that that the goal is not eliminating a behavior but to develop new strategies for coping thus developing a new replacement behavior • Draw up student-parent-teacher contracts and support parents with tools and skills to monitor behavior progress.

  11. Westgate Elementary • Respect • Responsibility • Safety

  12. RESPECT • What does respect look like in the lunchroom? • How do we teach students to demonstrate respect in the cafeteria? • How we positively recognize students who are demonstrating respect in the classroom? • How will we support students who are having challenges with respectful behavior at recess?

  13. RESPECT • What does respect look like at the dinner table? • How do we positively recognize our children who are demonstrating respect at home? • How will we help our children who are having challenges with respectful behavior at home?

  14. The WHY’s of Behavior Pos Reinf Neg Reinf

  15. The ABC’s of Life’s Struggles at Home • SETTING EVENT: Situations or characteristics that “set up” the problem? • ANTECEDENT: what happens before the behavior to “set it off”? • BEHAVIOR: what is the specific problem behavior? • CONSEQUENCE: our response/”the payoff”?

  16. Setting EventsLook and Listen for … • Broader issues that may be influencing behavior: • Daily activity schedule • Predictability of routines • Variety of activities or materials • Social relationships • Preferences of the student • Medical and physical issues (nutrition, illness, medications, sleep patterns) • Challenging family situations • Mental health diagnosis

  17. Antecedents or TriggersLook and Listen For… • Under what circumstances is the behavior most/least likely • Changes in the environment • Time of day/activities • Clarity of expectations of activity/task • Reinforcement of expected behavior • Nature of interactions (tone, proximity, contact) • Amount & type of attention (peer, group, adult) • Child’s ability matched to the activity

  18. Maintaining ConsequencesLook and Listen For… WHAT DO THEY GET or AVOID? • Social reaction/attention • Change in activity/routine • Increases assistance from adults or peers • Access to materials, activities, food/drink • Sensory stimulation or reduction • Change in the physical environment • Allowed space or movement • Delays activity/event • Avoids negative attention,

  19. Improving Decision-Making Reaction Problem From Problem Solving Solution Problem To

  20. Select Intervention Strategies Wants help with homework Whines Gets help Asks forHelp Reinforce Efforts to Complete work Reinforce Use of cup or timer Do homework in Small chunks of Time Set aside calm time When you can help Teach child Ways to get help From parent -green/red cup -10 minute check in with timer A B C O’Neil et al. (1997)

  21. Look Fors • What situations “set up” behavior: tired, change in routine, visitation, babysitter? • What situations: “set off” this behavior: asking him to turn off the TV or computer, time for bed, no friends over this weekend, can’t have snacks and pop NOW? • How does our behavior reinforce this “series of unfortunate events”? • What is the “payoff” for this behavior?

  22. Is there a routine that is defined? • Is there a clear beginning? • Is there a clear sequence to complete the routine? • Does the child understand the transition to the next routine or activity?

  23. Anne Todd, 2006 Routine Analysis

  24. Positive Behavior Tips Be CONSISTENT! “Yes means Yes and No means No” Set the example – Actions speak louder than words Proactively anticipate situations Have patience – A little goes a long way Have fun and enjoy the ride! • Remember 5 positives to 1 negative • Set the stage for success, reward the effort • Give clear, specific directions • Stay calm, use a calm voice -Nagging gets you nowhere! • Set reasonable limits – Avoid using “always” or “never”

  25. Practical Tips for Families • Keep your expectations realistic • Plan Ahead • Clearly state your expectations in advance • Offer limited, reasonable choices • Use “when…then” statements • Catch your child being good • Stay calm • Use neutral time

  26. Behavior change is a family affair • Do mom and dad respond the same way? • Grandma’s house • Back and forth (and up and down!) • Babysitter for the night out • What are the school rules? How can we provide a “match”?

  27. Transition Activity: A Family Dinner • Think about the rules and expectations for a typical family at home. • How do these change when you have company or visitors? • What about when you go out to dinner at a restaurant? • How about during a picnic?

  28. “STICK WITH THE PLAN” • Look at your Home Matrix and your list of behaviors you want to address • Identify 5 – 10 POSITIVELY stated behaviors • Write each one on a stick in a bright color and decorate • These will be your daily reminders for positive behavior change

  29. PBS Home Matrix

  30. Remember… • Positive Behavior Support is the redesign of environments, not the redesign of individuals • Positive Behavior Support asks us to change our behavior to help our child change theirs.

  31. One Behavior at a Time • Start with one behavior. • Think about the Big 5: WHAT is the specific behavior? WHO is involved? WHEN does the behavior occur? WHERE does the behavior take place? WHY did the behavior occur? • How are you responding that may reinforce this behavior? • What is the new behavior you want your child to learn?


  33. Schedules – Sample for school, but easily adaptable for home use.

  34. Reinforcement Chart Insert picture of child


  36. My Responsibility Chart Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Expected Behaviors Brushing Teeth Getting Your Own Breakfast Homework Making Bed Put Laundry in Hamper Room Clean Shower One Check= One Point TOTAL: _____ 45 Points= Privilege

  37. We Praise and Reward ChildrenWhenWe See Them Using What They Have Learned!

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