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Achieving Intelligence". How do AI program achieve intelligent" behavior?Currently, three main paradigms:Neural NetsGenetic AlgorithmsSymbolic knowledge representation and search. Neural Nets. Model behavior of neuronsEach neuron has many InputsOutput is weighted sum of inputsTraining: adju
1. Aside on AI Will computers ever be intelligent?
Really intelligent?
Tasks that previously were thought to require intelligence:
adding and subtracting
playing chess
driving a car
recognizing speech or handwriting
translating to a foreign language
proving mathematical theorems
What does it mean to say that a computer is intelligent?
Is that the same as being a person? What is a person?
Is a computer program a person?
Is a person a computer program?
2. Achieving “Intelligence” How do AI program achieve “intelligent” behavior?
Currently, three main paradigms:
Neural Nets
Genetic Algorithms
Symbolic knowledge representation and search
3. Neural Nets Model behavior of neurons
Each neuron has many Inputs
Output is weighted sum of inputs
Training: adjusting the weights to improve behavior
Learning: networks improve performance with time
Feedback: large networks with feedback have very complicated behavior (pondering? dreams?)
Success: many (small) problems are handled well; bigger problems are problematic
4. Genetic Algorithms Many similar simulated organisms, each with its own program governing behavior
The organisms are run for a time, and their behavior is measured for fitness
The more successful organisms are more likely to cross (reproduce)
Random mutations can also be introduced in the programs
Each generation tends to have more successful behavior than the last, on average
Results: good for some optimization problems
5. Symbolic AI Represent a problem as a collection of logic (symbolic) statements
Characterize the initial condition symbolically
Characterize goal state symbolically
Characterize actions that are possible in the world as productions or changes to the initial condition
Search through possible actions to find a path to the goal
6. Search in Artificial Intelligence Represent your problem as a graph where nodes are states and edges are operators that go between states
Define problem states (nodes)
Identify start and goal states
Define operators (edges)
Use DFS or BFS to find goal
Example: Missionaries and cannibals problem
states: (3,3,1) ? 3 missionaries, 3 cannibals, and 1 boat on left side of river.
Operators: one or two people cross the river in the boat, so that there isn’t a cannibal majority on either side.
Goal: get to the other side?
7. Game Playing We could use DFS but…can’t search whole tree!
limit depth of search and use an evaluation function
We could use DFS but…how do we know which move the opponent will choose?
minimax algorithm: assume the opponent does what looks best.
i.e. at nodes where it is the human’s turn, pick the move that looks best for human. Where computer’s turn, pick the move that looks best for the computer
8. DFS/BFS Resource Requirements DFS:
O(n), n=number of nodes expanded
Space required?
O(d), d = depth of search
Can I cut off a search after 3 seconds?
Runtime? O(n)
Space required?
O(breadth of tree) = O(bd), b=branching factor
Can I cut off a search after 3 seconds?
Staged DFS: do a DFS of depth 1, 2, 3, … until out of time
Space required? O(d)
9. Mankalah An ancient gamed called Kalah or Mankalah uses stones and pits: 6 to a side and one on each end.
4 stones are initially placed in each side pit. None are in the end pits (called Kalahs – a player’s kalah is on her right).
A move consists of picking up the stones in a pit and distributing them, one at a time, in successive pits.
If the last stone is placed in your Kalah, you go again
If the last stone is placed in an empty pit on your side, you capture the stones in that pit and the opposite one, on the opponent’s side of the board. These are put into your Kalah.
The game ends when one player has no stones left; the other player puts all the remaining stones on her side into her Kalah.
Whoever ends with more stones in her Kalah wins.
? Can you make your Kalah program smarter than Bonzo?
10. Mankalah minimax Result minimaxVal(Board b, int d) // d is depth
if (b.GameOver() or d==0)
return new Result(0, evaluate(b))
if (b.whoseMove()==Board.TOP) //TOP is MAX
bestVal = -infinity
for (move=first; move<=last; move++)
if (b.legalMove(move) [and time not expired])
Board b1 = new Board(b) //duplicate board
b1.makeMove(move) //make the move
val=minimaxVal(b1,d-1) //find its value
if (val>bestVal) //remember if best
bestVal=val; bestMove=move
else // similarly for BOTTOM’s move
return new Result(bestMove,bestVal);
