2. Nanotechnology – Vision and Implementation Winfried Teizer
Center for Nanoscale
Science and Technology
Department of Physics
Texas A&M University
3. Nanotechnology – At the Beginning “I imagine experimental physicists must often look with envy at men like Kamerlingh Onnes, who discovered a field like low temperature, which seems to be bottomless and in which one can go down and down. Such a man is then a leader and has some temporary monopoly in a scientific adventure. Percy Bridgman, in designing a way to obtain higher pressures, opened up another new field and was able to move into it and to lead us all along. The development of ever higher vacuum was a continuing development of the same kind.
I would like to describe a field, in which little has been done, but in which an enormous amount can be done in principle. This field is not quite the same as the others in that it will not tell us much of fundamental physics (in the sense of, ``What are the strange particles?'') but it is more like solid-state physics in the sense that it might tell us much of great interest about the strange phenomena that occur in complex situations. Furthermore, a point that is most important is that it would have an enormous number of technical applications.
What I want to talk about is the problem of manipulating and controlling things on a small scale.“
4. Who Invented Nanotechnology? 1959 Richard Feynman (Nobel in Physics)
“There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom: An invitation to enter a new field of physics.”
Offered two $1,000 prizes: to build an electric motor in a 1/64 inch cube; another to reduce a page of a book to an area 1/25,000 smaller, and read it using an electron microscope
1960: the first prize claimed
1985: a graduate student claimed the second by writing a page from “A Tale of Two Cities” on a page 1/160 of a milimeter in length, using electron beam lithography.
5. Outline What is Nanotechnology?
What can Nanotechnology do for us now?
What may Nanotechnology be able to do in the future?
Should we go down this path?
6. A Wake-up Call Invention of scanning tunneling and atomic force microscope, (Gerd Binning and Heinrich Rohrer of IBM, Nobel in Physics, 1986)
7. Nanotechnology: A Definition The study and applications of things or structures that are of the order or below 100 nm (1 nm = 10-9 m or one-billionth of a meter) in sizes.
Essentially this is the study of the “super small.”
Manipulation of building blocks at this scale
Expectation of practical applications
8. The Nanoscale “The principles of physics, as far as I can see, do not speak against the possibility of maneuvering things atom by atom.”
Richard Feynman, 1959
9. Outline What is Nanotechnology?
What can Nanotechnology do for us now?
What may Nanotechnology be able to do in the future?
Should we go down this path?
10. How to fabricate Nanostructures? – 2 principal approaches Bottom-Up
Assembling structures from the atomic/molecular level
Novel approach, conceptually imitating nature
E.g. chemical self-assembly Top-Down
Miniaturizing existing processes at the Macro/Microscale
Traditional approach in industrial applications
E.g. Lithography, backbone of computing systems
11. Lithography Lithography in Art
How lithography works
Materials used for lithography drawing
Photolithographic process
12. Lithography in Art Invented by Alois Senefelder in 1798
Used for book illustrations, artist's prints, packaging, posters etc.
In 1825, Goya produced a series of lithographs.
In the 20th and 21st century, become an important technique with unique expressive capabilities in the Art field
13. How Lithography started Lithography (Greek for "stone drawing") relies on the fact that water and grease repel
Draw a pattern onto a flat stone surface with a greasy substance
Paint the printing ink onto the stone
While the stone background absorbs water, the greasy substance retains wet ink on top
Press paper against the stone to transfer the pattern
Positive! Repeatable!
14. Materials used for lithography drawing Litho crayons and pencils (containing wax, pigment, soap and shellac), conte crayons, pens and graphite pencils, etc.
15. Lithography, to date Miniaturized computing circuits require mass manufacturing of small features ? push lithographic approach to new limits
Some lithography approaches for manufacturing
Optical lithography (including ultraviolet)
X-Ray lithography
Electron Beam lithography
Ion Beam lithography
“Dip-Pen” lithography
16. Optical/UV Lithography Workhorse of current chip manufacturing processes
Limited by wave length of light employed
Smaller features ? reduce wave length ? UV light
Here is how it works
17. Photolithographic process Wafer cleaning
Barrier layer formation
Photoresist application
Soft baking
Mask alignment
Exposure and development
18. Optical Lithography
19. Optical Lithography
20. Optical Lithography
21. Optical Lithography
23. Fundamental Limitations
24. Example: Pentium III
25. History of transistor Discovered and Invented at Bell Labs in 1947
By John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley
Practical and useful electronic devices for communications (1st_transistor.jpg)http://www.101science.com/transistor.htm
26. Outline What is Nanotechnology?
What can Nanotechnology do for us now?
What may Nanotechnology be able to do in the future?
Should we go down this path?
27. Bottom-Up Techniques
28. A vision: Portability
29. Self Assembled Monolayers
30. Self Assembled Monolayers
31. Self Assembled Monolayers
35. Nanotube Bundles
36. Space Elevator
37. MEMS (MICRO-ELECTRO MECHANICAL SYSTEMS) MEMS have made electrically-driven motors smaller than the diameter of a human hair
MEMS technology is NOT just about size
Not about making things out of silicon...
38. How small is a micrometer? 1 ?m = 10-6 meters = 1000 nm
Average diameter of a human hair = 70 micrometer
Component of MEMS may be
<1 ?m
39. More Images of MEMS Courtesy Sandia National Laboratories, SUMMiTTM Technologies, www.mems.sandia.gov
40. What are MEMS? Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems
Integration of:- mechanical elements- sensors- actuators- electronics
Created on a common silicon substrate
Using Microfabrication technology
41. Electronics vs. Micromechanical components Electronics: - fabricated using integrated circuit (IC) process sequences
Micromechanical components: - fabricated using compatible "micromachining" processes
42. Typical MEMS Applications Biotechnology: - Scanning Tunneling Microscopes (STMs) to detect hazardous chemical and biological agents
Communications using RF-MEMS technology: - Improvement on electrical components (inductors, tunable capacitors, etc.) - Huge potential in various microwave circuits with mechanical switch
Accelerometers:- Better accelerometers for crash air-bag systems
43. Advantages of MEMS Manufacturing Extremely diverse technology - significant effect on commercial and military product, e.g. flaps
Already used for in-dwelling blood pressure monitoring, active suspension systems for automobiles, etc.
Blurs the distinction between complex mechanical systems and integrated circuit electronics
Complex electromechanical systems to be manufactured using batch fabrication techniques, increasing the reliability of the sensors and actuators to equal that of integrated circuits
Cost is predicted to be much lower than macrodevices
44. Current Challenges In most companies:- Limited options for prototyping/manufacturing devices- No capability/expertise in microfabrication technology - High cost for own fabrication facilities
45. Outline What is Nanotechnology?
What can Nanotechnology do for us now?
What may Nanotechnology be able to do in the future?
Should we go down this path?
46. Ethical Consideration
47. Nanoscale in Nature Nanoscale structures in nature: Diatoms (single cell algae)
Diatoms have a silica (glass) structure cell wall.
48. Conclusions Nanotechnology can be fun (!) and useful (!?)
If nanotechnology will fulfill the promise, there will be a lot of new gadgets and jobs, many of which are unheard of
Like many things in science, one needs to watch for the drawbacks, but there is no reason to panic
50. References References:http://www.memsnet.org/mems/what-is.htmlhttp://www1.coe.neu.edu/~pmakaram/mems.htm
51. Sources