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Technology Landscape Analysis

For more information visit our website here@<br>https://www.iebrain.com/services/technology-intelligence/technology-landscape/<br><br>In todayu2019s era companies are actively working towards sustainable business expansion by addressing the aspects of When, Where & How can they boost their business globally. Dedicating to new & disruptive technology can be a game-changing decision for any company. Due to the speed at which any trend or technology changes today, making the right decision related to technology choice is critical to success.

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Technology Landscape Analysis

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  1. TechnologyLandscape • Intoday’s era companiesare actively workingtowards sustainablebusinessexpansion by addressing theaspectsof When,Where&How canthey boosttheir businessglobally.Dedicatingtonew & disruptivetechnology canbeagame-changingdecisionfor anycompany.Due tothe speedatwhich anytrendortechnology changestoday,making the rightdecisionrelated totechnology choice is criticaltosuccess. • Throughtechnologylandscape analysis,best-suited solutionstothe field of interest canbe provided. • Itcan provideinformation related toemerging,latest,orfuturetrendsofinnovationthatare • relevanttothecompany’s long-termplans.Thestudycan alsogivean overview ofregulatorynorms andcompliances relevanttotechnology andways ofcommercializationof the technology. • Therefore,thetechnologylandscapeis aninitialpointof along-termand interactivematching processbetweenexternaland internaltechnologies requirements for strategicpurposes. • TechnologyLandscapecanImpactStrategic-DecisionMaking: • Technology Landscaping helps in simplifying complex business issues and assesses a wide range of questions including technology readiness, fit with performance and maturity requirements, as well asregulatory,technology,andproductcomparativeanalysis. • This information can be used to prioritize key focus areas and make recommendations on where to placetechnology andcapital investments tomeetbusiness goalsand demands. • TechnologyLandscapecanstrengthencompanies’decision-makingthrough: • Filteringoutvarioustechnology domains into actionable priorities • Estimatingtherelevance of emerging technology toexistingproductsor sectors inthe market • Assistinginunderstandingthe implicationofnewlyaccessed technology • Connectsseeminglyto un-relatedtechnologydomains • Uncoverspaths asthe potential solutions oroutcomesofthechallenges notpreviously considered • WhenshouldyouperformTechnology Landscaping? • Whenoneneedsto: • Enhance performance orseeknew ideas,methodologies,or technologiesfromotherfields andsectors • Accessthe potentialtechnology investments andevaluatewhichpathoffers the greatest benefitinreturn • Evaluatecomplexregulatory, andcompetitivetechnologyfactors • Determine alternate ways of approachinga problem whena shiftin the marketlandscape occurs • Key BenefitsofTechnologyLandscaping: • There is a wide range of implications of technology landscape analysis and varies depending on the backgroundof acompany/individual/firm.The technology landscape can unlocktechnological superiority bycreating a distinguishablecompetitive advantagefor yourcompany.

  2. However, the scope of such a study employs most or all the following advantages of conducting this study toprovide acompetitive edge todifferentorganizationsmentionedbelow: DeterminingDisruptive Technologies:Allows companiesto identify keyperformance indicators todetermine the impactof any technologyandits associated developmentsin nearfuture. Forecast Trends: Tracks and forecasts shift in technological and economic changes of significantrelevancetothefutureoftheindustry. Competitive Benchmarking:Explainsthe degreeoftechnologydispersion between start-ups andkey companies inanindustry. Be Prepared:Evaluatetheeconomic impactoftechnologydevelopment anddeployment beforethey arise. OpenNewMarkets:Assesstheimpactofinnovativetechnologytrendson adjacent potentialmarketindustries. StayAhead ofCompetitors:Provides competitorresearchfocusedontrackingtheirR&D investmentsinnewtechnology/ methodology/ product. GivesaPerspective:Determinethescopeofcommercialization of emergingtechnologies trends.

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