11. Heuristic Search Techniques What do you do when the search space is very large or infinite?
We’ll study three more AI search algorithms:
Backtracking search
Greedy search (Best-first)
12. Example: the 8-puzzle How would you use AI techniques to solve the 8-puzzle problem?
13. Symbolic AI solution Start state: 5 4 0 6 1 8 7 3 2 (e.g.)
Goal state: 1 2 3 8 0 4 7 6 5
Edges: sliding a tile. From start state:
5 4 8 6 1 0 7 3 2
5 0 4 6 1 8 7 3 2
What search algorithm should I use? Start with “building railroad links between cities” example
Try to solve it, using various data structuresStart with “building railroad links between cities” example
Try to solve it, using various data structures
14. Backtracking search Start at the start state
Search in any direction
Backtrack when stuck
This is really the same as
Used very frequently
E.g. Perl regular expression matching
E.g. finding a traveling salesman’s circuit
E.g. graph coloring Note how much easier it is to express the solution using a higher level, more abstract set of concepts (union-find operations vs. arrays etc.)Note how much easier it is to express the solution using a higher level, more abstract set of concepts (union-find operations vs. arrays etc.)
15. 09-08-04
How to get from Arad to Bucharest?
How to get from Isai to Fagaras?
16. Greedy Search (Best-first) Best-first search: like DFS, but pick the path that gets you closest to the goal first
Need a measure of distance from the goal
h(n) = estimated cost of cheapest path from n to goal
h(n) is a heuristic
Greed tends to work quite well (despite being one of the seven deadly sins)
But, it doesn’t always find the shortest path
Susceptible to false starts
May go down an infinite path with no way to reach goal
How to ensure you’ll find the best solution?
17. A* Can we apply the ideas of Dijkstra’s algorithm?
Pay attention to total path length, not just distance to the goal
f(n) = g(n) + h(n)
g(n) = distance traveled so far
h(n) = estimated remaining distance (heuristic)
A*: do a DFS-like search with lowest f(n) first
Does this guarantee an optimal solution?
18. Optimality of A* Suppose h(n) never overestimates(such heuristics are called admissible)
Note that f(n) always increases as search progresses
A* is complete and optimal (though often slower than best-first search)
The first limitation you are likely to run into with A* search: not enough RAM in your computer…
19. Heuristics for the 8-puzzle What would a good, admissible heuristic be for the 8-puzzle?
h1: number of tiles out of place
h2: total distance of squares from destinations
20. Results of A* Consider solving the 8-puzzle by search, using the following algorithms
IDS (iterative deepening search): like staged DFS.
A* with heuristic h1
A* with heuristic h2
Will each be able to find the shortest solution?
Which one will find it most quickly?
Which ones will use lots of memory?
22. AI and Personhood AI proponents:
a machine as complex as a brain would be as intelligent as a person
maybe it would be a person.
Hidden assumptions:
intelligence: I/O, storage, and processing capabilities
the brain: a machine whose function can be duplicated by other machines (and function is what matters)
a person: an intelligent hunk of meat
23. What makes a person? Is there anything to being a person besides “intelligence”?
Consciousness: is it an ‘epiphenomenon’ – or can it affect the body?
Will: do we make real choices, or are they determined by the laws of physics?
Affections: is there a ‘love’ algorithm?
Spirit: is there a human capability to know God beyond the five sense?
Moral responsibility: what are you doing when you kick your computer – punishment?
24. What are these views called? “all the world (including the brain and mind) operate according to physical laws”
Materialism [or metaphysical materialism]
“There is a part of the mind (or soul or spirit) that is outside of nature, exempt from physical laws”
Dualism [or Cartesian dualism]
“The mind is the program running on the ‘wet-ware’ of the brain”
Functionalism [or non-reductive materialism]
25. Non-Reductive Materialism Characteristics
there is no non-physical part of a person
mental processes can be localized in the brain
consciousness, will, etc. are real, but they are an ‘emergent property’ of brain function
How could there be a real will or moral responsibility?
Where is the intensionality or meaning?
What then can a verse like Matt. 10:28 mean? [Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.]
What about the existence of angels, God if there is no second substance?
What of church history and doctrine?
26. Cartesian Dualism Characteristics
The soul is a second substance, created by God, like the Angels
The mind is a faculty of the soul, and it can affect the body
Whatever the brain does, it is not the mind
A second substance is messy…
Where does this soul come from? How does it affect the body without breaking the laws of nature?
It seems that current research is localizing more and more mental processes in the brain…
What does this do to the science of AI?