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Bertram Blank, CEN Bordeaux-Gradignan

DESIR at SPIRAL2 D ésintégration, E xcitation et S tockage des I ons R adioactifs Decay, excitation and storage of radioactive beams. DESIR: facility layout DESIR: scientific objectives BESTIOL LUMIERE DETRAP Transfer beam lines Context BARC/TIFR – DESIR: transfer beam lines.

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Bertram Blank, CEN Bordeaux-Gradignan

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  1. DESIR at SPIRAL2Désintégration, Excitation et Stockage des Ions RadioactifsDecay, excitation and storage of radioactive beams • DESIR: facility layout • DESIR: scientific objectives • BESTIOL • LUMIERE • DETRAP • Transfer beam lines • Context BARC/TIFR – DESIR: transfer beam lines Bertram Blank, CEN Bordeaux-Gradignan

  2. DESIR in three parts… BESTIOL: BEta decaySTudies at the SPIRAL2IsOLfacility LUMIERE: Laser Utilization for Measurement and Ionization of Exotic Radioactive Elements DETRAP: DESIR Trapping facilites

  3. The BESTIOL facility BEtadecaySTudiesat the SPIRAL2 IsOLfacility M.J.G. Borge, B. Blank et al., CSIC Madrid, CENBG • high-precision measurements of 0+-0+ and mirror b decays: quark mixing 21Na, 23Mg, 31S, 39Ca, 66As, 70Br • b-decay studies of neutron-rich and neutron-deficient nuclei -> lifetime and decay spectroscopy: magic numbers and astrophysics 81Cu, 103-106Y, 81Cu, 83Zn, 86Ga, 87Ge, 88As, 92Se,100Kr,130Ag,139Sb,142Te -> delayed charged-particle correlations (b2p emission): pairing in nuclei 22Al, 23Si, 26P, 27S, 31Ar, 35Ca, 39Ti -> 12C cluster emission: 112,114Ba: from a decay to fission • Gamow-Teller strengthdistribution:shape coexistence, deformation 78-80Cu, 80-82Zn, 83-85Ga, 93-100Kr, 98,99,101In, 101Sn, 97-99Cd, 130-132In, 129-132Cd, 130Ag • Neutron emission probabilities Pn,2n: reactor physics • b-decay properties of neutron rich nuclei: reactor decay heat

  4. Future measurements at DESIR 2011 • Measurements of ft for heaviest • 0+ - 0+ decays • Most significant test of • nuclear corrections • Test CVC over largest range possible

  5. The LUMIERE facility Laser Utilization for Measurement and Ionization of Exotic Radioactive Elements F. Le Blanc, G. Neyens, P. Campbell et al., IPN Orsay, IKS Leuven, Univ. Manchester • Collinear Laser spectroscopy - spins - magnetic & quadrupole moments - change of charge radii N~Z = 28(48-55Mn, 52-58Fe), 40 (A<89Zr, 88-101Sr, 89-103Y ), 50 (95-102Ag, 100-110Sn), N=82 (78-84Ge, 80-85Ga), N=104 (179-182Au) • b-NMR spectroscopy and b-delayed spectroscopy of polarized beams - spins - magnetic & quadrupole moments Z=50, N=82: 132Sn region: 127-133In • purification by laser ionisation: CRIS method

  6. Laser spectroscopy in the 100Sn region CRIS type beam line 100Sn M. Bissel et al. • charge radii and moments for the most exotic isotopes

  7. DETRAP: Mass measurements with the MLL trap P. Thirolf et al., LMU Munich • multi-reflection TOF spectrometer for beam purification • Penning trap for mass measurements • Binding energy of N~Z nuclei: • 94,95,96Cd, 100Sn from S3 • Masses of A~100 nuclei: • 97-100Kr, 99-102Rb, 101,102Sr, 102,103Y • superallowed and mirror b-decay Q values: • 66As, 70Br, 78Nb, 82Tc,… 21Na, 23Mg, 25Al, 27Si, 29P, • 31S, 35Ar, 37K, 39Ca, 41Sc • Masses of r-process nuclei: • 70,81Cu, 82Zn,100Kr, 130Ag,130-132Cd,131-133In • Masses of transactinide isotopes with S3: • Z~104, 106 MLL trap commissioning at Garching

  8. Measuring the heaviest masses 257Rf 253No • linking the super-heavy a decay chains with direct mass measurements • testing the mass models for super-heavy elements • extrapolating into the unknown region P. Thirolf et al.

