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País Basc Paise Basqui País Vasco Baskimaa Baskien Bask Ülkesi Pays-Basque Euskal Herria Gwlad y Basg Tír Bhascach. Which do you think is the Basque word for Basque Country ?. Language families.
País Basc Paise Basqui País Vasco Baskimaa Baskien Bask Ülkesi Pays-Basque Euskal Herria Gwlad y Basg Tír Bhascach Which do you think is the Basque word for Basque Country? The Basque Country-Navarre by R.S.M.
Language families Distribute these European languages into just three broad language families English Dutch Suomi Basque Italian German Spanish Estonian Latvian Croatian Hungarian Welsh Russian French Greek Bulgarian Swedish Portuguese Danish Polish Irish Catalan Frisian Czech Galician Romanian The Basque Country-Navarre by R.S.M.
The Indo-European family English Danish Frisian Swedish Dutch German … Italian Galician Catalan Romanian Portuguese French Spanish … Latvian … Welsh Irish… Greek Czech Bulgarian Polish Croatian Russian… The Basque Country-Navarre by R.S.M.
The Finno-Ugric family Estonian Suomi/Finnish Hungarian The Basque Country-Navarre by R.S.M.
The Theo Vennnemann theory: 10,000 years ago the European people took refuge around the Pyrenees looking for shelter during the Ice Age. This theory has been refuted by some Basque scholars. However, several genetic researches, such as Cavalli-Sforza’s, John Foster’s, Stephen Oppenheimer’s The Origin of the British, try to prove that after researching the European peoples’ genoma theres’s a common origin in the Pyrenees. The Basque Country-Navarre by R.S.M.
Tuesday, 3 April, 2001, 13:11 GMT 14:11 UK Genes link Celts to Basques The Welsh and Irish Celts have been found to be the genetic blood-brothers of Basques, scientists have revealed. The Basque Country-Navarre by R.S.M.
Languages spoken in the French Republic, Kingdom of Spain and the UK 1) UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS • Article 1 All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. • Article 15 Everyone has the right to a nationality. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality. 2) DÉCLARATION UNIVERSELLE DES DROITS DE L'HOMME • Article premier Tous les êtres humains naissent libres et égaux en dignité et en droits. Ils sont doués de raison et de conscience et doivent agir les uns envers les autres dans un esprit de fraternité. • Article 15 Tout individu a droit à une nationalité. Nul ne peut être arbitrairement privé de sa nationalité, ni du droit de changer de nationalité 3) DECLARACIÓN UNIVERSAL DE DERECHOS HUMANOS • Artículo 1 Todos los seres humanos nacen libres e iguales en dignidad y derechos y, dotados como están de razón y conciencia, deben comportarse fraternalmente los unos con los otros. • Artículo 15 Toda persona tiene derecho a una nacionalidad. A nadie se privará arbitrariamente de su nacionalidad ni del derecho a cambiar de nacionalidad. The Basque Country-Navarre by R.S.M.
Languages spoken in the French Republic, Kingdom of Spain and the UK 4) DICHJARAZIONI UNIVIRSALI DI I DIRITTI DI L'OMU • Articulu Prima Nascinu tutti l'omi libari è pari di dignità è di diritti. Pussedinu a raghjoni è a cuscenza è li tocca ad agiscia trà elli di modu fraternu. • Articulu 15 Ugnunu hà dirittu à una naziunalità. Di a so naziunalità ùn ni pò essa privu nimu, nè mancu di u dirittu di cambià ni. 5) DIE ALLGEMEINE ERKLÄRUNG DER MENSCHENRECHTE • Artikel 1 Alle Menschen sind frei und gleich an Würde und Rechten geboren. Sie sind mit Vernunft und Gewissen begabt und sollen einander im Geist der Brüderlichkeit begegnen. • Artikel 15 Jeder hat das Recht auf eine Staatsangehörigkeit. Niemandem darf seine Staatsangehörigkeit willkürlich entzogen noch das Recht versagt werden, seine Staatsanghörigkeit zu wechseln. 6) UNIVERSELE VERKLARING VAN DE RECHTEN VAN DE MENS • Artikel 1 Alle mensen worden vrij en gelijk in waardigheid en rechten geboren. Zij zijn begiftigd met verstand en geweten, en behoren zich jegens elkander in een geest van broederschap te gedragen. • Artikel 15 Een ieder heeft het recht op een nationaliteit. Aan niemand mag willekeurig zijn nationaliteit worden ontnomen, noch het recht worden ontzegd om van nationaliteit te veranderen. The Basque Country-Navarre by R.S.M.
