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2. Introduction. John AitkenChief Financial OfficerShalonda McHenry-SimsDirector, Independent Living/AccreditationDoris BanksDirector, Quality Management/Utilization Management. 3. Agenda. Privatization in FloridaWhat is the Balanced Scorecard?What was the need for the Balanced Scorecard?How does the Balanced Scorecard work?Strategy mapsImplementing the Balanced ScorecardKids Central's Balanced ScorecardHow the Balanced Scorecard relates to accreditationQuestions.
1. Welcome toBALANCED SCORECARDA Homerun Presented by:
Kids Central, Inc.
August 10th, 2009
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3. 3 Agenda Privatization in Florida
What is the Balanced Scorecard?
What was the need for the Balanced Scorecard?
How does the Balanced Scorecard work?
Strategy maps
Implementing the Balanced Scorecard
Kids Centrals Balanced Scorecard
How the Balanced Scorecard relates to accreditation
4. 4 1996 Florida Legislature passes legislation to begin privatization of child welfare services for the Department of Children and Families (DCF)
2003 Kids Central awarded transition contract to provide child welfare services in the DCF Circuit 5 five-county area (Lake, Marion, Hernando, Citrus, and Sumter Counties)
2004 Kids Central signs service contract to serve as the lead community-based care agency in Circuit 5 and becomes responsible for the provision of protective, foster care and adoption services for at-risk children and families identified by Child Protective Investigators in the District
2005 Kids Central serving more than 4200 children and their families
December, 2005 Kids Central transitions from a provider-based board to a community-based board of directors
2006 Kids Central Implements Initial Performance-Based Contract for Case Management Services with Case Management Agencies (CMAs) Privatization in Florida
5. 5 Under Privatization:
Florida Department of Children and Families
Abuse hotline
Contractual oversight
Kids Central
Lead Agency Circuit 5
Child placement
Foster parent licensing
Independent living
Adoption subsidy
Kinship Care and other prevention services
Quality Management
Case Management Agencies under contract with Kids Central in Circuit 5
LifeStream Behavioral Center (Lake)
Camelot Community Care (Marion & Hernando)
The Centers (Marion & Citrus)
Childrens Home Society of Florida (Sumter Dependency & Adoptions) Geographically District 13 includes Citrus, Hernando, Lake, Marion & Sumter County
On a monthly basis we serve approximately 2200 in out-of-home care
Rural area
Largest County is Marion
Largest City is Ocala Population around 50,000
Drop in numbers - Geographically District 13 includes Citrus, Hernando, Lake, Marion & Sumter County
On a monthly basis we serve approximately 2200 in out-of-home care
Rural area
Largest County is Marion
Largest City is Ocala Population around 50,000
Drop in numbers -
6. 6 Kids Centrals Mission & Vision Kids Centrals mission is to:
Develop and manage a child-centered community-based system of care for abused, neglected and abandoned children and their families
Strengthen families and prevent them from entering the child welfare system
Institute improvements that will help our community meet and exceed federal and state requirements related to safety, permanency and well-being for the children we serve and their families
Kids Centrals vision is to:
be the most effective and well-known lead agency for community-based care
provide child-centered practices which strengthen families and help to create, support and maintain a safe environment for children
build on strengths of existing services and develop a more effective system of care
7. 7 Kids Central has utilized the Balanced Scorecard for four years
The Balanced Scorecard has helped the organization in many ways
We are not Balanced Scorecard experts, but would like to share our experience
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11. 11 Uses for the Balanced Scorecard Performance Measurement System performance is measured from several perspectives, customer, internal process, learning and growth, and financial.
Strategic Management System elements of the strategic plan become the focus of performance measurement.
Communication Tool the strategic plan and progress made towards the strategic goals get communicated throughout the organization.
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Senior management and Directors participated in all day leadership team meetings
Workgroups created and each team was tasked with identifying strategy map
Senior Management represented the voice of the Board in the meetings Developing Kids Centrals Balanced Scorecard
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43. 43 Focus on Prevention
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45. 45 Maintain & Expand COA Certification
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47. 47 Reward Individual Initiative and Enforce Accountability
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49. 49 Excel in Financial Stewardship
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Accountability - Champions for each measure were selected; it is the Champions responsibility to guide and provide progress reports to all staff.
