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ENABLING OBJECTIVES 1.12 DESCRIBEmaterial control functions of the AIMD in accordance with COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 series. 1.13 DESCRIBE functions and responsibilities of the Aeronautical Material Screening Unit (AMSU) in accordance with COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 series. 1.14 DESCRIBEprocedures and responsibilities of the Individual Component Repair List program in accordance with COMNAVFORINST 4790.2 series.
1.15 EXPLAIN the Technical Directive (TD) program including the types, categories, and supply data section of a TD in accordance with COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 series. 1.16 IDENTIFY documents utilized for supply support and the procedures used to submit requisitions to the supporting activity in accordance with COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 series and P-485.
PUBLICATIONS: COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 series Volume 1 Chapter 12, 13 Volume V Chapter 11, 21 NAVSUP P-485 AFLOAT SUPPLY PROCEDURES Chapter 3 & 4 Student Journal, pg. 7
AIMD PRODUCTION / MATERIAL CONTROL • Material Control (AIMD / O LEVEL) • Functions / Responsibilities: COMNAVFORINST 4790 vol 1 ch 12.3.1 • Material control centers are contact points within maintenance organizations where materials are coordinated with the ASD. • The responsibility of Material Control, at both O and I level, is to provide material support to their cognizant organizations and coordinate indirect Material Requirements to ensure materials ordered is the material required and delivered to the work centers. More specifically…the actual functions of the Material Control are found in the above mentioned reference…… check it out sometime!!!!!!
AIMD PC / MTRL CONTROL • Ordering Parts / Material: ch 12.3.2 Request for parts and material for indirect support of weapons systems maintenance are forwarded by work centers, and support areas to Material Control. • Receipt / Delivery: ch 12.3.3 Material Control shall receive the material and a single line item requisition document (DD 1348, or facsimile form) from the ASD MDU. • Distribute received material to the appropriate work center. • Turn-In: ch 12.3.4 All repairable material will be removed from an aircraft and made available for turn-in when a replacement is requested, unless specifically authorized to remain in place (RIP).
AIMD PRODUCTION / MATERIAL CONTROL Aeronautical Material Screening Unit (AMSU) Functions and Responsibilitiesch 12.3.8 Individual Component Repair List (ICRL) Procedures and ResponsibilitiesCOMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 VOL V ch 21.1 The Individual Component Repair List program establishes policy, responsibilities, and requirements for local repair capabilities of the IMA. Repair capability is driven by the NEC’s that the AIMD currently possess.
AIMD PRODUCTION / MATERIAL CONTROL Policy: Vol V ch 21.2 The ICRL is a management tool which provides an IMA with the ability to relate its maintenance capability to individual items. The ICRL indicates if local repair capabilities exists for components inducted into the AMSU for repair, check or test. The ICRL provides all levels of management with visibility into the total IMA repair capability. Note: AMSU will check each item as it is brought over from the squadrons, or other IMA’s, and verify against the ICRL using the Cage/PN information from the retrograde. Some of the more common capability codes are C-1 (full repair) C-3 (partial repair) X-1 (No repair). (more capability codes can be found in the online users guide)
Full Repair C1 C3 A1 M1 R1 X1 X2 X3 X6 Z1 Limited Repair Check and Test Only Assemble/Manufacture R/R to Originating Activity (Shore IMA Only) Repair Not Authorized Lack of Authorized Equipment/Tools/Facility Lack of Required Technical Skills Lack of Technical Data Consumable Material
Procedures and Responsibilities: COMNAVAIRFORINST Vol V ch 21.3 Note: If the activity does not have any repair capability according to the ICRL…it is said to be X-1 capability, then BCM -1 ‘d, and processed for shipment via carcass tracking rules. BCM or beyond capability of maintenance codes are used in maintenance documentation to identify the reason items are being BCM’d. We will refer to them later as well so store this info for later!! Here is a list of the BCM codes and their definitions………
BCM CODES BCM-1 BCM-2 BCM-3 BCM-4 BCM-5 BCM-6 BCM-7 BCM-8 BCM-9 No Repair Authorized Lack of Equipment / Facilities Lack of Technical Skills Lack of Parts Fails Test and Check Lack of Technical Data Beyond Authorized Repair Administrative (EI / QDRs) Condemned
AIMD PRODUCTION / MATERIAL CONTROL • Technical Directives (TD’s) ProgramCOMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 VOL V ch 11 • The Technical Directive Compliance Program establishes policy, procedures, and responsibilities for the timely and accurate incorporation of TD’s. • The TD Compliance Program was created to direct, control, accomplish, and record modification changes to aircraft and equipment. TD’s are issued by COMNAVAIRSYSCOM to provide technical information to properly and systematically to inspect or alter the configuration of aircraft, engines, systems, or equipment. TD’s consist of information that can not be disseminated by revisions to technical manuals.
