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In Bookmark Standard-Setting, participants had to

Dive into the Maryland Content Standards setting process where participants become familiar with the standards, review tests, discuss student proficiency, and assign cut scores for advanced and proficient levels. Detailed individual analysis and committee rounds lead to recommendations for the Psychometric Council.

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In Bookmark Standard-Setting, participants had to

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Presentation Transcript

  1. In Bookmark Standard-Setting, participants had to Become very familiar with the Maryland Content Standards Review the tests Discuss the target student who would just be proficient Assign a cut score

  2. The Bookmark Standard-Setting Procedure A 15 14 13 Test items students must know and be able to do to be considered “Advanced” 12 11 10 9 P 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Ordered Item Booklet Test items students must know and be able to do to be considered “Proficient”

  3. Standard-Setting Process Individual Analysis Content every student should know Items most students get correct Items fewer students get correct

  4. Standard-Setting Process Round 1 Median Review test; Vote. Discuss data and distribution. Round 2 Median Vote View impact data; Discuss.

  5. Standard-Setting Process Round 3 Median Small groups join; Vote. Median cut score is committee’s recommendation.

  6. Their recommendations and report were submitted to the Psychometric Council.

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