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EVPP 550 Waterscape Ecology and Management. Professor R. Christian Jones Fall 2007. Energy, Stratification, and Mixing. What happens to the energy as the light is absorbed by the lake? 2 nd law of thermodynamics state that all forms of energy eventually degrade to heat
EVPP 550Waterscape Ecology and Management Professor R. Christian Jones Fall 2007
Energy, Stratification, and Mixing • What happens to the energy as the light is absorbed by the lake? • 2nd law of thermodynamics state that all forms of energy eventually degrade to heat • As heat is added to water, temperature of water increases • Temperature of water determines its density and helps drive stratification
Heat vs. Temperature • Heat is the thermal energy content of a substance • Heat is created from other energy forms such as light and chemical bonds • The heat content of a substance is reflected in its temperature • Heat flows from substances of higher temperature to those of lower temperature
Stratification • Stable stratification results when waters of differing densities are positioned vertically in order of their density • In other words, more density (heavier) water lies below less dense (lighter) water • Work is required to break down this density gradient • Stability of stratification is the work required to uniformly mix a stratified lake
Mixis • Mixis is the state when the water body is mixed • If the entire water body mixes on a regular basis, it’s called holomixic • If only a portion normally mixes, its called meromictic • If the water body never mixes, its called amictic
Holomictic Lakes • Dimictic (temperate) Lakes • Stratification occurs in summer and winter • Mixing periods occur in spring and fall • Summer pattern
Dimictic Lakes – Annual Cycle Seasonal heating and cooling Wind creating turbulence
Dimictic Lakes – Annual Cycle Seasonal heating and cooling Wind creating turbulence
Dimictic Lakes – Annual Cycle • Note lakes regions defined by temperature profile • Metalimnion: zone where temp changes at least 1oC per m • Epilimnion: mixed layer above that • Hypolimnion: fairly stagnant layer below that
Dimictic Lakes – Annual Cycle • In addition to the main thermocline forming the metalimnion, temporary thermoclines can form within the epilimnion due to diel heating and cooling
Dimictic Lake – Annual Cycle • Annual cycle depicted by isopleths (Mountain Lake, VA)
Monomictic Lakes • Lakes that circulate once per year are called monomictic lakes • If the circulation is only in the warm season, they are called “cold” monomictic because these lakes are normally found in colder areas (near polar) • If the circulation is only in the cold season, they are called “warm” monomictic because these lakes are normally found in warmer areas (subtropical areas like southern US)
Warm Monomictic Lakes • Seasonal cycle similar to dimictic, but ice cover and winter stratification • Generally found in subtropical areas, but may be found as far north as New York if lake is deep and can’t cool below 4oC (ex. Cayuga L and L Ontario) Lake Windermere, England
Cold Monomictic Lakes • Seasonal cycle similar to dimictic, but no summer stratification • Restricted to polar areas; dependent on wind mixing to break down incipient stratification
Polymictic Lakes • These lakes stratify and mix many times per year • Often have a daily stratification and mixing cycle • Most common in the tropics
Polymictic Lakes • Shallow temperate zone lakes can also be polymictic including the GMU Pond • Note the daily stratification and mixing pattern
Lake Mixis Summary • Type of lake mixis can generally be predicted based on latitude and depth
Oligomictic Lakes • Mix very infrequently • Tropical areas with little temperature fluctuation • Or large lakes where cooling and the wind are not sufficient to mix the entire water mass • The infrequent mixings can result in release of large quantities of CO2 with lethal effects Lake Nyos
Meromictic Lakes • Entire water body never turns over • Permanent stratification • Bottom water generally has a high concentration of dissolved material which increases its density well beyond what it would be at 4oC
Meromictic Lakes • Causes of Meromixis • Biogenic: dissolved substances derived from bacterial decay of organic matter and diffusion from the sediments • Ectogenic: dissolved substances originate from mineral salts introduced from the surrounding watershed (or freshwater flows on top of an existing salt lake) • Crenogenic: dissolved substances originate from subsurface flows containing mineral salts
Merimictic Lakes • An additional requirement for merimixis, esp biogenic, is a deep, steeply sloped basin, protected from the wind (zr = 5-22% compared to <2% for most lakes)
Other Water Movements • Surface currents/Ekman drift • Wind-generated • In large deep lakes the wind generated current is deflected 45o due to Earth’s rotation • As lake size decreases, angle decreases approaching 0 in small lakes • In general water velocity is about 2% of surface velocity • Reverse current is generated in below surface waters
Water Movements • Langmuir circulation • Motions induced by wind turbulence can be organized into vertical helical currents in the upper layers of lakes • Spiral orient with the wind and result in accumulation of floating material and even organisms at downwelling (convergence) sites
Water Movements • Hypolimnetic currents • Even during stratification, some movements occur within the hypolimnion • Under ice, currents have also been demonstrated
Water Movements • Seiches are free oscillation of the entire lake following water displacement, normally by high sustained winds • External seiche is the oscillation of the water’s surface • Internal seiche is the oscillation at the thermocline
Water Movements • Seiche amplitude is a function of the energy applied (wind stress) (+) and the density difference between the two layers (-) • External seiches are generally quite small due to large density difference between water and air • Some typical values: Lake Mendota 1-2 mm, Lake Geneva 1.9 m, and Lake Michigan (1954) 3 m
Water Movements • Internal seiches are generally much greater in amplitude due to much smaller difference between epilimnion and hypolimnion • A surface seiche of 10 mm would correspond to an internal seiche of 6.7 m
Seiches and Profiles • Seiches can be determined by observing changing temperature profiles at a given point
General Summary of Water Movement in Lakes • This figure summarizes the range of types of lake movements that can occur in lakes
Chemistry of Lakes - Oxygen • Oxygen is the second most abundant element in the atmosphere (20%) • But is only weakly soluble in water (10 ppm) • Most aquatic organisms require 4-5 mg/L for survival • So… oxygen can be a limiting factor in aquatic systems
Chemistry of Lakes - Oxygen • Henry’s Law governs the solubility of gasses in water • Saturation conc = partial pressure x solubility factor • Solubility factor is a function of temp, in water it decreases with increasing temp • Altitude decreases partial pressure and decreases saturation conc • Dissolved solids decrease solubility factor thereby decreasing saturation conc
Lake Chemistry - Oxygen • Sources • Atmosphere • Photosynthesis • 6CO2 + 6H20 + light C6H12O6 + O2 • Sinks • Atmosphere • Respiration • Chemical oxidation • Gas bubbles
Lake Chemistry - Oxygen • Diurnal variation • Oxygen can increase rapidly near the surface during the day due to photosynthesis • In L. Victoria polymictic conditions mean that the lake turns over virtually every evening
Lake Chemistry - Oxygen • Vertical Distribution • Varies with lake type • Very productive lakes lose oxygen during stratification
Lake Chemistry - Oxygen • The absence of oxygen can allow other chemicals like H2S to build up
Lake Chemistry - Oxygen • Very pure lakes can exhibit a different curve called a clinograde curve in which O2 increases with depth • Why? • What about curve c?
Lake Chemistry - Oxygen • Other unusual DO profiles – Redberry Lake, Saskatchewan • Any ideas about what is happening here?
Lake Chemistry - Oxygen • Does this help?