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Implementing the EU Fgas Regulation

This article explores the implementation of the EU Fgas Regulation, which includes a phase down quota system for HFCs. It discusses the impact on companies, pre-charged HFC equipment, service bans, operator and technician obligations, and investment signals. Ongoing implementation work and additional resources are also provided.

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Implementing the EU Fgas Regulation

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  1. Implementing the EU Fgas Regulation Bente Tranholm Schwarz DG CLIMA European Commission ATMOsphere Europe , 16 March 2015

  2. Phase down quota system • Companiesimportingorproducing HFC (bulk!) getan HFC quotaeveryyear (in CO2eq) • A company can only place quantities of HFCsonthe EU marketup totheirquotalimit • The sum of quotasisaround 180 Mt CO2eq in 2015 and lessthan 40 Mt CO2eq in 2030 (21%) • For 2015, 79 incumbentcompaniesand 334 new entrantsgot a quota

  3. Phase-down based on climate impact Average GWP must fall from 2000 to 400 by 2030 (assuming identical quantities) Manufactures and buyers of RAC avoiding HFCs/using low GWP solutions will not/be less impacted (prices) 79%

  4. Pre-charged HFC equipment • From 2017, pre-charged HFC equipment can only be placed on the market, if the HFC charge is covered by quota! How? • Filling in the EU or outside the EU, with HFCs bought in the EU, or • authorisation to use quota from a quota holder (producer/importer of bulk HFCs) for HFCs bought outside the EU • Reporting on HFCs in imported pre-charged equipment NOW

  5. Service ban on larger refrigeration • Targetsexistingequipment(< -50oC excluded) • No use of F-gaseswith GWP > 2500 (i.e. R-404a) • From 2020 (reclaimed/recycleduntil 2030) • Onlylargerequipment: Charge >40t CO2eq. Rulesare less strict for users of low GWP technology

  6. Operator and technician obligations depending on climate impacts Rulesare less strict for users of low GWP technology

  7. Investment signals to manufacturers and buyers of RAC • "Stay low, move fast …" • and you will still be cool !

  8. Ongoing implementation work ImplementingActs • Quotareferencevalues and ReportingRegulations (done) • Updates of Labelling and of Training & CertificationRegulations (2015) OngoingStudies • National Codes & Standards, Training for alternative technologies, Green Public procurement(end 2015) • HFC prices and impacts, patents (2016)

  9. To know more… http://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/f-gas/index_en.htm Legislation: http://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/f-gas/legislation/index_en.htm QuotaAllocation & Reporting: http://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/f-gas/reporting/index_en.htm Alternatives: http://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/f-gas/alternatives/index_en.htm Guidance documents: 'Reporting' and for RAC technicians & users http://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/f-gas/documentation_en.htm THANK YOU!

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