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Six Degrees of Seperation

Six Degrees of Seperation. Budapest. Frigyes Karinthy (Writer) Collections of poems and prose „Láncszemek“ or „Chains“ A worker in Ford‘s factory and Karinthy Worker  Manager  Ford  Director of Hearst Publications  Árpád Pásztor  Karinthy (5 links).

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Six Degrees of Seperation

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  1. Six Degrees of Seperation

  2. Budapest • Frigyes Karinthy (Writer) • Collections of poems and prose • „Láncszemek“ or „Chains“ • A worker in Ford‘s factory and Karinthy • Worker  Manager  Ford  Director of Hearst Publications  Árpád Pásztor  Karinthy (5 links)

  3. Stanley Milgram, a Havard Professor • „Distance“ between any two people in the United States

  4. Looking for: John Smith • 1. Step: Julia Johnson • 2. Step: Frank Boolean • 3. Step: … • . • . • .

  5. The degrees of i-net ? • 1999 – 1 billion documents • Today more Web documents than people on Earth How many klicks you need from one page to any other page on the world? (1999) www.nd.edu = eleven degrees of seperation  33.000 klicks!!! Distance between two node: 1000 nodes, 10000 nodes, … Trends? The average seperation increased much more slowly than the number of documents. 1998: 800 million nodes  the diemater of the Web was 18.59 ~ 19

  6. Examples: Food webs  two links Molecules in a cell seperated by three chemical reactions Scientists seperated by four to six coauthorship links The neurons in a brain of a worm are seperated by fourteen synapses

  7. Links! Logarithm: log 1 = 0 log 10 = 1 log 100 = 2 • Two networks with average 10 links per node • One is 100 times larger • Difference only two degrees d = log N / log k N = nodes k = links

  8. Find a person / document • Average number of links on a web page is around 7 • 1 click 7, 2 clicks 49, 3 clicks 343,…,19 clicks 1016 • 10 million times more than web pages • 1 sec per document  over 300 years

  9. Search engines • Picasso • Modern art • Wrestler • Frog‘s love life • Person X • Have no social search engines • Don‘t know the shortes separation • d < 6 or 5 degrees

  10. The village called „Earth“ • People on the other side often clother to us than our neighbours • To reach people around is easier and faster than meet these people really • The world is shrinking every day

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