  9. DESIR physics cases: LOIs for DESIR Collinear laser spectroscopy b-delayed g spectroscopy of laser-polarized beams 257Rf b-nangularcorrelation: LPCtrap Mass measurements: MLLTrap 179-182Au b-delayed charge part. emission 21 LOI’s for experiments at DESIR N=Z line (Trap-assisted) b-decay, TAS 112,114Ba 98,99,101In,100,101Sn 138,139Sb,139-142Te 127-133In 94,95Ag, 96,97-99Cd 129-130Ag, 130-132Cd RIBs from: • Fragmentation (S1) • n-induced fission (S2) • light particle transfer (S2) • fusion-evaporation (S3) 89-102,103-106Y A<89Zr 88-101,102Sr 66As, 70Br 93-97-100Kr 56,58Zn 90-92Se 80-85,86Ga, 78-84,86-87Ge, 88As 78,79,80,81Cu,80,81,82,83Zn 8He, 19Ne, 21Na, 23Mg, 25Al,27Si, 29P, 31S, 35Ar, 37K, 39Ca, 41Sc 22Al, 23Si, 26P, 27S, 31Ar, 35Ca, 39Ti 8He Possible interests from VECC

  10. Beam delivery to DESIR GANIL – SPIRAL1 (S1) DESIR Production building SPIRAL2 (S2) S3 • Low-energy beams from: • S1, S2, S3 • wide range of different isotopes • state-of-the-art equipment

  11. Possible DESIR hall layout N -TOF detector PIPERADE + TAGS LPCTrap MLLTrap TETRA Silicon Cube BEDO LUMIERE TONNERRE BELEN Identification station

  12. DESIR beam lines: BARC-TIFR collaboration S3 SP2 LINAC DESIR GANIL Production building Level 0: Hall (1500 m2) Transfer beam lines Level -1: technical rooms (550 m2) beam emittance: up to 20 p.mm.mrad beam energy: 10 keV < E< 60keV length of beam lines: ~140 m

  13. Collaboration BARC/TIFR – SPIRAL2/DESIR • December 2009: first discussion with S.K. Gupta et al. • March 2010: signature LIA between France (CNRS, CEA, GANIL) and India (BARC + TIFR) • October 2010: First LIA meeting at GANIL: BARC/TIFR contribution to DESIR beams lines • Design des lignes : optics, diagnostics, • control, pumping system, safety and security • (IPNO, CENBG, CSNSM, GANIL, BARC) • Construction and tests of a prototype section • (IPNO, CENBG, GANIL, BARC) • Construction mechanical parts • (BARC, IPNO, CENBG) • Installation at GANIL • (GANIL, BARC, IPNO, CENBG) • Commissioning • (GANIL, CENBG, BARC) • Control system programming with EPICS (?) • Cost estimate: • Total : ~3822 k€ • BARC contribution : 826 k€ optical elements, beam pipes, support structures

  14. Transfer lines optics calculations: S2 adaptation point of SPIRAL2 to adaptation point DESIR RMSx,y=3mm, ex,y RMS=20p.mm.mrad, DE/E=0.004pm, E=60kV, M=122 (ex.: 122Sn1+) Production adaptation DESIR adaptation L. Perrot et al., IPN Orsay

  15. Collaboration BARC/TIFR – SPIRAL2/DESIR • BARC/TIFR proposal (S.K. Gupta et al.): • Electrostatic steerers &  quadrupole triplets  ~ 40 • Electrostatic benders         7 • Two / three way switchyards               6 • Support structure for above components &  • 140 m of beam lines tubes

