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SPT-E1070 Planning Studio L, V (10 cr .) Case Lahti-Nastola Final assignment : strategic land use and transport plan for Lahti 2025. The rationale of the final plan. …is flexible in the face of future uncertainties. Alternative scenario A. Now.
SPT-E1070 Planning Studio L, V (10 cr.)Case Lahti-NastolaFinalassignment: strategiclanduse and transport plan for Lahti 2025
Therationale of thefinalplan …is flexible in the face of future uncertainties AlternativescenarioA Now …orientates towards the desired long term future …builds reasonably on existing conditions and trends Vision First stage land use & transport plan AlternativescenarioB 2025 2045
Select membersfromyourpresentgroups to each of thefoursub-groupsbelow: Coordination Group – onemember. Thegroup is in charge of coordinatingplanningwork of theothersub-groups and instructingthefinaloutcome and itspresentation- and giveassistance to theothergroupswhennecessary. Plan 2025 – onemember. Thegroup is in charge of finalizingthefirststagelanduse and transport plan and theassociatedwrittenaccountexplainingthecontents of theplanand thereasoningsbehind it, e.g. itsrelation to bothanalysiswork and thelongerterm vision and otherscenarios. Vision 2045 – onemember. Thegroupis in charge of finalizingthelanduse and transport planfor thechosen vision of 2045 and theassociatedwrittenaccountdevelopingthescenariostoryline, followingtheimplementation of Plan 2025, and givingjustificationswhythisplanshouldbetaken as Lahti’s vision. Alternativescenarios 2045 – theremainingmembers. Thegroup is in charge of finalizingthelanduse and transport plansfor theminimum of twootherplausiblescenarios 2045 for Lahti, and theassociatedwrittenaccountdevelopingtherespectivescenariostorylinesfollowingtheimplementation of Plan 2025. Althoughthesealternativeplansarenotthe vision, theyshouldmakethebest of thecircumstancesprevailing in eachscenario. Organization into sub-groups
Plans in digitalformat. Theinformationgiven in theplansshouldbe in accordancewithScenarioassignment2 (measurements). Coordination Group: give a guideline for theuse of colours and othermarkings in theplan. A legend to eachplanexplainingthemarkingsifnecessary. Regarding Plan 2025, addbenchmarkpictures to illustratethecharacter of theareas and transportationmodes to bedeveloped. Givecatchynames for the vision and alternativescenarios 2045. CoordinationGroup: compilethewrittenaccounts for eachplan into a single reportwith a shortexecutivesummary and an introductionexplainingtheunfolding of thestrategiclanduse and transport plan for Lahti 2025 withitsdifferentphases of analysing, scenariobuilding etc. Addillustrations, e.g. benchmarkpictures, plans. Guidelines
Eachplan in pdf format. Writtenreport– to becompiledbytheCoordination Group. Power Point presentation – to becompiledbytheCoordination Group. -> Return theabovedocuments to MyCoursesreturn box by Wednesday, December13th, bymidnight. Posterpresentation (size A1 panels, printingby City of Lahti, posterdocuments to besent to byTuesday, Dec. 12th). Labelbar: Thetitle of theplan, thenames of thestudents, thecourse, master’sprogram and university. Thescale of themapsindicatedeithernumericallyorgraphically. CoordinationGroup: give a guideline for thenumber and layout of thepanels. Finaloutcome
Thursday, 23.11., 12-16 (150, K-building, Otakaari 4)Supervision on strategicplan: Overallscheme (outlines of eachsub-group’swork) Thursday, 30.11., 12-16 (150, K-building, Otakaari 4)Supervision on strategicplan: Coordination of main contents of eachsub-group’swork, layout and reportingguidelines Thursday, 7.12., 12-15 (150, K-building, Otakaari4) Supervision on strategicplan: Presentation draft 15-17 "IntegratedSpeechCommunication" Presentation training (150, K-building, Otakaari 4) Thursday, 14.12., 10-18Finalpresentation in Lahti; feedback session Schedule
10:00 Departurebybusfrom Rakentajanaukio, Otaniemi 11:45 Lunch at Fellmannia restaurant,Kirkkokatu 27 13:00Welcome, City of Lahti 13:05 Introduction to thecourseproject: strategicplanningusingscenarios (in Finnish) Raine Mäntysalo 13:20 Presentation of thestrategiclanduse and transport plan for Lahti 2025 14:10Discussion 14:45Conclusion and nextsteps– Johanna Palomäki 15:00 Coffee 15:15Course reviewdiscussionbetweenthestudents and teachers 16:00 Departure to Otaniemi Presentation seminar in LahtiDecember 14th, 2017, City Hall