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ECE 569 Database System Engineering Spring 2004 Topic VIII: Query Execution and optimization

ECE 569 Database System Engineering Spring 2004 Topic VIII: Query Execution and optimization. Yanyong Zhang www.ece.rutgers.edu/~yyzhang Course URL www.ece.rutgers.edu/~yyzhang/spring04. Select Operation. simple condition (C=A  V)

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ECE 569 Database System Engineering Spring 2004 Topic VIII: Query Execution and optimization

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  1. ECE 569 Database System EngineeringSpring 2004Topic VIII: Query Execution and optimization Yanyong Zhang www.ece.rutgers.edu/~yyzhang Course URL www.ece.rutgers.edu/~yyzhang/spring04

  2. Select Operation • simple condition (C=A  V) • Selectivity of condition C for relation R = |{t  R | C(t)}| / |R| • The number of records satisfying a condition divided by number of tuples • If there are i distinct values of V with uniform distribution, average selectivity is 1/i. • Linear Search • Retrieve every tuple in relation and test predicate • Cost = N_Pages • Equality predicate with index on A • Locate all the tuples with search key V using the index • Cost = ?? • Inequality with B+-tree on A • Locate first tuple with t with search ky V using index • Retrieve tuples in ascending order starting with t if  is . Otherwise retrieve tuples in desending order • Cost = ?? (selectivity)

  3. Select operation (cont’d) • Conjunctive conditions (C = C1 C2 ...  Ck ) • Use one of the access methods above to retrieve tuples satisfying Ci. For each tuple, test remaining conditions. • Choose Ci with lowest selectivity to reduce cost • If secondary indices containing tuple pointers exist for all or some of the attributes, retrieve all pointers that satisfy individual conditions. Intersect pointers and retrieve tuples. • Disjunctive Conditions (C1 C2 ...  Ck) • If there is an access path for every condition, then select records and perform union to eliminate duplicates.

  4. Join Operation • T = R >< S • Nested loop • Algorithm while records remain in R do fetch next record r from R while records remain in S do fetch next record s from S if (r[A] == s[B]) then insert t into T where t[R] = r and t[S] =s end end • Analysis • rR # of records in R • bR # of blocks in R • Cost = rR(bs+1) A = B

  5. Join Operation (cont’d) • T = R >< S • Nested loop with multiple buffers • Use one buffer to sequence through blocks of S • Use nb-2 buffers for R while records remain in R do read in nb-2 buffers of tuples from R while records remain in S do fetch next record s from S for every record r of R in a buffer do if (r[A] == s[B]) then insert t into T end for end while end while • Every block of R is read only once • Every block in S is read bR/(nb-2) • Cost = bR +bS/(nb-2) • Outer loop should scan smaller relation A = B

  6. Join operation (cont’d) • Index method • Requires an index (or hash key) for one of the join attributes. (Assume there is an index on B of S) • Algorithm while records remain in R do fetch next tuple from R use index to retrieve all records with key r(B) in S for each record s retrieved do insert t into T end for end while • Analysis • xB average # of block accesses to retrieve a record using access path for attribute B • Cost = bR + rR xB + bT • These disk accesses may be slower than those from nested join.

  7. Join operation (cont’d) • Sort-merge join • Requires that records in R be ordered by their values in A and that S be ordered according to B. • Algorithm below assumes A and B are candidate keys. fetch next record r from R fetch next record s from S while (r  NULL and s  NULL) do if(r(A) > s(B)) then fetch next record s from S else if (r(A) < s(B)) then fetch next record r from R else /* r(A) == s(B) */ insert t into T fetch next record r from R fetch next record s from S end while Analysis • Records of each file are scanned only once • Cost = bR + bs + bT

  8. Projection operations • Projection - p(R) • P includes a candidate key for R • No need to check for duplicates • Otherwise, one of following can be used to eliminate duplicates • If result is hashed, check for duplicates as tuples are inserted • Sort resulting relation and eliminate duplicates that are now adjacent.

  9. Set operations • R  S • Hash records of R and S to same file. Do not insert duplicates • Concatenate files, sort, and remove adjacent duplicates • R  S • Scan smaller file, attempt to locate each record in larger file. (If found, add tuple to result) • R – S • Copy records from R to result • Hash records of S to result. If tuple is found, delete it

  10. Query Optimization rule of thumb • R1: selections and projections are processed on the fly and almost never generate intermediate relations. Selections are processed as relations are accessed for the first time. Projections are processed as the results of other operators are generated. • R2: Cross products are never formed, unless the query itself asks for them. Relations are always combined through joins in the query. • R3: The inner operand of each join is a database relation, never an intermediate result.

