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Infringement Analysis

Ingeniousu2019 patent licensing service ensures that your IP is protected from being infringed upon by companies in core and non-core market areas and allows you to license and monetize your IP. We at Ingenious help our clients by conducting detailed searches to identify any products that may infringe on their patents. The product search includes preparing a list of players in the core and non-core market areas relevant to the patents and the companies.<br><br>For more information, please visit below page and schedule a call with our experts@<br>https://www.iebrain.com/ipintelligence/infringement-analysis/

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Infringement Analysis

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  1. IngeniousInfringementAnalysisServices • Ingenious’patentlicensingserviceensuresthatyourIPisprotectedfrombeinginfringeduponby companiesincoreandnon-coremarketareas andallowsyoutolicenseandmonetizeyourIP.Weat Ingenioushelpourclientsby conducting detailed searchesto identify any productsthatmay infringe ontheirpatents.Theproductsearchincludespreparingalistofplayersin the coreandnon-core marketareasrelevanttothepatentsandthecompaniesinfringingonthepatents. • At Ingenious, we prepare Evidence Of Use (EoU) / Claim charts to provide a detailed mapping of everyelementofthepatentclaim(s)with theinfringing(accused)productorastandard.EoU charts helplawyers,attorneys,andcounselsindeterminingtheinfringementofthepatent.ClientsuseEoUs to show infringement by a product/standard and include evidence based on which the target product/standard isaccused.AnEoUchart representsevidenceforeachclaimelementinagraphical ortabularform.WeprepareRule11EoUchartsforourclientsshowing theoverlapofpatentclaims withevidencefromproductdocumentation.Detailed productevidenceisincludedin theEoUchart foreachclaimlimitationindividually. • WhyisPatentInfringementAnalysisImperative? • Toeffectivelymanagethepatentportfolio. • TorecognizeSEP(StandardEssentialPatent). • Torigorouslyanalyzecompetitors’productsorservicesforinfringement. • Togetinformedaboutthepotential infringementclaimsfiled bycompetitors. • Togeneraterevenuebylicensing ourclient’spatentproductortechnologytonewplayersor byinfringingonthemfortheexplorationofyourasset. • WhyIngeniouse-BrainforPatentInfringementAnalysis? • Wedraftcomprehensiveinfringementanalysisreports basedonexhaustivepatentand infringementsearches. • WedevelopproposalsforaptIPstrategiesbasedontheresultsofdetailedinfringement searches. • Ourdedicated teamperformshands-ontestingonmostproductsto determineinfringement claims. • Weassistclientswiththeirpatentrightsandspecifythescopeoffurthermodificationsintheir productfora successfulgrant. • Formoreinformation,pleasevisitbelowpageandscheduleacallwithourexperts@ • https://www.iebrain.com/ipintelligence/infringement-analysis/ • About Ingeniouse-Brain:– • Ingeniouse-Brainprovideshigh-quality,customized,andcost-effectiveTechnologyResearch, BusinessResearch,and IntellectualProperty Research solutions toindustryleaders, and innovative companies across the globe. Innovation, knowledge, and transparency form the basis of our company’s mission and vision. Along with cost benefits, we provide highest qualityresultsensuring fool-proof confidentialityandsecurity.Weare an ISOcertified companywithofficesin IndiaandUSA.

  2. Ingenious e-Brain has a strong team of analysts, and subject matter experts with domain proficiency which is devoted to help clients grow. Our highly qualified professionals offer tailored, value-added and cost-effective services to our clients. We believe in building long termrelationshipswithourclientswhoincludenationaland internationalcorporations,Fortune 500 companies, world’s leading research institutes and universities as well as independent inventors. Get inTouch:– USAOffice: 646SuttonWay#1006 Grass Valley,CA95945UnitedStates +1-347-480-2054 IndiaOffice 207-208 Welldone TechPark, Sohna Road Sector48,Gurugram, Haryana122018,India +91124 429 4218 Email:contact@iebrain.com

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