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Rational Quality Management in focus "Rational takes you further" 2008-05-22 Mikael Öqvist, TechSale IBM Swede

Rational Quality Management in focus "Rational takes you further" 2008-05-22 Mikael Öqvist, TechSale IBM Sweden mikael.oqvist@se.ibm.com Agenda IBM Software Group & Rational Rational Quality Management overview Tools Presentation for: Requirement management Test management

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Rational Quality Management in focus "Rational takes you further" 2008-05-22 Mikael Öqvist, TechSale IBM Swede

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  1. Rational Quality Managementin focus"Rational takes you further"2008-05-22Mikael Öqvist, TechSale IBM Sweden mikael.oqvist@se.ibm.com

  2. Agenda • IBM Software Group & Rational • Rational Quality Management overview • Tools Presentation for: Requirement management Test management Manual Testing Functional Testing Performance Testing Test Data Management Webapplication Security Testing Future Rational Quality Management

  3. Rational Quality Management • IBM Software Group • Rational • Tivoli • Lotus • Websphere • Information Management ~ 100 Rational people in Nordic • Cross Brand Organisation

  4. Rational Quality Management • IBM Rational Nordic Sales Organisation ~ 22 Sales ~ 60 Techsales

  5. IBM Rational Software Delivery PlatformWhat we offer Process design & implementation expertisebased on the market’s leadingsolutions delivery platform Governance expertise & dashboards • Development productivity • Geographically distributeddevelopment & delivery • SOA governance & service lifecycle management • Risk & compliance management Change & release management Process& portfolio management Quality management Architecture management Open technology & community innovation for collaborative process driven software & systems engineering

  6. Rational Quality Management Solutions • Rational RequisitPro • Rational ClearQuest Test Management (CQTM) • Rational Manual Tester • Rational Functional Tester • Rational Performance Tester • Optim for Test Data Management • Rational AppScan for Security testing

  7. “I would like to trace my requirement, to see if it has been implemented, but how?”

  8. Managing Requirements with IBM Rational RequisitePro “I would like to trace my requirement, to see if it has been implemented, but how?” • Keep your team on track • 3 interfaces - work the way you want • Document-centric or database-centric - your choice Microsoft Word Windows Web

  9. Graphical trace matrix Textual trace matrix Graphical trace tree Managing Changing RequirementsTraceability

  10. Rational Quality Management Solutions • Rational RequisitPro • Rational ClearQuest Test Management (CQTM) • Rational Manual Tester • Rational Functional Tester • Rational Performance Tester • Optim for Test Data Management • Rational AppScan for Security testing

  11. ClearQuest: Governing Test and DevelopmentThe Hub for Life-Cycle development IBM Rational ClearQuest Test Change Defects Single project view Global test project coordination Configurable, enforceable processes Extensible test ecosystem

  12. Eclipse Based Test Management Joins Functional and Performance Tester to complete transition of testing tools to eclipse platform Native and web clients also available Key Functional Areas Test Planning Create test plans, test cases and configured test cases Test Execution Create suites or run individual test cases, local or remote execution Test Reporting Extensive query and reporting facilities to measure test progress Test Management with ClearQuestEclipse, Windows and Web Clients for test project tracking

  13. Lifecycle TraceabilityQuery one source for all aspects of project progress • Query to find • Test results associated to requirements • Defects associated to test results • Defects associated to tests associated to requirements • Traceability from requirements to tests and defects closes the loop on the software development cycle Defects Requirements Tests

  14. Leverage existing reports orCreate new reports with Crystal Reports To provide the information you need for decision making Lifecycle TraceabilityQuery one source for all aspects of project progress Test Verdicts Test Case Trending

  15. Configure and Enforce Your ProcessCustomize appearance and behavior of all forms and processes • Customize everything • Modify forms • Configure State Transitions • Add fields and control behavior • Extend your system with custom coded hooks • Extend functionality using pre-defined Packages • eSignatures • Audit Trail • Many, many more…

  16. Restrict, Enforce and Hide Information • Set fields as “Mandatory” • Guarantees that you get the needed information • Set fields as “Read Only” • Once a field are filled in, you can’t change it • Security • You only see information on a “need to know” basis

  17. Compliance and Control Using Audit Trails and eSignatures to track change • Audit Trails can track changes to individual records • Provides immutable change log of all record change activity • e-Signature requirement can be added to any event on any artifact • Will record who changed a record, when and how the record was changed • e-Signature provides immutable evidence of process completion e-Signature Approval Requirement Test Case TestExecution ValidateResults Approve

  18. Rational Quality Management Solutions • Rational RequisitPro • Rational ClearQuest Test Management (CQTM) • Rational Manual Tester • Rational Functional Tester • Rational Performance Tester • Optim for Test Data Management • Rational AppScan for Security Testing

