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Zooplankton Collections of Marine Biological Center IORD, Tokai University Shozo SAWAMOTO. A. B. A CSK International Zooplankton Collection (Fifty vials with label are put in a paper box according to each taxon.) B MBC Macrozooplankton Collection
Zooplankton Collections of Marine Biological Center IORD, Tokai University Shozo SAWAMOTO A B ACSK International Zooplankton Collection (Fifty vials with label are put in a paper box according to each taxon.) BMBC Macrozooplankton Collection (Vials with label are contained in a bottle according to each cruise.)
CSK International Zooplankton Collection ・UNESCO Project, 1965-1974, ・Norpac net: conical net for vertical haul from 150 m to the surface
Data Reports ・Primary sorting (ca. 40 taxa. Secondary sorting for Decapoda and Copepoda) (National Science Museum of Japan and Regional Marine Biological Centre for Southeast Asia, Singapore) ・Data Reports mentioned sampling data and sorting results (published from 1971 to 1977)
Example of Data Sheet of the CSK Zooplankton Collection (NSM #164, Yamazi, 1971) Sampling data and result of primary sorting are shown for each sample. (The Collection was maintained till March 1978 at the Regional Marine Biological Centre for Southeast Asia. The collection was transferred to Marine Biological Center, Tokai University in April 1978.)
Sorted samples loaned to specialists International Senior Specialist Group (ISSG) (1968-1977) Dr. H. Irie (Japan), Chairman, Dr. B. D. Lee (Korea) Dr. E. O. Tan (Philippines), Dr. E. Yu-F. Shen (China) Dr. M. S. Kun (USSR) Selection of specialists who can study on the sorted specimens.
Activity of MBC to plankton specialists 1980: Marine Biological Center: Report on CSK International Zooplankton Collection. 16p. Motoda. S.:CSK International Zooplankton Collection.Bull.Plank. Soc.Japan,27(1):41~45. 1981: Motoda,S.: CSK Zooplankton specimens available for study.Bull. Plank.Soc.Japan,28(2):184~186. 1984: Marine Biological Center: CSK International Zooplankton Collection deposited in Marine Biological Center Tokai University.15p. 1993: Kubota, T. : CSK international zooplankton specimens available for study. Bull. Plank. Soc. Japan, 40(1), 75-79. Preparation for study: web site (e.g., CMarZ) for specialists interested in the taxa of the CSK International Zooplankton Collection.
Management of the CSK Collection • Data management 1) sampling data (date, time, position, name of vessels, depth of tow, etc.) 2) results of primary sorting name of taxa, number of animals 3) reports from specialists name of species identified and record of occurrence Data of 1) and 2) are compiled using Microsoft Excel. Data of 3) are preparing and will be finished by March 2007. • Sample management Preservative check pH and volume of the preservative in the vials (5 % formalin solution buffered with borax.)
Record of loan to specialists Twenty taxa were loaned by 1993. Six taxa were returned to MBC.
Scientific papers on the CSK Collection 1981-2006 • Chaetognatha: 2 papers • Copepoda: 1 paper • Cladocera: 2 papers • Hyperiidea (Scina): 1 paper • Caprelidea: 1 paper • Ostracoda: 1 paper
1981 Kotori.M.:Chaetognaths from the northwestern North Pacific Ocean,with an estimation of relative strength of the subarctic water by the species composition (CSK International Zooplankton Collection).Res.Inst.N.Pac.Fish,Hokkaido Univ., Spec.Vol., 45-53. 1983 Hattori,H.and S.Motoda:Regional difference in Zooplankton communities in the western North Pacific Ocean (CSK Data). Bull.Plank.Soc.Japan,30 (1):53-63. 1985 Kotori,M.: Chaetognath populations and their seasonal change in the northwestern Pacific Ocean (CSK International Collection). Bull.Plank.Soc.Japan,32 (1):15-22. 1989 Kim, S.W.and T.Onbe:Observations on the biology of the marine cladoceran Podon schmackeri.J.Crust.Biol., 9(1): 54-59. Kim, S.W.and T.Onbe:Distribution and zoogeography of the marine cladoceran Podon sehmackeri in the northwestern Pacific.Mar.Biol., 102(2):203-210. Scientific papers on the CSK Collection
1990 Zeidler,W.:Pelagic amphipods,Infraorder Physosomata (Crustacea;Amphipoda; Hyperiidea) from the CSK International Zooplankton Collection (western North Pacific), with the description of four new species of Scina.Publ.Seto.Mar.Biol.Lab., 34 (4/6): 167-200. 1994 Chen, R., J. Lin and W. Zeng: The distribtuion of planktonic Ostracoda between the source of Kuroshio and west of Taiwan Strait. Acta Oceanol. Sinica, 13(3): 445-452. 1998 Takeuechi, I. and S. Sawamoto: Distribution of caprellid amphipods (Crustacea) in the western North Pacific based on the CSK International Zooplankton Collection. Plankton Biol.Ecol., 45 (2):225-230. 2006 Othman, B. H. R. and T. Toda: Pontellid copepods from Singapore. Coastal Marine Science 30 (1): 305-319. Scientific papers on the CSK Collection
Macrozooplankton CollectionReserch vessels of Tokai University, surface to 1000m layer, with 160cm ring nets, 1980-present
Sorting room of MBC, IORD Tokai University Air conditioner and exhaust pipe for preservative are equipped. Two part-timers support curatorial work there.