  11. Heuristic Optimization of Query Trees • Consider following schema customers (cid, cname, ccity, discnt) products (pid, pname, pcity, pquantity, price) agents (aid, aname, acity, percent) orders (ordno, month, ocid, oaid, opid, quantity, oprice) • Query R: (select pid from products) except (select opid from customers, orders, agents where ccity = “Duluth” and acity = “New York” and cid = ocid and aid = oaid)

  12. Heuristic (cont’d) • Translate the query into algebra R: pid (products)- opid (city=“Duluth”  acity=“New York”  cid = ocid  aid = oaid ((customers X orders) X agents) • Query Tree - pid opid city=“Duluth”  acity=“New York”  cid = ocid  aid = oaid products X X customers orders agents

  13. Heuristic (cont’d) 1. Replace F  F’(R)withF(F’(R))wherever possible (allow flexibility in scheduling selects) - pid opid city=“Duluth” products acity=“New York” cid = ocid aid = oaid X X customers orders agents

  14. Heuristic (cont’d) 2. Move select operations as close to leaves as possible - pid opid aid = oaid products X cid = ocid acity=“New York” X city=“Duluth” orders agents customers

  15. Heuristic (cont’d) 3. Rearrange tree so that most restrictive select executes first. Most restrictive select produces smallest result, or is one with smallest selectivity. • Assume most restrictive select is probably acity=“New York - pid opid cid = ocid products X aid = oaid city=“Duluth” X acity=“New York” orders customers agents

  16. Heuristic (cont’d) 4. Replace cartesian product and adjacent select with join - pid opid >< cid = ocid products >< aid = oaid city=“Duluth” acity=“New York” orders customers agents

  17. Heuristic (cont’d) 5. Project out unnecessary attributes as soon as possible. - pid opid >< cid = ocid products cid >< aid = oaid city=“Duluth” aid oaid,ocid,opid acity=“New York” orders customers agents

  18. Heuristic (cont’d) 6. Map subtrees to execution methods such as: • A single selection or projection • A selection followed by a projection • A join, union, or set difference with two operands. Each input can be preceded by selections and/or projections. The output can also be followed by a selection and/or projection.

  19. Heuristic (cont’d) - pid opid >< cid = ocid products cid >< aid = oaid city=“Duluth” aid oaid,ocid,opid acity=“New York” orders customers agents

  20. Example • Characteristics of DBMS • Available join methods – (1) nested loop; (2) sort-merge join • Query SELECT emp.Name, dept.name, acnt.type FROM emp, dept, acnt WHERE emp.dno = dept.dno AND dept.ano = acnt.ano AND emp.age  50 AND acnt.balance  10000

  21. Example (cont’d) • name,dname,type (emp.dno=dept.dno  dept.ano=acnt.ano  emp.age50  acnt.balance10000((emp x dept) x acnt)) • Now decide the order of join • acnt is the third relation • emp >< dept or dept >< emp • emp is the third relation • dept >< acnt or acnt >< dept >< emp.age >= 50 acnt.balance >= 10000 dept emp acnt

  22. Relations • emp(name, age, sal, dno) • Pages – 20, 000 • Number of tuples – 100,000 • Indexes – dense clustered B+-tree on sal (3-level deep) • dept(dno, dname, floor, budget, mgr, ano) • Pages – 10 • Number of tuples – 100 • Indexes – dense clustered hash table on dno (avg bucket length = 1.2 pages) • acnt (ano, type, balance, bno) • Pages – 100 • Number of tuples – 1000 • Indexes – dense clustered B+-tree on balance (3-level deep) • bank (bno, bname, address) • Pages – 20 • Number of tuples – 200 • Indexes – none

  23. Histograms • emp.page (assume uniform distribution) range frequency 0< x  10 0 10< x  20 500 20< x  30 2500 30< x  40 4000 40< x  50 2000 50< x  60 800 60< x  70 200 • Acnt.balance range frequency 0< x  100 200 / 100 = 2 100< x  500 200 / 400 = 0.5 500< x  5000 200 / 4500 = 0.044 5000< x  10000 200 / 5000 = 0.04 10000< x  50000 200 / 40000 = 0.005 50000< x <  0

  24. Method Method Cost Cost Order Order Result Size Result Size Comment Comment SCAN SCAN 20,000 10 none none 12,000 tuples 2,400 pages 100 tuples 10 pages Size reduced by selectivity of age <= 50 Plans for accessing relation • Plans for retrieving tuples from emp, dept and acnt. EMP DEPT

  25. Method Cost Order Result Size Comment SCAN 100 none 200 tuples 20 pages Size corrected for selectivity of balance >= 10000 B+-tree on balance 3+20 =23 none 200 tuples 20 pages Plans for accessing relation (cont’d) ACNT

  26. Method Cost Order Result Size Comment Nested Loop (page oriented) 20000 + 2400*10 = 44000 none 12000 tuples 2400 pages Assume that tuple size is same as EMP tuples. Nested Loop using hash table on dno 20000 + 12000*(1 + 1.2 + 1) = 58400 none 12000 tuples 2400 pages Plans for joining two relations EMP >< DEPT

  27. Method Cost Order Result Size Comment Nested Loop (page oriented) 10 + 10 * 20000 = 200010 none 12000 tuples 2400 pages Plans for joining two relations (cont’d) DEPT >< EMP

  28. Method Method Cost Cost Order Order Result Size Result Size Comment Comment Nested Loop (page oriented) Nested Loop (page oriented) 10 + 10 * 100 = 10010 23 + 20 * 10 = 223 none none 200 tuples 20 pages 200 tuples 20 pages Plans for joining two relations (cont’d) DEPT >< ACNO ACNO >< DEPT

  29. Plans for joining the third relation to the other two • Think on your own …

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