AIMD PRODUCTION / MATERIAL CONTROL • Types Vol V ch 11.4 (c) A complete and current list of approved TD’s appears in NAVAIR 00-500C series. The four types of TD’s are as follows: • Formal Change • Interim Change (These are released in message format and identified for example as: IAVCforInterim Avionics Change, IAFCforInterim Airframes Change) • Bulletin • RAMEC (Rapid Action Minor Engineering Change)
AIMD PRODUCTION / MATERIAL CONTROL • Categories ch 11.4 (d) Categories are important to the Material Control Centers because they determine priority on which the kits/parts may be ordered. The categories are: • Immediate Action • Urgent Action • Routine Action • Record Purpose • Supply Data COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 VOL I ch. 12.3.14.(4). (d) This section list all modification kits, parts, materials and SE necessary to comply with the directive.
Supply Requisition Documents:NAVSUP P-485 Ch, 3&4 • DD Form 1348-6pt, sect. 4116 : Generally will be used as both a requisition and receipt document for most materials transferred between non-automated ships. • Message (MILSTRIP), sect. 3020: Used for ordering all material (see exclusions in Para. 3022) from the Navy Supply System, other military installations , the Defense Logistics Agency, and the General Services Administration.
Supply Requisition Documents:NAVSUP P-485 Ch, 3&4 • DD Form 1149, sect. 4119: (Requisition and Invoice / Shipping Document): Normally used to requisition the types of material and service specified in Para. 3022 or Para. 3031.
AIMD PRODUCTION / MATERIAL CONTROL • DD Form 1155, sect. 4120 Other wise known as a purchase order….is used primarily for open purchase items. Order for Supplies or Services. Receipts from commercial sources on a DD form 1155 will be completed by circling the quantity in column 20 and entering the date and signature in block 26 (when entire quantity is received and accepted). When the entire quantity is not received or is not accepted, the quantity indicated in block 20 will be lined out and the actual quantity received and accepted will be entered and circled. Proper processing of DD form 1155 receipts will require familiarization with the terms and concepts discussed in the following paragraphs.This is being replaced in many ways by the use of a credit card, but does not alleviate the requirement to check Navy Supply, GSA etc. first.
AIMD PRODUCTION / MATERIAL CONTROL EHR CardCOMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 VOL I ch 13.3.18Equipment History Record Card. An EHR is a two page form that provides a method of monitoring specific maintenance data on designated aeronautical components and equipment that do not qualify for an SRC card. Note: a list of specific items requiring EHR cards can be found in the PMIC (periodic maintenance information cards) for each type aircraft. (Card)
AIMD PRODUCTION / MATERIAL CONTROL SRC CardCOMNAVAIRFORINST Vol I ch 13.3.19 Scheduled Removal Component Card is a two page form used to record maintenance history, installation, and usage data. General Information Vol 1 ch 13 para 13.3.19 a (1) NAVAIRINST 4790.3, establishes policy and assigns responsibilities of selected aeronautical components designated as SRC items
Contd’ • Note: SRC cards are initiated for items with a prescribed overhaul/rework interval. Specific items requiring SRC cards are identified in PMICs (periodic maintenance information cards) for each type aircraft, as well as NAVAIRINST 13120.1 and 13130.1 (series)
Broad Arrow • We will discuss this item in topic 1-5
Topic 1.4 AIMD Production/Material Control We’ve discussed the functions of Material Control at the IMA/OMA levels of maintenance. We’ve covered the guidelines governing the process of ordering parts and materials, receipt and delivery, turn-in and induction via AMSU, as well as, the importance if the ICRL and ICRL maintenance.
