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SPANISH FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS (ESPANOL PARA ESTUDIANTES DE MEDICINA): Cardiovascular Diseases ( Enfermedades Cardiovasculares ). Nestor Mercado MD, PhD, FESC Assistant Professor of Medicine Director of Structural Heart Program Division of Cardiology – LSU HSC New Orleans, LA.
SPANISH FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS (ESPANOL PARA ESTUDIANTES DE MEDICINA): Cardiovascular Diseases (EnfermedadesCardiovasculares) Nestor Mercado MD, PhD, FESC Assistant Professor of Medicine Director of Structural Heart Program Division of Cardiology – LSU HSC New Orleans, LA March 5, 2014
Cardinal symptoms in Cardiology (Los sintomas mas importantes en Cardiologia) Chest pain (dolor de pecho) Palpitations (palpitaciones) Shortness of breath (dificultad para respirar)
Does it hurt? Le duele? Do you have chest pain or discomfort? Tiene dolor o molestia de pecho? How would you describe it? Como lo describiria? Constant? Constante? Intermittent? Intermitente? Does it hurt when you take a deep breath? Le duelecuandorespiraprofundo? Have you ever had this pain before? Ha sentidoeste dolor anteriormente? When? Cuando? How was it treated? Como fuetratado? How often have you had the pain? Con cuantafrecuencia lo ha sentido?
Where does it hurt? Donde le duele? Where in your chest do you feel the pain? En donde en el pechosiente el dolor? Point to where you feel the pain Indicamedóndesiente el dolor Does it radiate to any other area? Se irradiael dolor a otraparte? What does it feel like? Quesiente? What does the pain feel like? Quéclase de dolor? Crushing or squeezing? Sienteque lo aplasta o oprime? Something heavy pressing on your chest? Algopesadooprimiendosupecho? Pressure or tightness? Sientepresión o tensión? Dull ache? Esun dolor agudo? Burning sensation? Sensaciónde ardor? Sharp or stabbing like a knife? Agudoo punzantecomo un cuchillo? Ripping or tearing sensation? Sientequees un dolor desgarrante? Heartburn-type pain? Sientecomosi le quemara el pecto?
Any other symptoms with the pain? Otrossintomas con el dolor? Anxiety? Ansiedad? Arm pain? Dolor en los brazos? Back pain? Dolor en la espalda? Dizziness Mareos? Fainting? Desmayos? Fatigue? Fatiga? Feeling of doom? Sensaciónde muerte? Jaw pain? Dolor de mandíbula? Nausea? Náuseas? Restlessness? Inquietud? Shortness of breath? Respiraciónentrecortada? Sweating? Sudor? Vomiting? Vómitos? Weakness? Debilidad? Does anything make it worse? Hay algoqueempeora el dolor? Standing? Pararse?
How long have you felt it? Desdehacecuanto le duele? How long have you been having this C.P.? Cuantotiempotieneeste dolor? Did it start recently? Comenzóhacepoco? Over the last few hours, days, or weeks? Haceunashoras, días, o semanas? In the morning? En la mañana? In the afternoon? En la tarde? In the evening? En la noche? How long? Cuantotiempo? How long does an attack last? Cuántotiempodura el ataque? Seconds? Segundos? Minutes? Minutos? Hours? Horas? Days? Días?
Palpitations Palpitaciones Does your heart ever feel like it's: Sientequeel corazón: Pounding? Le late violentamente? Racing? Le late aceleradamente? Skipping beats? Se saltealatidos? When does this feeling occur? Cuándoocurreestasensación? While resting? Mientrasdescansa? During an activity? Mientrashacealgunaactividad? After an activity? Despuésde unaactividad? After exercising? Despuésde hacerejercicio? After walking up steps? Despuésde subirescalones? After eating? Despuésde comer?
Shortness of breath (SOB) Dificultad para respirar Have you ever experienced SOB? Algunavez ha sentidoque le falta la respiración? When did it occur? Cuándoocurrió? What makes it better? Quélo mejora? What makes it worse? Quélo empeora? Is SOB related to any activity? Estárelacionado con algunaactividad? Which activity? Con quéactividad? Is SOB accompanied by coughing? Vaacompañado de tos? How many pillows do you use when ¿Cuántasalmohadasusapara You sleep? dormir?
Past medical history Historiamedica Investigate if the patient was born with a heart problem as well as if he has a history of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes Were you born with a heart problem? Naciócon algúnproblemacardiaco? What was it? Quépasó? When was it treated? Cuándorecibiótratamiento? How was it treated? Cómose le trató? Have you had rheumatic fever? Ha tenidofiebrereumática? – When? Cuándo? Have any heart problems resulted from the rheumatic fever? Le hanresultadoenfermedades del corazón a causa de la fiebrereumática?
Past medical history Historiamedica Have you ever been told you had a heart murmur? Algunavez se le ha dichoquetenía un soplocardiaco? Who told you about it? Quiénse lo dijo? When did you find out about it? Cuándose enteróde esto? How was it treated? Cómofuetratado? Do you have any of the following conditions? Tienealgunade lassiguientesenfermedades? High blood pressure? (la) presion arterial alta? High cholesterol? (el) colesterolalto? Diabetes mellitus? (la) diabetes melitus? Heart failure? (la) fallacardiaca?
Past medical history Historiamedica Have you ever had __________? Ha tenidoallgunavez__________? A heart attack Un ataquecardiaco A cardiac catheterization Unacateterizacióncardiaca A stent placed Se le insertóalgunavezun stent An angioplasty Unaangioplastía Any type of heart surgery Alguntipode cirugiacardiaca A pacemaker inserted Insertóalgunavez un marcapasos A defibrillator inserted Insertóalgunavez un desfibrilador When was the disorder first diagnosed? Cuándose le diagnosticóporprimeravezestetrastorno? How is it treated? Cómose trato? How has it affected your lifestyle? Cómoha afectadosuestilo de vida?
Medications Medicamentos What prescription medications do you take? ¿Quémedicamentosbajorecetatoma? What are they for? Para qué son? What OTC do you take? Quémedicamentosde ventalibretoma? How often do you take them? Con cuántafrecuencia los toma? What herbal remedies do you take? Quéremedios a base de hierbastoma? How often do you take them? Con cuantafrecuencia los toma? What illicit drugs do you use? Quédrogasilícitasusa? How often do you use them? Con cuántafrecuencialasusa? Are you allergic to any medications? Esalérgico(a) a algúnmedicamento?
Social History Historia Social Lifestyle Questions about lifestyle factors are central to any cardiovascular assessment. These questions discuss tobacco use, alcohol use, sleep patterns, exercise habits, and more. Do you smoke or chew tobacco? ¿Ud. fuma o mascatabaco? What do you smoke? Quéfuma? Cigarettes? Cigarrillos? Cigars? Cigarros(puros)? Pipes? Pipas? How long have you smoked or chewed tobacco? Porcuantotiempo ha fumado?
Social History Historia Social Do you drink alcoholic beverages? Tomabebidasalcoholicas? What type? Quéclase? Beer? Cerveza? Wine? Vino? Hard liquor? Aguardiente? How often do you drink? Con quéfrecuenciabebeUd.? How many drinks per day? Cuántostragosbebe al día? Did you drink more frequently in the past? Bebíamásfrecuentemente en el pasado? Did you stop drinking? Dejóde beber?