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Do First. Grab the two papers Pick a country and take a seat No moving chairs but you need to sit with a Site sheet in front of you. Chapter 7- Glaciers, Deserts & Wind Stations. Vocab, Reading, activity, video clip stations *PRINT ONLY FROM PAGE 4. Travel Journal Guidelines.
Do First • Grab the two papers • Pick a country and take a seat • No moving chairs but you need to sit with a Site sheet in front of you
Chapter 7-Glaciers, Deserts & Wind Stations Vocab, Reading, activity, video clip stations *PRINT ONLY FROM PAGE 4
Travel Journal Guidelines While Traveling… -travel alone -visit all sites within your country to gather all info for your journal -Move to another site ONLY within your country until you’ve finished recording all the info from that country -when finished with a county, get “visa” page stamped for completion (teacher will hold on to this until you finish next step) -go to an “ATM” – the teacher- to see how much you can “earn” from memory. You may request to see your journal for a few seconds, but it’ll cost you! *so study before you surrender your journal! Earning $ & Traveling -have journal folded @ seam -pencil ready -staple sheets together sometime today when no one else is at the student center- not right now. --have a working electronic device to have full experience (*no headphones, have volume low enough to hear)
Travel Journal Guidelines Steps • Visit ALL sites & record in journal • (study) get country stamped • “earn” from ATM (teacher) – will ask 3 random questions (3/3=$100; 2/3=$75; 1/3=$50) 4. Record earnings in “bank balance” page 5. Visit the next country
Greenland-Site A A glacier is a thick ice mass that forms above the snowline over hundreds or thousands of years. • Glaciers & Ice Age-Read the information and summarize your findings in your journal • The ice age was a period of time when much of the Earth was covered in glaciers.
Greenland-Site B • Types of Glaciers- Read the information below, and summarize your findings in your journal Currently Continental Ice Sheets Cover Greenland and Antarctica
Greenland Site C How Glaciers Move (sketch w/labels in your journal) & summarize your findings from this site.
Greenland Site D • Go to: http://goo.gl/0ylr4S • watch the video “How Glaciers Are Formed” • Answer the question, “how are glaciers formed?” and summarize your findings from this site in your journal.
Greenland Site E • Read the information below, and summarize your findings in your journal
Chile Site A • Read the information below, and summarize your findings in your journal Cool Fact: *80% of all glaciers in South America is found in Chile*
Chile Site B • Read the information below, and summarize your findings in your journal
Chile Site C In your journal, draw & Label cirques, horn, tarn, arete, and know what they are (definition).
Chile Site D • Read the information below, and summarize your findings in your journal
Chile Site E • Go to the following link, watch the video & summarize your findings in your journal • http://goo.gl/jODroh • “Glacial Movement and Erosion” *watch this time lapse video too: http://goo.gl/U1etBh
Egypt Site A *Sahara Desert is found in Egypt, which is in North Africa* • Go to the following link, watch the video & summarize your findings in your journal • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7XrabWYHSg • “The Sahara Desert”
Egypt Site B • Read the information below, and summarize your findings in your journal
Egypt Site C • Read the information below, and summarize your findings in your journal and look up the term abrasion
Egypt Site D • Go to the following link, watch the video & summarize your findings in your journal • http://goo.gl/ub74wu • “Life in the desert”
Egypt Site E Read the information below, and summarize your findings in your journal
China Site A Read the information below, and summarize your findings in your journal Check your understanding: Which agent is MOST responsible for erosion in deserts? (If you answered wind, read again. The answer is Water)
China Site B • Go to the following link, watch the video & summarize your findings in your journal • http://goo.gl/8ZqLe2 • “Gobi Desert”
China Site C Go to this site: http://gobidesert.org/ It contains a lot of information about the Gobi Desert. Skim through, and summarize the following: -Location of the Gobi desert -size -climate -plants & animal life -adaptation -what is causing the “desertification” of Gobi desert? (*desertification= process of making the land turn into a desert)
China Site D Go to the following link, watch the video & summarize your findings in your journal http://goo.gl/o06aid Desertification
USA Site A Read the information below, and summarize your findings in your journal
USA Site B Read the information below, and summarize your findings in your journal Sand dune-New Mexico
USA Site C *Which variables affect what type of sand dunes are formed? *Sketch the type of dunes. PAY ATTENTION TO THE DIRECTION OF THE WIND. (DRAW WIND WITH ARROWS)
USA Site D • Go to the following link, watch the video & summarize your findings in your journal • http://goo.gl/Nop4XM • “Wind Erosion” Watch this too if you have time: http://www.history.com/topics/dust-bowl/videos (dust bowl)
Do First • Grab a worksheet and take a seat in your assigned seat