  19. Rational Manual Tester – Key Features and Benefits Rich Text Editor supports images and document attachments for individual test steps Keyword definition For easy re-use of test components Custom Data Fields Easily adapts to existing processes and metrics collection standards Import From Word, Excel or TestManager Easier adoption of the tool Verification Points Allows test results to be reported and analyzed at either a high level or a granular level Assisted Data Entry and Data Validation Reduce human error and increase test execution consistency with automated data entry and validation Data Driven Testing Improve team efficiency by creating and running tests with multiple sets of data to increase test coverage Automated Keyword Testing Bridge between RMT & RFT which enables possibility to automate keywords

  20. Rational Manual Tester Manual Test Projects • Logical container for all RMT assets • Keep track of all project items Data driven testing • Data sets defined in datapools • Text in manual test statements, keywords, and automated keywords can be datapool column references • Text substituted at execution time • Test repeated for each data set

  21. Keyword Driven Testing • Benefits: • Improve manual test reuse and modularity • Enhance ability to leverage limited automation expertise on a predominantly manual test project • SME’s focus on business needs, Automation Experts focus on enabling automation • Test Automation At Your Pace • IBM Rational Manual Tester utilized in concert with Functional Tester allows you to incrementally automate tests • Accelerate adoption of test automation for manual test focused teams

  22. Rational Quality Management Solutions • Rational RequisitPro • Rational ClearQuest Test Management (CQTM) • Rational Manual Tester • Rational Functional Tester • Rational Performance Tester • Optim for Test Data Management • Rational AppScan for Security testing

  23. “Is it really possible to automate tests?” • Yes, off cource!!! • Automate thoughes tests that are worth automate in ex. Repeateble tests, generel functions, boring tests, data heavy tests. • Check your technical plattform such as developing language and the use of standard controls. Very good control of testdata • And a strong willingness to learn ”Possetive effects” • Shorten time for regressiontests • Better precission on testresult/report • Competence development • Time to do more tests

  24. Cost Manual Automatic Release 1 Release 2 Release3 Release 4 Automate regression test -A long investment

  25. Implement in three phases • Analyse • Evaluate your existing testingprocess • Set up goal for automation • Identifying need of other tools • Ruff solution draft • Validate • Configuring and verification of tools and test environment • Training of staff • Execute and evaluate the first test run • Implement • Step by step indroduce way of work and technics in the company

  26. Rational Functional Tester – Key Features and Benefits Broad Environment Support Lower TCO with a single tool supporting a broad array of industry standard application development technologies Wizards for data-driven testing Eliminates manual coding required to vary data in test script Expanded dynamic verification Ability to use regular expressions in data pools created with wizard for data-driven testing Java or VB.NET scripting language Easier adoption of the tool – Teams select the language they are most familiar with. Advanced Object Map Maintenance Global Find and Modify tools further reduce test maintenance Add-on for Terminal-based application testing Central QA and IT teams can support client-server, web and legacy application testing with single tool

  27. Browser UI Java UI .NET UI Host UI Rational Functional Tester Environment Support • Environment Support • Java • .NET winform controls • Web • Terminal Applications 3270 & 5250 (ext.) • Siebel 7.7 & 7.8 (ext.) • SAP GUI applications (ext.) • Flex (Flex SDK 2.0.1 or higher) • Flash (version or later) • AJAX based web applications • Oracle ERP (3rd party ext.) Extend environment support via use of Functional Tester Proxy SDK

  28. Rational Robot • Tests many types of applications - Rational Robot supports a wide range of environments and languages, including HTML and DHTML, Java™, VS.NET, Microsoft Visual Basic and Visual C++, Oracle Developer/2000, PeopleSoft, Sybase PowerBuilder and Borland Delphi. • Ensures testing depth - Tests beyond an application's UI to the hundreds of properties of an application's component objects - such as ActiveX Controls, OCXs, Java applets and many more - with just the click of a mouse. • Tests custom controls and objects - Rational Robot allows you to test each application component under varying conditions and provides test cases for menus, lists, alphanumeric characters, bitmaps and many more objects. • Provides an integrated programming environment - Rational Robot generates test scripts in SQABasic, an integrated MDI scripting environment that allows you to view and edit your test script while you are recording. • Enables reuse - Rational Robot ensures that the same test script, without any modification, can be reused to test an application running on Microsoft Windows XP, Windows ME, Windows 2003, Windows 2000, Windows 98 or Windows NT.

  29. Rational Quality Management Solutions • Rational ClearQuest Test Management (CQTM) • Rational Manual Tester • Keyword Driven Testing with RMT & RFT • Rational Functional Tester • Rational Performance Tester • Optim for Test Data Management • Rational Appscan for Security Testing

  30. IBM Rational Performance Tester Performance problem identification and diagnosis for Web, SAP, Siebel, Oracle and Citrix based applications Performance test automation Built for Day 1 Productivity Mask complexity to get the job done Advanced Data Access & Manipulation Automated data variation and synchronization Root Cause Analysis Identifies location and root cause of performance problem in hardware and software Performance Testing with IBM Rational Performance TesterTest automation for the novice and the professional