Staff Participation - Champions recruited staff for small workgroups, but all staff were encouraged to participate on a workgroup that interested them.
Communication to all levels is key - it is important to communicate with all staff to explain the process, reason, benefits to the organization and staff, timetables and level of involvement needed from staff. The Champion provides updates on the progress quarterly at the All Staff Meetings and to the Balanced Scorecard Team monthly.
A Balanced Scorecard information and display area was set up to allow all employees to follow the progress of each objective. You Have the Balanced Scorecard Now What?
51. 51 Presentation Area
52. 52 Benefits and Lessons Learned
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55. 55 Short-term versus Long-term Benefits
Although short term results are achieved, the full benefit of the Balanced Scorecard is realized over time.
Details, Details, Details
Be sure to spend time training staff on the components of the Balanced Scorecard.
The Strategy MapA critical element
56. 56 Commitment is Key
Staff must see commitment demonstrated at the top level of the organization in order to commit themselves to the Balanced Scorecard.
Eliminate Doubts
Measures must be objectively measurable
Setting Targets:
Is it a Stretch or is it Unrealistic?
57. 57 Healthy Debate and Focus
Although input is needed from everyone, a team leader must keep the discussion on track.
Uninterrupted Time
Meeting offsite helped everyone to stay focused on the big picture, not just the issue of the day.
Mistakes and Growth
Starting the Scorecard with a small group helped us work out the kinks. A good cascading plan is also essential.
58. 58 Scorecard in daily fabric of the organization.
Identifying Champions is one way to assure that the Scorecard stays at the center of daily activities
Expert Help
59. 59 Visuals
Progress Reports and other visual aids help to keep staff informed and enthusiasm alive.
60. 60 The Relationship Between the Balanced Scorecard and Accreditation
61. 61 In order to begin the accreditation or Balanced Scorecard process, it was necessary to conduct an organizational wide assessment
Identify organizational strengths
Identify critical success factors
Identify what challenges need to be addressed
Identify areas that are in need of development/improvement First Things First
62. 62 The Balanced Scorecard enhances COAs philosophy that, accreditation is not an end but a means to an end. The real endpoint is an organizations enhanced growth and stability, an unwavering commitment to the health, safety and rights of clients, and measureable results.
63. 63 Sound governance increases the organizations viability and sustainability
Scorecard demonstrates that the Board of Directors has set a strategic plan and performance goals and is monitoring the organizations progress towards the plan and goals.
Scorecard is a core management tool ownership lies with the entire leadership team.
Scorecard is a performance management system enables organizations to clarify vision/strategy and translate into action.
Scorecard captures both leading and lagging performance measures provides a balanced view of company performance.
Scorecard allows organizations to demonstrate public accountability to standards of excellence and transparency in reporting. Enhancing Organizational CapacityThe Balanced Scorecard as evidence of Governance
64. 64 An organization-wide Performance and Quality Improvement program advances efficient, effective service delivery and achievement of strategic and program goals
Scorecard is designed to align corporate goals and performance rewards utilizing both financial and non-financial.
Scorecard cuts across disciplines, turning functional silos on their sides.
Scorecard strikes a balance between short and long term objectives, financial and non-financial measures, external and internal performance perspectives. Efficient, Effective Service DeliveryThe Balanced Scorecard as evidence of PQI
65. 65 THE FUTURE Florida Department of Children and Families is considering creating a statewide Balanced Scorecard including child welfare services
Kids Central is considering creating a Balanced Scorecard that is cascaded to our subcontracted case management agencies
66. 66 Neither the Balanced Scorecard or Accreditation are overnight processes
Both require ongoing commitment, planning, maintenance and refinement
With proper commitment, both processes make your organization focused, efficient, organized and better prepared for success.
67. 67 THANK YOUQuestions?