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When you decide to transfer your website to Linux Hosting in India with a new provider, it could appear logical to inform your present web hosting company. But don't do it. In reality, wait to announce your choice until your website begins functioning through your new hosting provider.
How to Avoid Downtime While Migrating to Linux Hosting In India? Introduction When switching from a present hosting company to a new service provider, you can typically anticipate more downtime the more data and users you have. Due to factors like your internet speed, the type of data you are migrating, and other considerations, we are unable to give a precise estimate of the downtime. To minimize downtime and complete the migration to Linux Hosting In India within the time window you've set, we've put together this list of tips that walks you through some of the most important strategies. Steps to Avoid Server Downtime While Migrating to Linux Shared Hosting in India
Stay With Your Current Plan When you decide to transfer your website to Linux Hosting in India with a new provider, it could appear logical to inform your present web hosting company. But don't do it. In reality, wait to announce your choice until your website begins functioning through your new hosting provider. The majority of the time, web hosting companies cancel your plan immediately as you notify them. They won't hold off until your existing plan ends. A company's server space and resources are critical. To make those resources accessible for someone else if you decide to leave, they will almost immediately cancel your subscription. They will quickly delete almost all of the files you've stored on their servers when your account got canceled. The appropriate time to inform your current host is actually when you've moved and evaluated the brand-new Linux hosting environment in India.
Take a Complete Backup of Your Files The transfer of backup files is also necessary because they are extremely important. If the control panel that both web hosting providers provide is the same, this procedure is quite straightforward. Given that cPanel or Plesk are typically offered by hosting companies with every plan of Linux shared web hosting in India. To do this with cPanel, navigate to the main menu and look for the "Backup" option. Simply click on it to download all of your backup files in compressed form. You should avoid decompressing these files. The server will automatically decompress any compressed files you upload once it detects that they are backups. You'll have a very difficult time uploading if you decompress them first. Launching Your Website in a Different Setting When you purchase a Linux shared web hosting plan in India, you will typically receive an email from them. Your domain name as well as IP addresses should get listed in this email. Additionally, they will send you the login information for your brand-new cPanel account. All of your backup files should get uploaded to the new server after you've logged into your new cPanel account. The procedure is very similar to accessing backups. Just choose "Backup Restore" under the "Backup Download" tab. A complete site backup should be on hand for you. To start the process, simply choose the appropriate file or documents. After the upload is complete, your backend database gets expected to be operational.
Verify That Your Database is Operational There won't be any usernames or passwords in the database backup files. They won't even be aware of the different database permissions because they won't get any information about them. Therefore, you need to record each one separately. With cPanel, a database can have a variety of prefixes, many of which are commonly incorrectly assigned by default. To check whether prefixes have been correctly assigned, simply browse the database on your Linux Hosting Server in India. You should adjust them if they are not. The appropriate prefix for each application is easily obtainable online. You can now use your IP address to sign into the FTP account. All of the necessary steps to change nameservers are pretty much covered by this. Also, make sure you haven't missed anything. Reconfigure The Nameservers This procedure essentially serves to notify your domain registrar that you have moved your website and now want to use new domain servers. By directing what details to display when people access your website right now, you are instructing the registrar. To accomplish this, simply log in to the domain registrar's control panel for domain registration. You would need to see a toolbar here labeled "Domain Server Names." This is where you should enter the new name server that got designated to your new host from whom you have bought the best plans of Linux shared hosting in India. Old websites typically stop working at this point. However, because of the actions described, both new and old websites will continue to function up until
the full propagation of name servers takes place. Both of your websites are open to anyone, and they both have the same design. Moreover, be careful not to add any original content during propagation, and you shouldn't modify either website. This could cause the loss of information. When it's finished, the procedure gets ended. Your website has now getting migrated to Linux hosting in India. All you need to now do is call your previous web host and let them know you've moved your website. Important Things to Know in The Propagation Period The propagation of a domain name change through everyone's DNS servers takes between 24 and 48 hours. Accordingly, some users will continue to receive the old site during this time while others will receive the new site. When it comes to web browsing, it's no big deal, but email can get complicated. You could receive emails on either your new email server or your old email server, based on where they are coming from. Try setting up two accounts for your email address to protect yourself from losing messages. Rather than specifying the domain name in your POP settings, use the IP address for each mail server. By setting up a checking account on both mail servers, you can be sure that you won't miss any messages over the next 24 to 48 hours. Conclusion Your customers won't have to deal with a website that does not operate correctly or is not fully operational. Because when a clean website migration doesn't cause any downtime, it results in a better user experience. You can get cost-effective Linux hosting plans in India with the highly advanced hosting services provided by Hostbillo. These services include free
SSL, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited disc space, and cPanel. You can also receive full support for hosting migration when switching from another provider to Hostbillo.