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Reaching Diverse Audiences. Dallas L. Holmes, USU Extension Adapted from an article by Lisa A. Guion, Florida State University Cooperative Extension, 2005. Reaching Diverse Audiences. Changing demographics necessitate changing Extension services to reach diverse audiences .
Reaching Diverse Audiences Dallas L. Holmes, USU Extension Adapted from an article by Lisa A. Guion, Florida State University Cooperative Extension, 2005.
Reaching Diverse Audiences Changing demographics necessitate changing Extension services to reach diverse audiences. In Utah, the Hispanic/Latino ethnic group is the second most represented population at 9%. Logan 8.2% Salt Lake City 18% Provo 10% Ogden 23.5% 2000 Census, www.census.gov
Reaching Diverse AudiencesWhy Should Extension Reach out to Diverse Populations? • As a publicly funded organization, Extension’s mission is to serve all Utah citizens. • Having diverse participants enriches the Extension class setting (new ideas, thoughts, etc). • Changing demographics may eventually mean change in political power structures, perhaps beginning at the local levels. Thus, it is important for Extension to have political advocates. • Diverse Ethnic groups are experiencing increased financial viability, which has implications for financial support of Extension.
Reaching Diverse AudiencesBarriers • Fear of the unknown It can be difficult to contact people and build relationships with people you know little about. It can be difficult to approach people from a culture that is foreign to you.
Reaching Diverse AudiencesBarriers • Preconceptions and Stereotypes Our perceptions are based on our own experiences, beliefs, values and environment. Our experiences are normal, everyone else is “WEIRD” “Preconceptions and stereotypes function as negative lenses through which people perceive others who look, think or behave differently.” --Mikel Hogan-Garcia
Reaching Diverse AudiencesOvercoming the Barriers • Understanding and communicating with a diverse group is a learned skill or habit. • A melding of desire, knowledge and skill is necessary to be an effective communicator.
Be an active learner Active learning involves lifestyle changes, seeking opportunities to communicate with diverse groups. You must voluntarily get involved in their community. Use critical thinking Learn to identify your own biases and then disregard them. Insist on accurate information. Look at the humanity in everyone Regardless of differences, most people want health, safety, economic security and their children’s success. Reaching Diverse AudiencesOvercoming the Barriers
Reaching Diverse Audiences • It is easy to value commonalities in people. It is far more difficult to honor, appreciate, and respect differences. • It is necessary, in the increasingly diverse climate we live in, to embrace those differences and allow them to improve the quality of our programs and services.
Corey, M.S., & Corey, G. (2003). Becoming a Helper. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole. Guion, L.A. (1999). The Diversity Challenge: Programming in Extension in the New Millenium. North Carolina Cooperative Extension, NC State University Guion, L.A. (2005). Reaching Diverse Audiences. Florida Cooperative Extension, FL State University. Hogan-Garcia, M. (2003). The Four Skills of Cultural Diversity Competence. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole References