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Neighbourhood planning gives communities power to shape planning policies and decisions. This movement supports growth with investment through Community Infrastructure Levy. Engage in the process to influence local development positively.
#neighbourhoodplanning A quick reminder of what neighbourhood planning is… • POWER to make planning policy or grant planning permission • RESPONSIBILITY to meet need and support growth • INVESTMENT through Community Infrastructure Levy* * Communities with a neighbourhood plan in place receive 25% of CIL
1000 Designation Applications
850 Designated areas
A growing movement This data was informally gathered from internet monitoring and is being constantly updated
A growing movement This data was informally gathered from internet monitoring and is being constantly updated
A growing movement This data was informally gathered from internet monitoring and is being constantly updated
This data was informally gathered from internet monitoring and is being constantly updated
80+ full drafts for consultation 40+ submitted for publicity and examination In the pipeline
“Do you want ..... District Council to use the neighbourhood plan for the ..... area to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?” The referendum question
14 The number of neighbourhood plans to get to referendum. All passed.
1013 Neighbourhood PlanningFrom the Ground Up 852 195 188 188 Applications Designated Local Authorities 60% 58% 96 44 14 10 Examination Application Designation Draft Plan Referendum MADE
Thame • I have experience of community development work but somehow this was different. It involved understanding the constraints imposed by environmental and planning issues, of accepting growth in an area where everyone wanted to close the town’s gates. • Instead of a top down approach – this is what is best for your area, it was a bottom up approach – this is what we want so go and make it work in planning terms. Tension erupted as the “professionals” had to listen and produce rather than produce and inform. • The status of the town council has definitely changed, somehow it seems there is more respect for what a town council does and can do. The district council is involving us at the first stage of planning enquiries. Helen Stewart, Town Clerk
The early evidence from Leeds is that the neighbourhood planning process can have a positive role to play in the future of communities and creating a consensus around that future and the form it might take. This future is not just about managing growth in prosperous middle class areas, but crucially, as the evidence of Holbeck is beginning to demonstrate, has a real role to play in unleashing untapped resources and initiatives latent in the local communities in the more deprived areas of the UK. Neighbourhood planning is awelcome experiment in modern planning that deserves its chance to continue. Phil Crabtree, Chief Planning Officer & Ian Mackay, Team Leader, Neighbourhood Planning, Leeds City Council Journal of Urban Regeneration & Renewal, September 2013
Upper Eden Neighbourhood Plan approvals: 6 • Applications: 3
WE’VE DONE IT! • Congratulations to all ESJF members and associate members • On the evening of 16th July Exeter City Council adopted the Exeter St James Neighbourhood Plan. • The Plan now forms part of Exeter’s statutory development plans and in future the policies it contains will be used to help determine planning applications. • This decision can also be seen as the green light for projects which have been proposed. • The Steering Group has been eager to make a start with Queens Crescent Garden, the top priority project, and plans are being made for the setting up of a Community Interest Company to assume responsibility for the development and future management of this community green space
Neighbourhood Planning and Students • Give hard pressed neighbourhood planners an injection of help and enthusiasm from students eager to learn about planning and put their learning to practical use • Give students • experience of real world planning, community perspectives, and a major reform to the planning system • the basis for essays and research • Help to embed neighbourhood planning in the practice and culture of planning over the long term
Masters Planning students at Oxford Brookes undertaking their dissertation are making a major contribution to the Headington Neighbourhood Planning process. • The presentation from students had an extraordinary range of brilliant ideas to promote participation. Can we improve participation in our plan through Mad/Sad/Glad boards, visioning festivals, chair bombing or other means? • Students have given us wonderful think pieces. Invigorating to have a fresh set of eyes. Some of their ideas will definitely feature in the plan. Headington Neighbourhood Forum
LPA = £30k £5k @ designation (+ £5k for forums) £5k @ submission £20k @ successful examination (+ £10k for business areas) Support, Examination and Referendum
Communities Bespoke direct support And (/or) £7k Mycommunityrights.org.uk
Neighbourhood Planning Champions Network http://bit.ly/1gVcMbg
#neighbourhoodplanning @JJDadge @CommunitiesUK twitter.com/Billers_Roden/lists/neighbourhood-planning Notes on Neighbourhood Planning https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/notes-on-neighbourhood-planning LinkedIn: Neighbourhood Planning Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/nplanning/neighbourhood-plans/ My Community Rights: www.mycommunityrights.org.uk/neighbourhoodplanning Planning Guidance: http://planningguidance.planningportal.gov.uk/
mick.duggan@communities.gsi.gov.uk james.dadge@communities.gsi.gov.uk