1. 1 Newborn Care
2. 2
3. 3 Maintain Neutral Thermal Environment Keep the newborn away from drafts
Keep clothing warm and dry
Place stocking cap on newborns head
Bathe under radiant warmer ONLY after temperature is stable
Return newborn to radiant warmer after bath
Clothe, blanket, and place in crib IF temperature is stable
Return newborn to radiant warmer IF temperature falls below 97.5
4. 4 Maintain Neutral Thermal Environment Warm items that will come in contact with the newborn- cold hands, cold stethescopes
Make certain environmental temperature is at least 75 F
Encourage mom to snuggle and cuddle with newborn
5. 5 Prophylaxis Vitamin K, Phytonadione give in vastus lateralis or ventrogluteal IM, but DO NOT GIVE IV (potentially lethal)
Prevention of hemorrhagic disease of the newborn
Erythyromycin ophthalmic ointment or tetracycline or silver nitrate
Prevention of Neisseria gonorrhoeae
6. 6 Feeding Initiation of feeding within the first 5 hours of life
The first period of reactivity is a good time to begin breastfeeding
The second period of reactivity is a good time to begin bottle feeding
Consider facilitating bonding during periods of reactivity
7. 7 Maintain Skin Integrity Bathing the newborn is NOT an every day practice, but should occur about 3 times per week
The skin is the newborns first line of defense against infection
Umbilical cord care involves keeping the cord dry, cleansing with soap and water ONLY when soiled
Any drainage, puruluent or serous or serosanguinous should be reported to the doctor/practitioner (infection/patent urachus
8. 8 Maintain Skin Integrity Diaper wipes- should not be used around the circumcision area until it has completely healed
Diaper rash may be treated with protective barrier creams- diaper wipes should be avoided in this area as well. Plain water works best and allow the affected area exposure to air.
9. 9 Discharge Teaching Bulb syringe use- oral/nasal (clean with soapy water may use vinegar rinse)
Picking up the newborn- head/butt heaviest and need most support
Taking axillary temperature
Immunization schedule (begin @ birth-2 mo)
Car Seat
Prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome
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