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MICROKELVIN. EUROPEAN MICROKELVIN COLLABORATION 1.4. 2009 – 31.3. 2013 Professor Mikko Paalanen Aalto University Finland. MICROKELVIN. EU-funded network of 12 European low temperature laboratories FP7 Capacities Specific Programme Research Infrastructures EU Call
MICROKELVIN EUROPEAN MICROKELVIN COLLABORATION 1.4. 2009 – 31.3. 2013 Professor Mikko Paalanen Aalto University Finland QFS2010
MICROKELVIN EU-funded network of 12 Europeanlow temperature laboratories FP7Capacities Specific ProgrammeResearch Infrastructures EU Call INFRA-2008-1.1.1 Bottom-up approach: Integrating Activities in all scientific and technological fields ~150 applications 29 funded QFS2010
MICROKELVIN PARTICIPATING INSTITUTE SCIENTIFIC REPRESENTATIVE 1.Aalto University Mikko Paalanen 2. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Grenoble Henri Godfrin 3. Lancaster University George Pickett 4. Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg Christian Enss 5. Royal Holloway and Bedford New College John Saunders 6. Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa Francesco Giazotto 7. Ustav Experimentalnej Fyziky Slovenskej Akademie Vied Peter Skyba 8. Universitaet Basel Dominik Zumbühl 9. Technische Universiteit Delft Teun Klapwijk 10. BlueFors Cryogenics Rob Blaauwgeers 11. Universiteit Leiden Tjerk Oosterkamp 12. Physicalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Berlin Thomas Schurig QFS2010
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WEB-SITE http://www.microkelvin.eu/ QFS2010
European Commission General Assembly Management Office Project coordinating person Administrator Web-officer Legal advisor Project coordinating person Management Committee Advisory Board NA-TEAM Coordinator Dissemination Committee JRA-TEAM Coordinator TA-TEAM Coordinator Selection Panel JRA1 Activity TA1 Activity NA1 Activity JRA2 Activity TA2 Activity NA2 Activity JRA3 Activity TA3 Activity NA3 Activity NA4 Activity JRA4 Activity MICROKELVINManagement structure QFS2010
MICROKELVINActivities and budgets TOTAL BUDGET 5 396 177,40 € (EU-funding 4 199 988,50 €) MANAGEMENT • NA1: Managing MICROKELVIN Collaboration (Tentative budget 260 800€) NETWORKING ACTIVITIES (Tentative budget 779 680 €) • NA2: Coordination of transnational access • NA3: Knowledge and technology transfer • NA4:Strengthening European low temperature research TRANSNATIONAL ACCESS ACTIVITIES (Tentative budget 1 290 897 €) • TA1: Access to TKK • TA2: Access to CNRS • TA3: Access to ULANC JOINT RESEARCH ACTIVITIES (Tentative budget 3 064 800 €) • JRA1: Opening microkelvin regime to nanoscience • JRA2: Ultralow temperature nanorefrigerator • JRA3: Attacking fundamental physics questions by μK condensed-matter experiments • JRA4: Novel methods and devices for ultra low temperature measurements QFS2010
MICROKELVINTRANSNATIONAL ACCESS ACTIVITIES • MICROKELVIN will offer access to microkelvin refrigerators • AALTO Espoo, Finland 27 visitor-months 18 users 14 projects • CNRS Grenoble, France 27 visitor-months 18 users 14 projects • ULANC Lancaster, UK 27 visitor-months 18 users 14 projects • MICROKELVIN will open microkelvin regime for nanoscientists • AALTO Micronova, Finland 100 visitor-hours 5 users 5 projects • MICROKELVIN will support the users of the infrastructure • Scientific support • Logistic and technical support • Outreach to new users QFS2010
MICROKELVINTRANSNATIONAL ACCESS ACTIVITIES • MICROKELVIN will pay • travel and housing expences to the visitors • per diem to the visitors to cover their other expences • access fee to the host institute (about 9 000 €/visitor-month) • Access fee covers • rent of the facility • salaries of the support personnel • consumables QFS2010