Sampling and sorting data(Kubota et al., 1992, Kubota & Sawamoto1993,1996)Data are compiled using Microsoft Excel.
Scientific papers on MBC Collection from 1984 to 2006 • Copepoda: 3 papers • Chaetognatha: 1 paper • Euphausiacea: 1 paper • Pisces: 3 papers • Cephalopoda (larvae): 1 paper • Siphonophora: 1 paper There are three data reports describing sampling data and sorting results.
1984 児玉公成・久保田 正:駿河湾産CalanoidaおよびCyclopoida (Copepoda) 目録.東海大学 海洋研究所研究報告,(6),29-40. 1986 児玉公成・磯竹正道・梶原弘子・山中琢也・久保田 正:1983年3月及び5月,熊野灘におけ る北方性動物プランクトンの出現について.日本生物地理学会報,41(9),71-77. 1988 Mochioka,N.,0.Tabeta and T.Kubota:A pre-leptocephalus larva of Conger myriaster (Family Congridae) collected from SurugaBay,central Japan.Japan.J. Ichthyol., 35(2),184-188. 1989 久保田 正・才木栄作・小早川 誠:駿河湾におけるハダカイワシ科魚類の季節的出現と鉛 直分布について.東海大学海洋研究所研究報告,(10),21-30. 1991 児玉公成・久保田 正:駿河湾における大型かいあし類20種の昼夜鉛直分布.東海大学海 洋研究所研究報告,(11/12),9-28. 1992 澤本彰三:駿河湾のオキアミ類出現種組成.東海大学海洋研究所研究報告,(13),85- 96. 久保田 正・澤本彰三・岸本浩和:東海大学海洋研究所海洋生物センターの大型浮遊生物 調査研究概要,1980-1985年.東海大学海洋研究所研究報告,(13),105-120. Scientific papers
Scientific papers (cont.) 1993 久保田 正・澤本彰三:東海大学海洋研究所海洋生物センターの大型浮遊生物調査研究概 要,1985-1992年.東海大学海洋研究所研究報告,(14),151-163. 1995 佐野健太・北河康之・久保田 正:駿河湾における北方性魚類のソコイワシBathylagus ochotensis(ソコイワシ科)の出現.東海大学紀要海洋学部,(40),81-94. 1996 久保田 正・澤本彰三:東海大学海洋研究所海洋生物センターの大型浮遊生物調査研究 概要,1979~1985年(駿河湾を除く).東海大学海洋研究所研究報告,(17),65-87. 1998 久保田 正・酒井秀樹・永井秀樹・松原加江・奥谷喬司:駿河湾における浮遊性頭足類幼体 の出現種および鉛直分布.東海大学紀要海洋学部,(46),67-86. Soh,H.Y.,S.Ohtsuka,H.lmabayashi and S.Sawamoto:Gausia princeps(Scott) (Copepoda,Calanoida,Metridinidae)from the lndo-Pacific,with notes on the zoogeography of thegenus. SpeciesDiversity,3,169-186. 2006 Itoh, H. Y. Ono and T. Kubota: Vertical distribution of large-size chaetognaths in Suruga Bay, Central Japan. J. School Mar. Sci. Technol., Tokai Univ., 4(1), 1-13. Pages, F., P. Flood and M. Youngbluth: Gelatinous zooplankton net-collected in the Gulf of Maine and adjacent submarine canyons: new species, new family (Jeanbouilloniidae), taxonomic remarks and some parasites. Sci. Mar., 70(3), 363-379.
A B Examples of vials (Reducing preservative is main problem for a vial containing zooplankton specimens. Bottle type A with an inner lid and type B with a gasket are used for sorted specimens. )