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Learn IBM Sterling B2B from Industry Leading experts.

IBM Sterling B2B Integrator training introduces you to the Map Editor, mapping, and the Graphical Process Modeler. After the training you will able to create maps and business processes and also process data to trade with the trading partners. The course provides detailed information on the IBM Sterling B2B Map Editor that is used to map the inbound and outbound business process, and create and execute a business process. The IBM Sterling B2B integrator training also deals with the creation of envelopes and the adaptors required for the process. The training is primarily defined for Sterling B2B Integrator map developers, support, services, tester and EDI end users.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. IBM SterlingB2B Integrator Training A presentation byMaxMunus

  2. WHAT YOU'LLLEARN? IBM STERLING B 2 BINTEGRATOR TRAINING This IBM Sterling B2B Integrator training introduces you to the Map Editor, mapping, and the Graphical Process Modeler. After thetrainingyouwillabletocreatemapsand business processes and also process data to trade withthe trading partners. IBMSTERLINGB2BINTEGRATORTRAINING

  3. COURSECONTENT WHY DOEDI? EDI origin andhistory DifferencebetweenX12,EDIFACTandXML BasiccomponentsandtechnologyneededtoperformEDI Communications software, VAN'sand interconnects HowEDItransactionsaretransmitted,received, translated/processedandtrackedbetweentradingpartners Understanding standardsmanuals UnderstandingEDItradingpartnerimplementationguides What is EDI datamapping? IBMSTERLINGB2BINTEGRATORTRAINING

  4. INTERMEDIATE DATA MAPPINGCURRICULUM Filedefinitions Applicationdatatypes(fixedlength,delimited,namedrecords,etc.) Application data vs. EDIdata Map Editorand Mapping Data conversion Variables Conditional / logicalexpressions Common mappinghurdles Troubleshooting and debuggingtechniques Inbound 850Map Administering Maps Outbound 810 Map Mapping Best Practices What is BusinessProcess? Discuss Business ProcessModeling UnderstandhowtocreateabusinessprocessusingtheGraphicalProcess Modeler IBMSTERLINGB2BINTEGRATORTRAINING

  5. COURSECONTENT INTERMEDIATE BPCURRICULUM Inbound Business Processes Viewing Business ProcessResult Outbound Business Processes WhatisSterlingB2BIntegrator? How to set up a trading partner Acknowledgements IBMSTERLINGB2BINTEGRATORTRAINING

  6. COURSECONTENT INTERMEDIATE SICURRICULUM DiscussthebasicsofSterlingB2BIntegrator Be Familiar with Sterling B2B Integrator User Interfaces Explain the Components of Sterling B2B Integrator Understand how to install the Graphical Process Modeler Understand how to execute and track a Business Process ExplainhowSterlingB2BIntegratorusesBPMLandXPath UnderstandhowtoConfigureServices UnderstandhowtoInstalltheMapEditor Introduction to Property Files Understanding data processing flows Reporting tools (ex. FAreport) Logs and errorreports Troubleshooting IBMSTERLINGB2BINTEGRATORTRAINING

  7. COURSECONTENT EDI BEST PRACTICES CLASS CURRICULUM: Gettingstarted Business rules/Processflow Communicationsprotocols - difference among andbenefits of variousprotocols Mapping bestpractices Object VersionManagement Archiving Implementation IBMSTERLINGB2BINTEGRATORTRAINING



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