MICROKELVINTRANSNATIONAL ACCESS ACTIVITIES • Selection Panel • Mikko Paalanen (chair),Henri Godfrin, George Pickett, John Saunders, Peter Skyba, Jan Kees Maan, Per Delsing, Paul Leiderer andRudolf Gross • Selection Criteria • The accepted experiments have to represent excellent science with unique goals. • They have to be technically feasible for the available instruments in our facilities. • Scientific and technical progress is expected. • Preference is given to first time users from countries lacking low temperature facility. • Special attention will be paid to new EU-countries and young starting professors. QFS2010
AALTOLow Temperature Laboratory EQUIPMENT OFFERED FOR ACCESS 1) a rotating cryostat with a 300 K base temperature 2) a stationary cryostat with a 10 K base temperature 3) 2 cryostat with 20 mK base temperature 4) 2 cryostats with 20 mK base temperature, 24 hour cool down time to 100 mK temperature, and 0-10 GHz range for high frequency experiments 5) magnetometer model MPMS 5T (Quantum Design), for fast susceptibility, magneto- and Hall resistance measurements at 1.6 - 400 K temperatures and 0 - 5 Tesla fields. SUPPORT PERSONNEL 2 technicians working in the machine shop 1 technician delivering the cryoliquids 1 chief engineer in charge of the cryohall and the semi clean room QFS2010
CNRS GRENOBLEInstitute Néel EQUIPMENT OFFERED FOR ACCESS 1. The ultra-low temperature dilution refrigerator and nuclear demagnetisation DN1 (100 μK), equipped with two different nuclear stages (Lancaster-type and lamellar type) 2. The ultra-low temperature dilution refrigerator and nuclear demagnetisation DN2 (100 μK – presently being installed - available end 2009) 3. The ultra-low temperature dilution refrigerator and nuclear demagnetisation DN3 (100 μK available at the end of 2009 in the Canfranc underground site (LSC) for experiments requiring good cosmic-ray shielding. 4. The high cooling power and very low temperature dilution refrigerator DR1 (T < 5 mK) 5. The very low temperature pulse-tube cooler based dilution refrigerator PT-DR3 (T < 8 mK) 6. The dilution refrigerator based 50 mK-STM facility, 7. The dilution refrigerator based 100 mK-micro-SQUID facility, 8. Access to the thermometric platform, to the low-field continuous and pulsed NMR spectrometers, and ancillary equipment. SUPPORT PERSONNEL 3 technicians 1 chief engineer 2 senior scientists DR1 1 scientist CR2 QFS2010
LANCASTER UNIVERSITY Ultralow Temperature Laboratory EQUIPMENT OFFERED FOR ACCESS 1. Cryostat 4 cools superfluid 3He down to 100 μK 2. Cryostat 2 cools superfluid 3He down to < 80 μK, copper down to 10 μK 3. Cryostat 5 cools superfluid 3He down to < 80 μK, copper down to 6 μK SUPPORT PERSONNEL 2 technicians 1 senior scientists QFS2010
MICROKELVINTransnational Access Activities ACCEPTED PROJECTS 30.6. 2010 TA1 Aalto: 11 projects TA2 CNRS: 4 projects TA3 Lancaster: 2 projects COMPLETED PROJECTS 30.6.2010 TA1 Aalto: 8 projects 11.6 mo TA2 CNRS: 1 project 1.3 mo TA3 Lancaster: 2 projects 2.0 mo http://www.microkelvin.eu/project-activities-transnational.php QFS2010
Joint Research Activity 2 (JRA2)Ultralow temperature nanorefrigeratorAALTO, CNRS, RHUL, SNS, BASEL, DELFTActivity leader: Professor Jukka Pekola Objectives 1. Thermalizing and filtering electrons in nanodevices 2. To develop an electronic nano-refrigerator that is able to reach sub-10 mK electronic temperatures 3. To develop an electronic microrefrigerator for cooling galvanically isolated nanosamples AALTO and CNRS: nanorefrigeration by superconducting tunnel junctions SNS: coolers based on semiconductors (quantum wires and dots) BASEL very low temperature thermalization and filtering DELFT and RHUL: end users of the nano-coolers QFS2010
