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6. Seja statističnega sosveta za statistiko življenjske ravni in socialne zaščite T orek 11. junija 2016 ob 13. uri Litostrojska 54, Ljubljana, sejna soba 3-059 v III. Nadstropju. Uporabniški vpogled UMAR dr. Valerija Korošec govori v svojem imenu. UVOD: IZZIVI. Nove vrste podatkov ?
6. Seja statističnega sosveta za statistiko življenjske ravni in socialne zaščiteTorek 11. junija 2016 ob 13. uriLitostrojska 54, Ljubljana, sejna soba 3-059 v III. Nadstropju Uporabniški vpogled UMARdr. Valerija Korošec govori v svojem imenu.
UVOD: IZZIVI • Nove vrste podatkov? • Nov način zbiranja podatkov (registrski, satelitski? • Nowcasting – novi (časovni) pristopi k obdelava podatkov? • Modelska obdelava podatkov? • Ne/odvisnost raziskav? Vloga EU? • Primer dialoga z uporabniki: Otroški UTD za Belgijo po slovensko s pomočjo mikrosimulacijskega modela MEFISTO (EUROMOD, EU-SILC) na International Conference on Universal Child Grants. 6-8 February 2019, Geneva
Which system is better in fighting child poverty - UBI or current (means-tested, targeted) system (in developed countries)?-------------------------------------------------------- Triangulationmethod: • UBI proposal for Slovenia (2010) • OECD (2017), IMF (2017), IMF (2018) • Unconditional Basic Individual Universal Child Grant for Belgium following the Slovenian approach: child UBI for Belgium (SI_UBI_UCG_BE by MEFISTO, EUROMOD). International Conference on Universal Child Grants Dr. V. KOROŠEC (2019) SI_UBI UCG_BE
Unconditional Basic Individual Universal Child Grant • for Belgium following the Slovenian approach. • Child UBI for Belgium. • Micro-simulation SI_UBI_UCG_BE by MEFISTO (EUROMOD, EU-SILC) Dr. VALERIJA KOROŠEC, independent scientist, Slovenia …speaks in her own name. @ValerijaSlo International Conference on Universal Child Grants 6-8 February 2019 | Geneva
Poverty rates, childrenless then 18 years & total, Slovenia (SI) & Belgium (BE), two high-developed countries, 2005-2017------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- International Conference on Universal Child Grants Dr. V. KOROŠEC (2019) SI_UBI UCG_BE
1. UBI proposal for Slovenia (2010)---------------------------------------------------------------- • all eligiblemembers UBI =300 €/month UNIVERSAL • NO means test and NO work requirement UNCONDITIONAL • Cash: monthly, flat, ‘round’ amount UNIFORM • Average of: Social Assistance (=230 €/monthGMI; Minimum Income guarantee), ½ Poverty Line,½ MWageand 1/3 of Average Wage BASIC • Re-desing of 10 Personal Tax allowances + 16 benefits on GMI and Child Allowances into UBI (=26 changes) BUDGET NEUTRAL • paid to an individual member not to a household. INDIVIDUAL International Conference on Universal Child GrantsDr. V. KOROŠEC (2019) SI_UBI UCG_BE
3. Budget & micro-simulation implications:UBI just above current GMI, budget neutral, Slovenia (2010) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- International Conference on Universal Child GrantsDr. V. KOROŠEC (2019) SI_UBI UCG_BE
3. Design of child UBI for Belgium--------------------------------------------------------- • Budget neutral. • UBI level just above the current GMI schemes. • Evaluation criteria: • Lower child poverty rate (for the lowest deciles). • Gini is smaller. • Income situation for the majority is better. International Conference on Universal Child Grants Dr. V. KOROŠEC (2019) SI_UBI UCG_BE
ad 3. Microsimulation of child UBI for Belgium with MEFISTO, EUROMOD http://www.flemosi.be/easycms/MEFISTO --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 x changes of the current system: 22 x → 0 4 x → 200 €/month for each child = child UBI 1 x → 400 €/month for a single parent (mother) UBI International Conference on Universal Child Grants Dr. V. KOROŠEC (2019) SI_UBI UCG_BE
First example: 4 changes out of 27 International Conference on Universal Child Grants Dr. V. KOROŠEC (2019) SI_UBI UCG_BE
First example: 4 changes out of 27 International Conference on Universal Child Grants Dr. V. KOROŠEC (2019) SI_UBI UCG_BE
Another 4 changes – child UBI International Conference on Universal Child Grants Dr. V. KOROŠEC (2019) SI_UBI UCG_BE
Another 4 changes – child UBI International Conference on Universal Child Grants Dr. V. KOROŠEC (2019) SI_UBI UCG_BE
Results/Criteria: Budget neutrality International Conference on Universal Child Grants Dr. V. KOROŠEC (2019) SI_UBI UCG_BE
Results/Criteria: Child poverty rate -1.83 pp. International Conference on Universal Child Grants Dr. V. KOROŠEC (2019) SI_UBI UCG_BE
Results/Criteria: -9.66 1st decile, -8.63 2nd decile International Conference on Universal Child Grants Dr. V. KOROŠEC (2019) SI_UBI UCG_BE
Results/Criteria: theGini coefficient: -0.03 International Conference on Universal Child Grants Dr. V. KOROŠEC (2019) SI_UBI UCG_BE
Results/Criteria: 25.23% losers , the majority winners and unaffected International Conference on Universal Child Grants Dr. V. KOROŠEC (2019) SI_UBI UCG_BE
….unconditional or means-testing?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In fighting child poverty in high developed countries UBI system Universal + Unconditional + Uniform + Basic + Individual + Budget neutral would be better than the current, means-tested system, however….. International Conference on Universal Child Grants Dr. V. KOROŠEC (2019) SI_UBI UCG_BE
III. Conclusion remarks alias open questions--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • On whose expenses? Child UBI in Belgium? Child UBI in Slovenia? • Coverage?Closer to poverty line? • Poverty? Absolute? Relative? Cultural? Moral?Inequality?Redistribution? • Work? initiative? for single? parents? • The public administration?Experiments? • Research? Responsibility? Manipulation?Objectivity? International Conference on Universal Child Grants Dr. V. KOROŠEC (2019) SI_UBI UCG_BE
ZAKLJUČEK • Modeli: npr. EUROMOD - EU-SILC – registrski • Podatki: AROP – stopnja tveganja revščine – novi podatki? • Koncepti: Relativna revščina (družbena neenakost – premoženjska neenakost -dohodkovna neenakost) vs. absolutna revščina? • Pristojnosti EU glede socialne zaščite (Social Pillars)?