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Three Algorithms for Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction

Three Algorithms for Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction. Haixuan Yang Group Meeting Jan. 0 11, 2005. Outline. Problem PCA (Principal Component Analysis) MDS (Multidimentional Scaling) Isomap (isometric mapping)

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Three Algorithms for Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction

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  1. Three Algorithms for Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction Haixuan YangGroup Meeting Jan. 011, 2005

  2. Outline • Problem • PCA (Principal Component Analysis) • MDS (Multidimentional Scaling) • Isomap (isometric mapping) • A Global Geometric Framework for Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction. Science, 292(22), 2319-2323, 2000. • LLE (locally linear embedding) • Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction by Locally Linear Embedding. Science, 292(22), 2323-2326, 2000. • Eigenmap • Laplacian Eigenmaps and Spectral Techniques for Embedding and Clustering. NIPS01.

  3. Problem • Given a set x1, …, xk of k points in Rl, find a set of points y1, …, yk in Rm(m << l) such that yi “represents” xi as accurately as possible. • If the data xi is placed in a super plane in high dimensional space, the traditional algorithms, such as PCA and MDS, work well. • However, when the data xi is placed in a nonlinear manifold in high dimensional space, then the linear algebra technique can not work any more. • A nonlinear manifold can be roughly understood as a distorted super plane, which may be twisted, folded, or curved.

  4. PCA (Principal Component Analysis) • Reduce dimensionality of data by transformingcorrelated variables (bands) into a smaller number of uncorrelated components • Reveals meaningful latent information • Best preserves the variance as measured in the high-dimensional input space. • Nonlinear structure is invisible to PCA

  5. First, a graphical look at the problem… Band 2 Two (correlated) Bands of data Band 1

  6. Regression LineSummarizes the Two Bands Band 2 Band 1

  7. Rotate axes to create two orthogonal (uncorrelated) components PC1 Band 2 PC2 “Reflected” X- and y-axes Band 1

  8. Partitioning of Variance PC1 Var(PC1) Band 2 Var(PC2) PC2 Band 1

  9. PCA: algorithm description • Step 1: Calculate the average x of xi . • Step 2: Estimate the Covariance Matrix by • Step 3: Letλp be the p-th eigenvalue (in decreasing order) of the matrixM, and vpi be the i-th component of the p-th eignvector. Then set the p-th componet of the d-dimentional coordinate vector yiequal to

  10. MDS • Step 1: Given the distance d(i, j) between i and j. • Step 2: From d(i, j), get the covariance matrix M by • Step3: The same as PCA

  11. An example of embedding of a two dimentional manifold into a three dimentional space Not the true distance The true distance

  12. Isomap: basic idea • Learn the global distance by the local distance. • The local distance calculated by the Euclidean distance is relatively accurate because a patch in the nonlinear manifold looks like a plane when it is small, and therefore the direct Euclidean distance approximates the true distance in this small patch. • The global distance calculated by the Euclidean distance is not accurate because the manifold is curved. • Best preserve the estimated distance in the embedded space in the same way as MDS.

  13. Isomap: algorithm description Step 1: Construct neighborhood graph Define the graph over all data points by connecting points i and j if they are closer than ε (ε-Isomap), or if i is one of the n nearest neighbors of j (k-Isomap). Set edge lengths equal to dX(i,j). Step 2: Compute shortest paths Initialize dG(i,j)= dX(i,j) if i and j are linked by an edge; dG(i,j)= ∞ otherwise. Then compute the shortest path distances dG(i,j) between all pairs of points in weighted graph G. LetDG=( dG(i,j) ). Step 3: Construct d-dimensional embedding Letλp be the p-th eigenvalue (in decreasing order) of the matrixτ(DG), and vpi be the i-th component of the p-th eignvector. Then set the p-th componet of the d-dimentional coordinate vector yiequal to .

  14. An example: each picture, a 4096 (64*64)-dimensional point, can be mapped into 2-dinesional plane

  15. Another example: the 3-dimentional points are maped into 2-dimentional plane

  16. LLE: basic idea • Learn the local linear relation by the local data • The local data is relatively linear because a patch in the nonlinear manifold looks like a plane when it is small. • Globally the data is not linear because the manifold is curved. • Best preserve the local linear relation in the embedded space in the similar way as PCA.

  17. LLE: algorithm description Step 1: Discovering the Adjacency Information For each xi find its n nearest neighbors, . Step 2: Constrcting the Approximation Matrix Choose Wij by minimizing Under the condition that Step 3: Compute the Embedding The embedding vectors yi can be found by minimizing

  18. An example: 4096-dimentional face pictures are embedded into a 2-dimentional plane

  19. Eigenmap: Basic Idea • Use the local information to decide the embedded data. • Motivated by the way that heat transmits from one point to another point.

  20. Eigenmap Step 1: Construct neighborhood graph The same as Isomap. Step 2: Compute the weights of the graph If node i and node j are connected, put Step 3: Construct d-dimensional embedding Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors for the generalized eigenvector problem: , where D is a diagonal matrix, and

  21. Cont. Let f0,…,fk-1 be the solutions of the above equation, ordered increasingly according to their eignvalues, Lf0=λ0Df0 Lf1=λ1Df1 … Lfk-1=λk-1Dfk-1 Then yi is determined by the ith component of the d eigenvectors f1,…,fd .

  22. An example: 256-dimentional speech data is represented in a 2-dimentional plane

  23. Conclusion • Isomap, LLE and Eigenmap can find the meaningful low-dimensional structure hidden in the high-dimensional observation. • These three algorithms work well especially in the nonlinear manifold. In such a case, the linear methods such as PCA and MDS can not work.

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