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Energy Now 2019: Smart Energy Distribution- an ENTSO-E perspective

Energy Now 2019: Smart Energy Distribution- an ENTSO-E perspective. Susanne Nies ENTSO-E. Energy Now 22 May 2019, Eindhoven. The European Power Grid. 3 673 TWh generated. 43 TSOs, 36 countries. 3 631 TWh consumed. 1 140 GW of generation capacity.

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Energy Now 2019: Smart Energy Distribution- an ENTSO-E perspective

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  1. Energy Now 2019: Smart Energy Distribution- an ENTSO-E perspective Susanne Nies ENTSO-E Energy Now 22 May 2019, Eindhoven

  2. The European Power Grid 3 673 TWh generated 43 TSOs, 36 countries 3 631 TWh consumed 1 140 GW of generation capacity +/- 435 TWh of electricity exchanged 500+ million citizens served +/- 480 000 km of interconnections

  3. Current European Grid integration challenges New Regional Security Coordination New Network code to implement Growing Scarcity in Grid Capacity Enabling more RES & demand response connections flow based Regional security coordinators bidding zones review Including links inside countries

  4. Consumer participation, emerging actors and cooperation between DSOs and TSOs transform the electricity system and grid Active consumers Exchange of data Citizen energy communities Market facilitation Aggregation Designing the framework Source: adapted from EC, Manuel Sanchez Jimenez. EG3, Smart Grids Task Force (2014, 2018, 2018)

  5. ASM and integrated system approach

  6. Significant Grid Development needs… ..and high cost of No grid: 40 bn/year starting in 2040

  7. … as well as system flexibility needs • Wind and Solar penetration reaching 60-80% of the electricity generation mix during Renewable Peaks • Residual Load ramp rates reaching 40-100GW/h • Low inertia limits reached in small synchronous areas • New Interconnector usage (VSC and AC) • Batteries • Fast Synchronous Condensers

  8. Transparency! ENTSO-E Pan European Data Hub

  9. #DigitalGrids, enablers of future system of systems Power to Gas / Green Gas & Hydrogen / Combined Heat & Power Electromobility TSO-DSO coupling Microgrid coupling at Gridedge through #Blockchain

  10. 2. Who are the key players for TSOs?

  11. European Network of Transmission System Operators (TSOs) 26 of the 43 TSO members responded to this survey.

  12. European Network of Distribution System Operators (DSOs) 22 of the 43 DSO members responded to this survey.

  13. Common Grid Model across Time Horizons • Grid Planning • Market & Operational Planning • Capacity & Security • Grid extension • Maintenance • Security • Execution • Day ahead • Year ahead • Week ahead • Real-time • Month ahead • Intraday Confidence level

  14. Tighten ENTSO-E Cybersecurity strategy Develop architecture, standards & interoperability The Common Grid Model Smarter data sharing among TSOs for both market and security of supply New expertise MOUs with ENCS, ENISA, ACER & CENELEC Strenghtened implication into EC SmartGrid Taskforce / EG2 New ENTSO-E Cyber Strategy Paper New tools Roll-out of the Integral Security Framework (Sep 2017) New cooperation tool for Cyber Incidents (2018-19) New Infrastructures New robust security plans e.g. CGM Security Plan (Oct 2017) Evolve TSO Electronic Highway into new E-SCN (COMO) architecture • How the CGM works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bm4hqINTyI

  15. Significant Transformation expected: TSO and DSO to deliver!… Paris agreement Energy Union and Market integration Clean Energy Package Distributed energy sources #DigitalGrid Electric vehicles Picture by Nil Castellvi

  16. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION info@entsoe.eu - entsoe.eu – Follow us on

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