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Exploring the Ocean Floor: Features and Sediments

Explore the vast world ocean including divisions, features like continental margins, abyssal plains, and Mid-Ocean Ridges, and different types of seafloor sediments. Learn how ocean floor studies provide insights into Earth's history and climate changes. Discover the significance of coral reefs and atolls in marine ecosystems.

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Exploring the Ocean Floor: Features and Sediments

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  1. The Ocean Floor Earth Science Ch. 14

  2. 14.1 The Vast World Ocean • 71% of Earth’s surface is covered by ocean water • 97% of the Earth’s water is salt water found in the oceans • Divisions of the World Ocean • Pacific: largest and deepest • Atlantic • Indian • Arctic • Bathymetry: measurement of ocean depth and identifying the topography of the ocean floor

  3. Study of the Ocean Floor • Sonar • Use of sound waves to determine the depth of the ocean floor. • Satellites • Used to determine the size of features on the ocean floor using microwaves • Submersibles • Small underwater crafts used for deep sea research • Contain equipment to collect information about the ocean floor.

  4. Sonar

  5. 14.2 Ocean Floor Features • Continental Margins • Atlantic Ocean • Very wide • No plate boundaries so there is very little tectonic activity • Pacific Ocean • Very narrow • Nearby plate boundaries causing features such as faults, subduction zones, earthquakes, and volcanoes.

  6. Parts of the Continental MarginGranitic • Continental shelf • Gently sloping shallow surface that extends from the shoreline • Contains important resources including: • mineral deposits • oil and natural gas • sand and gravel deposits • fishing areas • Most organisms of the ocean are found in this region because of the amount of sunlight, oxygen, and nutrients

  7. Continental slope • Found at the edge of the continental shelf • Much steeper than the shelf • The bottom of the slope is the boundary between the oceanic and continental crust • Submarine canyons are found on the slope. • Submarine canyons are formed by turbidity currents. • A turbidity current is a rapid down slope flow of water. The word turbid means full of sediment. • The current erodes part of the slope forming a canyon. • The water carries a large amount of sediment down the slope.

  8. Submarine Canyon & Turbidity Current

  9. Continental rise • Only occur in areas where there are no trenches • Found at the base of the continental slope • Consists of sediments from the continental shelf

  10. Ocean Basin FloorBasaltic • Located between the continental margin and mid ocean ridge • Consists of abyssal plains, trenches, seamounts, and guyots.

  11. Abyssal Plains • Deep, flat regions of the ocean floor where there is no tectonic activity • Covered with a thick layer of sediment • The largest abyssal plains are found in the Atlantic ocean.

  12. Deep Ocean Trenches • Deepest parts of the ocean with the highest pressures. • Most are located around the Pacific Ocean • Form at convergent boundaries where subduction occurs • Earthquakes and volcanic activity are associated with this these regions.

  13. Seamounts • Individual volcanoes found on the ocean floor that do not reach the ocean surface. • Guyots • A submerged volcanic island that has a flat top due to erosion by water.

  14. Mid Ocean Ridges • System of mountains that have developed on the ocean floor • Longest feature on the earth’s surface • The mid ocean ridge is created by a divergent boundary and is broken into segments by transform faults • The volcanic activity along the mid ocean ridge occurs due to seafloor spreading.

  15. The type of volcanoes that form along the mid ocean ridges are fissure volcanoes • The long opening at the top of the ridge is called a rift • New ocean floor is formed at the mid ocean ridge and pushes older ocean floor away from the ridge. • Hydrothermal vents are found along mid ocean ridges which contain abundance of minerals.

  16. Coral Reefs and Atolls • Fringing reef: form around volcanic islands. • Barrier reef: form farther from an island as a volcano sinks. • Coral atoll: form when an island is completely under water and the reef is all that remains. • The water that the atoll encircles is called a lagoon. • The coral continue to grow upward even though the island is sinking because they can only survive in shallow water.

  17. 14.3 Seafloor Sediment • Coarse sediment such as sand covers the continental shelf and slope because it is heavier and settles out first. • Fine sediments such as clay covers the deep ocean floor because it is lighter and settles out last. • Ocean floor sediments can be classified according to their origin: • Terrigenous sediments • Biogenous sediments • Hydrogenous sediments

  18. Terrigenous sediment • Any sediment that originated on land • Biogenous Sediment • Any sediment that came from organisms that used to be alive. • 3 types of biogenous sediment: • Calcareous ooze: calcium carbonate shells • Siliceous ooze: shells of single-cell organisms • Phosphate –rich material: bones, teeth, and scales of fish

  19. Hydrogenous sediment • Minerals the crystallize directly from ocean water • Manganese and iron form nodules • Calcium carbonates form limestone • Evaporites form salts

  20. Seafloor sediments and remains of organisms can provide data about changes in climate over time.

  21. 14.4 Resources from the Sea Floor • The ocean floor is rich in mineral and energy resources. • There are many challenges and high costs to retrieving them however. • Most of the value of resources from the ocean comes from their use as energy products. • The resources of the ocean floor are finite and need to be conserved.

  22. Oil and natural gas are the main energy products obtained from the ocean floor. • The remains of organisms that lived in the ocean are the source of oil and natural gas. • The percentage of the world’s oil produced from offshore regions has increased to over 30%. • Major offshore reserves exist in the Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Mexico, off the coast of southern California, and the North Sea. • The environmental concern associated with offshore drilling is the possibility of damage to the environment due to oil spills.

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