Task 1: Thermalizing electrons in nanorefrigerators (AALTO, CNRS, BASEL) Ex-chip filtering: Sintered heat exchangers in a 3He cell Lossy coaxes/strip lines, powder filters, ... On-chip filtering: Lithographic on-chip filtering W. Pan et al., PRL 83, 3530 (1999) A. Savin et al., APL 91, 063512 2007 QFS2010
Task 2: Microkelvin nanocooler (AALTO, CNRS, SNS) Aim is to develop sub - 10 mK electronic cooler Normal metal – superconductor tunnel junctions-based optimized coolers (AALTO, CNRS, DELFT) Towards lower T: Improved quality of tunnel junctions Thermometry at low T? Lower Tc superconductor Quasiparticle relaxation studies in sc and trapping of qp:s Quantum dot cooler (SNS) QFS2010
Task 3: Development of a 100 mK, electronically-cooled platform based on a 300 mK 3He bath (AALTO, CNRS, RHUL, DELFT) Commercial, robust SiN membranes (and custom made alumina) as platforms (AALTO) Epitaxial large area junctions (CNRS) Optimized junctions (e-beam and mechanical masks) RHUL and DELFT use these coolers for experiments on quantum devices QFS2010
Deliverables Task 1 D1: Analysis of combined ex-chip and on-chip filter performance (18) D2: Demonstration of sub-10 mK electronic bath temperature of a nano-electronic tunnel junction device achieved by the developed filtering strategy (30) Task 2 D3: Analysis of sub-10 mK nano-cooling techniques including (i) traditional N-I-S cooler with low Tc, (ii) quantum dot cooler (24) D4: Demonstration of sub-10 mK nanocooling with a N-I-S junction (48) Task 3 D5: Demonstration of 300 mK to about 50 mK cooling of a dielectric platform (36) D6: Demonstration of cooling-based improved sensitivity of a quantum detector (48) QFS2010
MICROKELVIN JRA2 kick-offYstad Sweden June 24, 2010 List of participants:AALTO: Jukka Pekola, Matthias Meschke, Juha Muhonen, Simone Gasparinetti SNS: Francesco Giazotto, Panayotis Spathis,Orlando QuarantaDELFT: Eduard Driessen, Nathan VercruyssenCNRS: Hervé Courtois, Laetitia Pascal, Hung NguyenBASEL: Dominik ZumbuhlRHUL: Giovanna Tancredi QFS2010
Achievements by July 2010 Task 1: AALTO: On-chip filtering suppresses significantly leakage and dissipation in NIS junctions – theoretical model developed and experimental demonstration performed BASEL: Sophisticated microwave ex-chip filtering demonstrates electron temperature of 18 mK Task 2: SNS: Quantum dot thermometry and thermal transport measurements performed AALTO: AlMn as a normal material tested for cooler purposes CNRS: Electron and phonon temperatures measured separately Task 3: CNRS: Epitaxial large tunnel junction process under way AALTO: Coolers on silicon nitride membranes produced, cooling power degraded in the first experiments by poor efficiency of the cold finger DELFT: Kinetic inductance detector fabricated and demonstrated (performance improvement by cooling) on a platform produced by AALTO RHUL: Tests of Josephson junctions on cooler platforms (together with AALTO) 5 or more articles on JRA2 either published, submitted or under preparation for publication QFS2010
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Please! Acknowledge the support of the European Community — Research Infrastructures under the FP7 Capacities Specific Programme, MICROKELVIN project number 228464. QFS2010
INDIVIDUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS • All MICROKELVIN employees must have an IPR argreement with their host Institute! QFS2010
MICROKELVIN REPORTS AND REVIEWS • Periodic reports: • 30.11. 2010 • 30. 7. 2012 • Final Report • 31.5. 2013 • Mid Term Review • 30.9.2011 QFS2010
MICROKELVIN USERS MEETINGS • Users Meeting 1: • 15. – 16. 10. 2010, Helsinki • Users Meeting 2: • August 2012, Lancaster • In connection of QFS2012? QFS2010