Languages spoken in the French Republic, Kingdom of Spain and the UK 7) DISKLERIADUR HOLLVEDEL GWIRIOU MAB-DEN • Mellad unan (1) Dieub ha par en o dellezegezh hag o gwirioù eo ganet an holl dud. Poell ha skiant zo dezho ha dleout a reont bevañ an eil gant egile en ur spered a genvreudeuriezh. • Mellad pemzek (15) Pep den en deus gwir da gaout ur vroadelezh. Den ebet ne vo tennet e vroadelezh digantañ nag ar gwir da gemmañ e vroadelezh diouzh c'hoant. 8) GIZA ESKUBIDEEN ALDARRIKAPEN UNIBERTSALA • 1. atala Gizon-emakume guztiak aske jaiotzen dira, duintasun eta eskubide berberak dituztela; eta ezaguera eta kontzientzia dutenez gero, elkarren artean senide legez jokatu beharra dute. • 15. atala Pertsona orok du herritartasuna izateko eskubidea. Inori ezingo zaio arrazoirik gabe herritartasuna kendu, ezta herritartasuna aldatzeko eskubidea ukatu ere. 9) DECLARACION UNIVERSALA DELS DRETS HUMANS • Article 1 Totes los èssers umans naisson liures e egals en dignitat e en dreches. Son dotats de rason e de consciéncia e se devon comportar los unes amb los autres dins un esperit de fraternitat. • Article 15 Tot individú a drech a un nacionalitat. Degun pòt pas èsser privat arbitràriament de sa nacionalitat ni del drech de cambiar de nacionalitat. The Basque Country-Navarre by R.S.M.
Languages spoken in the French Republic, Kingdom of Spain and the UK 10) DECLARACIÓ UNIVERSAL DE DRETS HUMANS • Article 1 Tots els éssers humans neixen lliures i iguals en dignitat i en drets. Són dotats de raó i de consciència, i han de comportar-se fraternalment els uns amb els altres. • Article 15 Tota persona té dret a una nacionalitat. Ningú no serà privat arbitràriament de la seva nacionalitat, ni del dret de canviar de nacionalitat. 11) DECLARACIÓN UNIVERSALDE LOS DRECHOS HUMANOS • Artículu 1 Tolos seres humanos nacen llibres y iguales en dignidá y drechos y, pola mor de la razón y la conciencia de so, han comportase hermaniblemente los unos colos otros. • Artículu 15 Toa persona tien drechu a una nacionalidá. A naide se-y quitará arbitrariamente la so nacionalidá nin el drechu a camudala. 12) DECLARACIÓN UNIVERSAL DOS DEREITOS DAS PERSOAS • Artigo 1ª. Tódolos seres humanos nacen libres e iguais en dignidade e dereitos e, dotados como están de razón e conciencia, díbense comportar fraternalmente uns cos outros. • Artigo 15ª. Toda persoa ten dereito a unha nacionalidade. Ninguín será privado arbitrariamente da súa nacionalidade nin do dereito a cambiar de nacionalidade. The Basque Country-Navarre by R.S.M.
Languages spoken in the French Republic, Kingdom of Spain and the UK 13) DATGANIAD CYFFREDINOL O HAWLIAU DYNOL • Erthygl 1 Genir pawb yn rhydd ac yn gydradd â'i gilydd mewn urddas a hawliau. Fe'u cynysgaeddir â rheswm a chydwybod, a dylai pawb ymddwyn y naill at y llall mewn ysbryd cymodlon. • Erthygl 15 Y mae gan bawb hawl i genedligrwydd. Ni ddylid amddifadu neb yn fympwyol o'u cenedligrwydd na gwrthod iddynt yr hawl i newid eu cenedligrwydd. 14) GAIRM CHOITCHEANN AIR COIRICHEAN A' CHINNE-DAONNA • Bonn 1. Tha gach uile dhuine air a bhreth saor agus co-ionnan ann an urram 's ann an còirichean. Tha iad air am breth le reusan is le cogais agus mar sin bu chòir dhaibh a bhith beò nam measg fhein ann an spiorad bràthaireil, • Bonn 15. Tha còir aig gach neach a bhith air ainmeachadh gu nàiseanta. Chan fhaodar a dhùthchas nàiseanta, neo a chòir air a dhùthchas nàiseanta atharrachadh, àicheadh air neach air bith. Did you know there were so many? Which languages are they? Number 1 is? Number 2, 3…? Do they have an official status? The Basque Country-Navarre by R.S.M.
Languages in France The Basque Country-Navarre by R.S.M.
Languages in Spain The Basque Country-Navarre by R.S.M.
The Basque Country in the past. First written vestiges in Aquitanian inscriptions The Basque Country-Navarre by R.S.M.
Languages in south-western Europe in the first century AD The Basque Country-Navarre by R.S.M.
The Basque speaking tribes in the 5th century AD The Basque Country-Navarre by R.S.M.
Fast regression of Basque language after the invasion of Navarre and the laws that unified education under the Sapnish and French languages The Basque Country-Navarre by R.S.M.
Agur Jaunak: different but equal Agur Jaunak Jaunak agur, agur t’erdi, Jaungoikoak eiñak gire zuek eta bai gu ere. Agur Jaunak, agur, Jaunak agur, hemen gire, Agur Jaunak. Greetings ladies and gentlemen Greetings Best wishes God created us allyou andus as well.Greetings ladies and gentlemen Greetings Best wishes and we are here in this landGreetings ladies and gentlemen The Basque Country-Navarre by R.S.M.
But the only way to know the Basque Country-Navarre is to visit it. It’s just around the corner. You’ll be welcome. See you, friends!! Gero arte, lagunak!! The Basque Country-Navarre by R.S.M.