My Birthstone By Ashleigh
Birthstones There are Modern, Traditional, Mystical and Ayurvedic birthstones. Modern and Traditional are the most common. Modern birthstones are the ones that is the official list from the American National Association of Jewelers, Jewelers of America. The Traditional ones are older birthstones.
My birthstones Here are some of my birthstones. Click on the birthstone that you want to learn about. 1.Pearl 2.Cat Eye 3.Agate 4.Turquoise 5.Moonstone 6.Alexandrite 8. Chalcedony
Pearl My birthday is in June so Pearl is one of my birthstone. Pearl means Modesty, purity, beauty and happiness. Pearl is made when a oyster is irritant. A oyster can be irritant by a grain of sand. The oyster coats the piece of sand over and over and a pearl is formed. Pearls are usually white but can be tinted cream, pink, yellow, green, blue, brown, purple or black. Black pearls are rare so they are expensive. There are two types of pearls freshwater and saltwater oysters. Most freshwater pearls today are farmed from mussels in China. Saltwater pearls are formed by oysters in the ocean, usually in protected oyster farms in lagoons
Cat eye Cat eye means any of various that reflect light when cut in a rounded shape. Cat's eye gemstone is found in south India, Ceylon, Brazil, China and many other countries. Cat's eye is found in yellow, black, dark or smoky-green, and white. Cat eye looks like a eye of a cat. Cat's eye gemstones usually used on making beads.
Agate Agate is a metamorphic rock. Agate are White ,grey, light blue, orange ,red and black. Agate were made 50 million years ago. Agate has been a very popular stone and adored by many people. Agate is found all over the world including Africa, Asia, Brazil, Egypt, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico, Nepal and USA. Agate means intelligence, will power and wisdom. Agate comes from silica which comes from volcanoes. The ash, water, rain, manganese, iron, and other minerals of the earth form together to create agate under pressure and heat. Agate has irregular and sometimes circular bands of color and often replaces fossil wood.
Turquoise Turquoise is found all over the world in places where volcanic activity has occurred. You can find Turquoise in United States, Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah and Virginia. The most common places to find Turquoise gemstones are China, Iran, Tibet and Saudi Arabia. Turquoise means protection, meditation energy, wisdom, balance, honest communication, strength, friendship and love. They are often seen used in Jewelry, including rings, beads, earrings, bracelets, necklaces and pendants also found in native American and Western styled jewelry.
Moonstone Moonstone means balance, good fortune, tender and passion. It is an opalescent stone which can range from colorless to blue, peach, green, pink, yellow, brown or gray with a silvery sheen. Moonstone is found in Brazil, Germany, India, Madagascar, Mexico, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and the United States. Moonstone was used in jewelry by the Romans who believed that the stone was formed from the light of the moon. Moonstone is considered a sacred stone in India. It is believed to bring good fortune, to enhance passion and balance.
Alexandrite Alexandrite means balance, confidence, joy. Alexandrite is a rare and very expensive gem which possesses a chameleon like quality. In sunlight, the stone appears greenish. It was named after Prince Alexander of Russia. In Russia the stone is a favorite because it reflects the Russian national colours of green and red. Russians believed the stone would bring good luck.
Chalcedony Chalcedony is found in all types of colors, and its varieties are named based on color. A few of the colors are blue, lavender, white, buff, light tan, gray, yellow, pink, red or brown. They are found in all 50 States. A few of them are Chalcedony is a common quartz found in United States, Austria, Czech Republic, Iceland, Mexico, Britain, New Zealand, Turkey, Russia, Brazil. Its name comes from the name of a Greek town, Chalkedon. Look at some more birthstones