  16. DESIR: • exciting physics opportunities: • Laser spectroscopy • Decay studies • Trap (assisted) measurement • large variety of beams due to different production schemes • state of the art equipment… possibilities for equipemnt from India • large international collaboration • DESIR letter of intent (Oct. 2006): 97 scientists • DESIR technical design report (Jan. 2010): 111 scientists • DESIR related LOIs for SPIRAL2 (Jan. 2011): 132 scientists • collaboration with and contribution from BARC/TIFR, VECC and others • is must welcome

  17. DESIR collaboration • ~120 scientists and engineers • ~35 different institutions • ~15 countries

  18. SHIRaC cooler and buncher from drawings to reality… • Completed end of 2010 • Test with high intensity beams 2011 • Adaptation to nuclear environment • Interfacing with HRS G. Ban et al., LPC Caen

  19. The high-resolution separator HRS • Final design of the HRS • which includes: • mecanical contraints • radioprotection considerations • optical needs Resolution M/DM ≈ 30000 Beam envelope in X: Beam envelope in Y: T. Kurtukian Nieto et al., CENBG

  20. Double Penning trap PIPERADE S. Grévy, M. Gerbaux, D. Lunney et al., CENBG, CSNSM • not for mass measurements • beam purification for trap-assisted spectroscopy • high-precision measurements • ultra-pure samples Si Cube b-g spectroscopy neutron arrays TAS

  21. K = ft 0+ 2 2 2 g 2 g + M M V F A GT T1/2 QEC BR 0+ K Ft = ft (1 + dR’) (1 – dc + dNS ) = 2 (1 + DR) 2 g M V F Super-allowed 0+-0+ Fermi decays • gv = gm * Vud • verify conserved vector current (CVC) hypothesis

  22. DETRAP: Fundamental interactions at the LPCTrap e+ nucleus q ne • b-n angular correlation measurement in a Paul trap: -> exotic currents in the weak interaction: 6He, 8He , 19Ne , 35Ar -> mirror b decay studies: 21Na,23Mg,25Al,27Si,29P,31S,35Ar,37K,39Ca,41Sc LPCTrap setup at GANIL/SPIRAL trapping & decay measurement Pl. Sc. DSSSD Beam µCP µCP cooling & bunching in a RFQ E. Liénard et al., LPC Caen

  23. a = -1/3 Precise measurements of b-n angle • b-n angular correlation • within the SM x : Fermi fraction; r : GT/F mixing ratio 6He Future measurements: 8He , 19Ne , 35Ar X. Fléchard et al., LPC Caen

  24. DESIR: a low-energy facility for GANIL S1 S2 RFQ & HRS http://www.cenbg.in2p3.fr/desir

  25. SPIRAL1 beams Projectile or target fragmentation at 95 MeV/A main interest: very neutron- and proton-rich light nuclei 1+  n+

  26. Converter n 2H UCx IS n 2H Target IS 2H UCx IS HI Target IS SPIRAL2 beams • Fission, fusion • evaporation, DIC • main interest: • fission products • medium-mass • proton-rich nuclei e.g. 36Ar @ 20 MeV/A

  27. S3 beams • Fusion-evaporation • reactions at Coulomb • Barrier, DIC • main interest: • very heavy nuclei • N=Z nuclei • very short-lived • isotopes • refractory elements LISOL

  28. Transfer lines optics calculations: S1 adaptation point of LIRAT (-1.75m ) to adaptation point DESIR (+1.5m). RMSx,y=3mm, ex,y RMS=20p.mm.mrad, DE/E=0.004pm, E=60kV, M=122 (ex.: 122Sn1+) DESIR adaptation LIRAT adaptation L. Perrot et al., IPN Orsay

  29. Transfer lines optics calculations: S3 adaptation point of S3 (-8.5m ) to adaptation point DESIR (+1.5m). RMSx,y=3mm, ex,y RMS=20p.mm.mrad, DE/E=0.004pm, E=60kV, M=122 (ex.: 122Sn1+) DESIR adaptation S3 adaptation L. Perrot et al., IPN Orsay

  30. EQUIPEX Funding request Phase 1 (July 2012-June 2015): investment costs

  31. EQUIPEX Funding request Phase 2 (July 2015 - December 2019): running costs answer in January 2012….

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