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CIS 644  Object-Oriented Design and Development. (3)  Fall 1999

CIS 644  Object-Oriented Design and Development. (3)  Fall 1999 Catalog description: Object models, concepts of classes and objects, dynamic models, comparison of design methods, relationship to object-oriented languages, tools for design and program construction,

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CIS 644  Object-Oriented Design and Development. (3)  Fall 1999

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  1. CIS 644  Object-Oriented Design and Development. (3)  Fall 1999 Catalog description:Object models, concepts of classes and objects, dynamic models, comparison of design methods, relationship to object-oriented languages, tools for design and program construction, design and prototype project. Pr.: CIS 300.

  2. Prerequisites: experience with some OO programming language (Java, C++, Smalltalk, … ) Project style will be Java.

  3. Topics: object-models: UML practice: case studies++ patterns, components tools

  4. Required work: several small design assignments 2 exams design project synopsis of paper / tool

  5. William Hankley hankley@cis.ksu.edu http://www.cis.ksu.edu/~hankley/ 785-532-6350, FAX: 785-532-7353 Nichols 227C ….usually MWF 1:30-2:30 T U 02:05-03:20 CST 91629 N off-campus , KSU 91649 N off-campus, NTU Mrs. Angie Taylor, email: angie@cis.ksu.edu P. Coad, M. Mayfield, Java Design (2ed Ed.), Yourdon Press/ PrenticeHall, 1999, ISBN 0-13-911181-6

  6. References: M. Fowler, K. Scott, I. Jacobson,  Uml Distilled : Applying the Standard Object Modeling Language, A-W  1997 paperback, ISBN: 0-20-132563-2.  G. Booch, I. Jacobson, J. Rumbaugh, The Unified Modeling Language User Guide , A-W 1998,  ISBN: 0-20-157168-4.  P. Coad, E. Lefebvre, J. DeLuca, Java Modeling in Color with UML, P.H. 1999.

  7. P. Coad, Object Models -- Strategies, Patterns, and Applications,  Yourdon, 1997 . E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, J. Vlissides, Design Patters: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, A -W , 1995.

  8. graphical diagrams: use case diagram class diagram behavior diagrams: statechart diagram activity diagram interaction diagrams: sequence diagram collaboration diagram implementation diagrams: component diagram deployment diagram

  9. UMLexamples

  10. End

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