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AGRO –START CONFERENCE TRANSNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR SME BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES IN THE ANIMAL BREEDING AND HORTICULTURE SECTORS Trends and Needs in the Provision of Business Support Services for SMEs in the Sectors . Sofia, Bulgaria – 14 November 2013.
AGRO –START CONFERENCE TRANSNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR SME BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES IN THE ANIMAL BREEDING AND HORTICULTURE SECTORS Trends and Needs in the Provision of Business Support Services for SMEs in the Sectors. Sofia, Bulgaria – 14 November 2013 AGEVOLAZIONI ALLE IMPRESE(Benefits for Businesses)How to support SME in monitoring and choosing public funding SIMONE MANGONITelematica Italia Srl - Italy s.mangoni@telematicaitalia.it
Italian scenario - ItalianNational Institute for Statisticsin its6thcensus2010 on allAgricolturalSector countedapprox. 1,6 mln businesses- the half are officiallyregisteredenterprises (approx. 800.000) of which:only 42.327 (5%) > 6 employees2.361limitedcompany revenues> € 5 mln(Source: ItalianChamber of Commerce) Theyare mostly family-runbusiness. No Medium ones…
Financialneeds - Structural data imply a strong dependence on banking and itstraditional credit systemand today… - credit crunch - forecastis no goodFurthermore SME are:- notelegibles for Equity and Bond market- neither for new «shadow banking» alternativesAllthatmeanseven more weakness for the Agricolturalsector in the absence of UE grantsaswellasanyotherkindof nationalpublic fundingasguarantees or tax breaks.
Public funding orienteering in Italy. A hard job for ourSME’s. For examplenow, in the sameplaceswehaveat the same time:
Telematica Italia Addressesitsservices and provisionsonlyon registeredenterprises (registrationismandatory in nearlyeverynationalannouncement) • Monitoresall news e laws for everyitalian SME in anysector • Parsesinformations and announcements and outlinesthem in clear data sheetsorganizedin a structured database (searchengine, automaticalert, newsletter) • Answersdirectquestionson projects or single announcementdeterminatingwhy, If, when, where, how. • Analizescustomer data and suggests the right public funding • Sets up documentation to access either public funding or private financing
to thisday, wesupport 8.000 customersand thanks to ouralerts, publications and databaseseven in the AgricolturalSector we are supportingthe financialsolidity and the chance of growthof more than300 small enterprises
In reference to foreign public and private players, we can:- help to find right place, time and partner to achieve a well co-financedinvestment- cooperate for helpingourcustomers to findabroadconvenientopportunities(network, partnership, support, directinvestment)
Thankyoupleasevisit: http://agevolazioni.telematicaitalia.it/(laguageitalianonly)For anyquestionplease email us:agevolazioni@telematicaitalia.itor contactourDirector of Unit Dr. Carmine Calvanese:+39 0744 392201c.calvanese@telematicaitalia.it