  31. Rational Performance Tester • Visual Test Editor Easy for a novice to understand, with drill-down to detailed data for more expert users. Simplifies test creation and maintenance • Data Correlation Automated Correlation of server responses, no user coding needed • Automatic identification of variable data Allows tests to automatically re-use data sent by server and to prepare for data-driven testing • Verification Points Set diffferent VP’s, such as Page Title VP, Content VP etc. • Eclipse based Provides a single environment for development as well as testing activities

  32. Data from resource monitoring can be displayed on same graph as response time data Single view to visually correlate system resource and system response data for faster problem solving Rational Performance Tester – Key Features and Benefits • Real Time reporting • Root Cause Analysis • Remote System Monitoring • Identifying hardware or software related performance problems

  33. Rational Quality Management Solutions • Rational ClearQuest Test Management (CQTM) • Rational Manual Tester • Keyword Driven Testing with RMT & RFT • Rational Functional Tester • Rational Performance Tester • Optim for Test Data Management • Rational AppScan for Security Testing

  34. ”staging files” Extract Files Load Insert / Update Compare, Alter Extract QA Dev Test Optim™ Test Data Management Solution Production or Production Clone • Create targeted, “right-sized” subsets faster and more efficiently than cloning • Easily refresh, reset and maintain test environments • Compare data to pinpoint and resolve application defects faster • De-Identify productiondata to be used in test Compare

  35. Generic solution IBM Optim Test Data Management Solution Application specific for finding business relationships IBM Optim Test Data Management Solution AmdocsCRM IBM Optim Test Data Management Solution JDE EntOne IBM Optim Test Data Management Solution Oracle E-Bus IBM Optim Test Data Management Solution PSE IBM Optim Test Data Management Solution SAP IBM Optim Test Data Management Solution Siebel CRM Call Center Family Module Marketing Family Module Sales Family Module Optim TDM - Distributed offerings (now available)

  36. Rational Quality Management Solutions • Rational ClearQuest Test Management (CQTM) • Rational Manual Tester • Keyword Driven Testing with RMT & RFT • Rational Functional Tester • Rational Performance Tester • Optim for Test Data Management • Rational AppScan for Security Testing

  37. I read about companies that are beeing attacked by hackers. Is there some way for me and my company to protect our self from that?

  38. Rational AppScan Background – What’s in the media? • - Estonian goverments sites hacked • - Swedish securityexpert hacked hundreds mailaccounts • - Cina ”IT-attacks” Germany and USA • - ”Developers ignore security” • - ”Huge data theft can cost a company 150 milion $”

  39. Why Application Security is a High Priority! • Web applications are the #1 focus of hackers: • 3/4 of attacks at Application layer (Gartner) • XSS and SQL Injection are #1 and #2 reported vulnerabilities (Mitre) • Most sites are vulnerable: • 90% of sites are vulnerable to application attacks (IBM) • 78% percent of easily exploitable vulnerabilities affected Web applications (Symantec) • Web applications are high value targets for hackers: • Customer data, credit cards, ID theft, fraud, site defacement, etc • Compliance requirements: • Payment Card Industry (PCI) Standards, SOX, Basel II, ISO 17799, ISO 27001

  40. Desktop Transport Network Rational AppScan - Application Security Simpel Security Landscape Web Applications Anti-virus protection Encryption (SSL) Firewalls / Avanced routers Firewall

  41. Database Scanners Host Scanners What space do AppScan operate in? Web Application Scanners Web Application Web Services Web Server Network Scanners Operating System Database

  42. Reality: Security and Spending Are Unbalanced Security Investment % of Attacks % of Amount 10% Web Application 75% 90% Network Server 25% Of All Attacks on Information SecurityAre Directed to the Web Application Layer 3/4 2/3 of All Web Applications Are Vulnerable Sources: Gartner 2006

  43. Rational AppScan – Product overview • - Rational AppScan is a testing tool that hack a website just as a hacker would do • - Finds security leeks and sort then in priority • - Give the tester/developer fix recommenation • - Integrates with defect tracking tool such as Rational ClearQuest • - Fits in the SDL for securing applicatrions and as a single tool

  44. Who uses Watchfire? 9 of top 10 banks 8 af top 10 teknology Companies 7 of the Top 10 Pharma / Clinical Companies Government Agencies

  45. Who uses AppScan in the Nordic Countries? • Banks • Insurance • Consulting • Industry • Teleco • Public

  46. Rational Quality Management Solutions • Rational Requisit Pro • Rational ClearQuest Test Management (CQTM) • Rational Manual Tester • Rational Functional Tester • Rational Performance Tester • Optim for Test Data Management • Rational AppScan for Security Testing

  47. Rational Team Concert Jazz The first Rational product built on the Jazz technology platform and featuring tooling for agile practices. IBM’s next-generation technology platform for collaborative software delivery. Rational Software Delivery Platform 2.0 Jazz.net Jazz community site and venue for open commercial development of the Jazz technology platform and Rational Team Concert A next-generation vision for the value and experience that future Rational products can bring to software and systems delivery teams The future Innovative Software Engineering

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