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High Value Patents and Infringement Cases of Cloud Computing Technology

Cloud computing is undergoing tremendous growth since the computing industry is gradually switching to the cloud. Companies are rapidly filing, selling, acquiring, licensing and monetizing cloud patents due to the growing importance of cloud systems. In patent lawsuits, these patents are now being more aggressively enforced.<br><br>Over the last few years, patent litigation for cloud computing has increased.<br><br>For more information, please visit @<br>https://www.iebrain.com/high-value-patent-and-infringement-cases-of-cloud-computing-technology/

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High Value Patents and Infringement Cases of Cloud Computing Technology

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  1. High Value Patents and Infringement Cases of Cloud ComputingTechnology Cloud computing is undergoing tremendous growth since the computing industry is gradually switchingtothecloud. Companiesarerapidlyfiling, selling,acquiring,licensingand monetizingcloudpatentsduetothegrowingimportanceofcloudsystems.Inpatentlawsuits, thesepatentsarenowbeingmore aggressivelyenforced. Over the last few years, patent litigation for cloud computing has increased. Togain an edge inthemarket,organizationsacquireandassertbroadpatentstosuecompetitorsforinfringing thepatentclaims. 1.US8856221B2 TheUS’s221patentassignedtoROTHSCHILDBROADCASTDISTRIBUTIONSYSTEMSLLC describes a remote server system to receive a request message with media content and consumer device identifier corresponding to a consumer device. The processor determines that the consumer device identifier corresponds to theregistered consumer device.The requested media content is available for storage when the request message is the storage requestmessage anddeliversmedia contenttothe consumerdevice. Rothschild Broadcast Distribution Systems has already filed a patent infringement against ZoomVideo Communications, Inc. Rothschild Broadcast Distribution Systems accused Zoom ofinfringing atleast claim7ofthe’ 221. 2.US9098526B1 The US’526 assigned to SYNKLOUD TECHNOLOGIESLLC describes awirelessdevicethat couples with a storage server across the wireless link to carry out a requested operation for remote access to assigned storage space in response to an operation performed by the user. The processfortheremote accesstoassignedstoragespacecomprisesstorageorretrievalof a data object. The data object is stored while downloading a file from a remote server across anetworkintotheassignedstoragespacebyutilizingdownloadinformationforthefilestored incache storagetodownloadtheoperationperformedbythe user. SynkloudTechnologiesLLC has alleged that HP infringesUS’526patents usingMicrosoft Onedrive cloudstorageinHP products. For moreinformation,pleasevisit @ https://www.iebrain.com/high-value-patent-and-infringement-cases-of-cloud-computing- technology/ AboutIngeniouse-BrainSolutions: - Ingenious e-Brain Solutionsprovideshigh-quality,customized, andcost-effectiveTechnology Intelligence,BusinessIntelligence, andIntellectualPropertyIntelligencesolutions toindustry leaders,andinnovativecompaniesacrosstheglobe.Innovation,knowledge,andtransparencyform

  2. thebasisofourcompany’smissionandvision.Alongwithcostbenefits,weprovidehighestquality results ensuring fool-proof confidentiality and security. We are an ISO certified company with offices inIndiaandUSA. Ingeniouse-BrainSolutionshasastrongteamof analysts,andsubjectmatterexpertswithdomain proficiency whichisdevotedtohelpclients grow.Ourhighlyqualifiedprofessionals offertailored, value-addedandcost-effectiveservicestoourclients.Webelieveinbuildinglongterm relationshipswithourclientswhoincludenationalandinternationalcorporations,Fortune500 companies, world’sleadingresearchinstitutesanduniversitiesaswellasindependentinventors. GetinTouch:- IndiaOffice 207-208 WelldoneTechPark,SohnaRoad Sector48,Gurugram,Haryana122018,India +911244294218 Email:- queries@iebrain.com

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