Topic 1.4 AIMD Production/Material Control We’ve heard that a TD indicates the level of maintenance at which the directed changes and/or modifications are to take place: in addition, we can recognize the priority associated with such changes and modifications.
Topic 1.4 AIMD Production/Material Control Storekeepers MUST be particularly mindful of the TD process and its governing procedures. Failure to make prescribed modifications to the airframe or weapons system on behalf of maintenance, and the lack of procurement of parts required to comply with this directive, can seriously impact an airframe, a squadron, the Functioning Wing, the Carrier Air Wing, and the Carrier on which they embark. -All due to the substandard technology or capability, of the assigned fleet bound aircraft
Topic 1.4 Enabling Objectives 1.12 through 1.16 Describe… Explain………. Identify…………..
Topic 1.4 Review
ROUND 4 There are 7 questions in this round. Each question is worth 2 points Good luck
ASD expedites what type of material requirements? A. OMA Shop Support B. Indirect Support Mat’l Requirements C. IMA Shop Support D. Direct Support Mat’l Requirements D. Direct Support Mat’l Requirements 50/50 07
ASD expedites what type of material requirements? B. Indirect Support Mat’l Requirements D. Direct Support Mat’l Requirements D. Direct Support Mat’l Requirements
AMSU receives only those components for induction that meet their IMA’s repair capability code of C-1. A. False only during contingency B. True only if customer is FAD II C. False all of the time C. False all of the time D. True all of the time 50/50 06
AMSU receives only those components for induction that meet their IMA’s repair capability code of C-1. C. False all of the time C. False all of the time D. True all of the time
What document (Maintenance) is used by AMSU to identify their IMA’s repair capability of a component. A. ICRL A. ICRL B. CCS Status Reports C. IMRL D. SM&R CODE LIST 50/50 05
What document (Maintenance) is used by AMSU to identify their IMA’s repair capability of a component. A. ICRL A. ICRL D. SM&R CODE LIST
What category of TD is applied when an unsafe condition exists? A. Formal Change B. Immediate Action B. Immediate Action C. Interim Change D. Record Purpose 50/50 04
What category of TD is applied when an unsafe condition exists? B. Immediate Action B. Immediate Action C. Interim Change
A complete and current list of approved TD’s appear in this document: A. NAVAIR 00-500C series A. NAVAIR 00-500C series B. NAVAIR 13650.5series C. NAVAIR 4790.4C series D. NAVSUP 00-500C series 50/50 03
A complete and current list of approved TD’s appear in this document: A. NAVAIR 00-500C series A. NAVAIR 00-500C series D. NAVSUP 00-500C series
It is normally used to requisition material and services, (specified in Para. 3022 or Para. 3031 of the P485). C. SF 1149 A. DD Form 1149 A. DD Form 1149 B. DD Form 1250 D. DD Form 1348 50/50 02
It is normally used to requisition material and services, (specified in Para. 3022 or Para. 3031 of the P485). A. DD Form 1149 A. DD Form 1149 D. DD Form 1348
This work center at both the OMA/IMA are responsible for providing material support to their cognizant organizations and coordinate Indirect Material Requirements. C. Material Control Work Center A. Maintenance Control B. Material Delivery Work Center 50/50 C. Material Control Work Center D. Maintenance/Material Control 01
This work center at both the IMA/OMA are responsible for providing material support to their cognizant organizations and coordinate Indirect Material Requirements. C. Material Control Work Center B. Material Delivery Work Center C. Material Control Work Center
Round Four THE END