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Department of Russian and East European Studies Institute of International Studies Faculty of Social Sciences Charles University in Prague. Department of Russian and East European Studies - Past and Present. F ounded in 1994 as part of the Institute of International Studies .
Department ofRussianandEastEuropeanStudiesInstitute ofInternationalStudiesFacultyofSocialSciencesCharles University in Prague
Department ofRussianandEastEuropeanStudies - Past andPresent • Foundedin 1994 as part of the Institute of International Studies. • Members of the former dissolved Institute for Central and East European History within Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences formed the core of the new departmentto advance the study of the territory of the former Soviet Bloc based on Area Studies, a rather new field of study in the Czech context. • It became clear that the area east of the Czech borders would maintain an extraordinarily important position in the Czech foreign policy, and, consequently, there would be a steady demand for education in this particular field of study.
Department ofRussianandEastEuropeanStudies - Past andPresent • Over the years, the departmentwas successful in pursuing the study of: • Russia; • Eastern Europe – Ukraine, Belarus,Moldova; • Central Europe – Poland, Hungary, Slovakia; • Balticcountries– Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia (overreachingpartially to Finland).
Department ofRussianandEastEuropeanStudies - Past andPresent • The scope of study was further expanded to cover: • Caucasus – Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaidjan, borderregionsofRussia: Chechnya, Dagestan…; • Central Asia– Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tadjikistan; • Balkan peninsula– formerYugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania (overreachingpartially to Turkey)
Department ofRussianandEastEuropeanStudies - Past andPresent Nowadays: • interdisciplinary research of modern history, contemporary politics, international relations,partiallyeconomicsandculture of the studied regions; • investigatinga wide range of research grant projects commissioned by the MinistryofForeignAffairs, Ministry of Defense and other government agencies, corporate sector, NGOs (both in the Czech Republic and abroad).
Department ofRussianandEastEuropeanStudies - Past andPresent • Our graduates are particularly strong in critical assessment of the developments in the studied territories relying on deep background knowledge and analytical skills. • Theyare to be found working for government (Office of the President of the Czech Republic, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry oftheInterior), international organizations (OSCE, IOM), large business corporations (IBM, Škodaexport), media (Czech TV, Czech Press Agency, Czech Radio), or major NGOs (Člověk v tísni, Charitas). • Some continue pursuing their academic careers as well.
InternalStaff Ass. Prof. Jiří VYKOUKAL, Ph.D. • Director ofthe Institute ofInternationalStudies • Guarantor of B.A. programme • Guarantor ofEnglish M.A. programmes (PRAREAS) • Fieldofresearch: East-Central Europe– Poland, Hungary;Modern History; Historiography; Nationalism
InternalStaff Ass. Prof. Michal KUBÁT, Ph.D. • Head ofthe Department ofRussianandEastEuropeanStudies • Fieldofresearch: East-Central Europe – Poland; Political Systems; Theories of Democratic and Non-democratic Regimes; Theories of Political Opposition
InternalStaff Ass. Prof. Luboš ŠVEC, Ph.D. • Guarantor ofCzech M.A. programme • Fieldofresearch: East-Central Europe – Baltic Countries; Modern History of Central and Eastern Europe; Political Systems and Nationalism
InternalStaff Kateřina KRÁLOVÁ, Ph.D. • Faculty Vice-DeanforInternational Relations • Leader oftheBalkanstudies’ team • Fieldofresearch: The Balkans – Greece; Modern History of the Balkans; German-Greek Relations; Jews in Greece; Greek Minority in the Czech Republic; AuthoritarianRegimes in theBalkans
InternalStaff Slavomír HORÁK, Ph.D. • Secretaryofthe Department ofRussianandEastEuropeanStudies • Fieldofresearch: Central Asia; Afghanistan; Iran; Islam, Ideology; Energy Politics in the Caspian; Informal Political Institutions; Modern History of Central Asia
Monographs • ŠVEC, Luboš: Perestrojka, pobaltské republiky a Československo 1988-1991 [Perestroika, BalticrepublicsandCzechoslovakia 1988-1991]. Dokořán, Praha, 2014, 392 s. ISBN 978-80-7363-564-0. • REIMAN, Michal a kol.: Zrod velmoci. Dějiny Sovětského svazu 1917-1945 [TheBirthofthePower. TheHistorytheSoviet Union 1917-1945]. Karolinum, Praha, 2013, 584 s. ISBN 978-80-246-2266-8.
Monographs • SOULEIMANOV, Emil: UnderstandingEthnopoliticalConflict. Karabakh, SouthOssetiaandAbchaziaWarsReconsidered. PalgraveMacmillan, 2013, 272 s. ISBN 978-11-3728-0220. • TEJCHMAN, Miroslav: Balkán ve válce a v revoluci : 1939-1945 [TheBalkans in thewarandrevolution: 1939-1945]. Praha: Karolinum, 2008, 768 s., ISBN 978-80-246-1374-1
Monographs • KUBÁT, Michal a kol. Politické a ústavní systémy zemí středovýchodní Evropy [PoliticalandconstitutionalsystemsofEast-CentralEurope]. Praha: Eurolex Bohemia, 2004. ISBN 8086432920. • VYKOUKAL, Jiří - LITERA, Bohuslav - TEJCHMAN, Miroslav. Východ: vznik, vývoj a rozpad sovětského bloku 1944-1989 [TheEast: theestablishment, development, anddeclineoftheSovietbloc in Europe 1944-1989]. Praha: Libri, 2000, 80-85983-82-6.
Monographs • HORÁK, Slavomír. Rusko a Střední Asie po rozpadu SSSR [RussiaandCentralAsiaafter USSR dissolution]. Praha: Karolinum, 2008. 226 s. ISBN 978-80-246-1472-4. • IRMANOVÁ, Eva: Maďarsko a versailleský mírový systém [Hungaryandthe Versailles System]. Ústí nad Labem, AlbisInternational, 2002, 409 s. ISBN 80-86067-62-9.
Studia Territorialia • Leadingpeer-reviewed academic journal in the Czech Republic covering Area Studies andModernandContemporary History
ExamplesofcurrentPh.D. projects • Russianinternalmigrationanditsobstacles (Jakub Andrle) • The influenceof the Turkish political cultureon the right-wingpoliticalparties ofAlbaniaand Kosovo (Kamil Pikal) • Science aboutscience in Poland and Czechoslovakia 1962-1989 (Michaela Kůželová) • National policy towards Romania's Hungarian minorityand Bulgaria's ethnic Turks during theregimes of NicolaeCeauşescu and TodorŽivkov (Filip Šisler) • Transylvanian regional identityofRomanians, HungariansandGermans and its development and transformation after 1989 (Jiří Kocian) • The image of Soviet Union in the Czechoslovak cultural left in the 1920s and 1930s(Kateřina Šimová) • Socialinequality in Estonia (Olga Lukešová) • Influence of Putin´s politicsin the Russian societyandculture (FrancescaMazzali)
Foreign relations • Erasmus • ErasmusMundus (togetherwiththeSchoolofSlavonicandEastEuropeanStudies (SSEES), UCL London) • CEEPUS • Aktion • Mobility fund • Bilateralagreements: • Inter-facultyagreements; • Inter-university agreements; • Inter-governmentalagreements
Thankyouforyourattention! Filip Šisler, M.A. Department ofRussianandEastEuropeanStudies Institute ofInternationalStudies FacultyofSocialSciences Charles University in Prague U Kříže 661/8 158 00, Praha 5 – Jinonice sisler@fsv.cuni.cz