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Providing content for education: the eJewish repository of Jewish Resources in the Internet

Dov Winer The Jewish Agency Initiative for Jewish Networking Infrastructures http://www.ejewish.info. Section: eLearning and Cultural Content. Providing content for education: the eJewish.info repository of Jewish Resources in the Internet. Future Education. action learning. question posing.

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Providing content for education: the eJewish repository of Jewish Resources in the Internet

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  1. Dov WinerThe Jewish Agency Initiative for Jewish Networking Infrastructureshttp://www.ejewish.info Section: eLearning and Cultural Content Providing content for education: the eJewish.info repository of Jewish Resources in the Internet

  2. Future Education action learning question posing directed dialogues debates learning by doing problem solving simulations CONTEXT! learning by reflection learning by teaching situated learning story telling Socratic dialogues projects case studies panel discussions incidental learning learning from mistakes role playing small group discussions story listening project based learning Antonio Dias Figueiredo - Universidade de Coimbra

  3. David Bearman, President, Archives & Museum Informatics Sustaining Culture, Enhancing Life: User Requirements for Cultural Heritage http://www.eu2004.digitaliseringerfgoed.info An User Model http://www.ejewish.info dovw@jazo.org.il

  4. An User Model http://www.ejewish.info dovw@jazo.org.il

  5. Activities and Relationships http://www.ejewish.info dovw@jazo.org.il

  6. http://www.ejewish.info dovw@jazo.org.il

  7. http://www.ejewish.info dovw@jazo.org.il

  8. http://www.ejewish.info dovw@jazo.org.il

  9. http://www.ejewish.info dovw@jazo.org.il

  10. http://www.ejewish.info dovw@jazo.org.il

  11. http://www.ejewish.info dovw@jazo.org.il

  12. http://www.ejewish.info dovw@jazo.org.il

  13. http://www.ejewish.info dovw@jazo.org.il

  14. http://www.ejewish.info dovw@jazo.org.il

  15. http://www.ejewish.info dovw@jazo.org.il

  16. Statistics eJewish http://www.ejewish.info dovw@jazo.org.il

  17. Statistics eJewish http://www.ejewish.info dovw@jazo.org.il

  18. Statistics Dinour Centre HUJI

  19. Emergent Developments in Resources Metadata Tagging 1. Context of use:Social tagging tools for adding additional metadata that reflects actual use of the content (a posteriori metadata 2.Techniques for machine translation of metadata and automatic generation of metadata See: 1. Bottom up taxonomy development http://flickr.comhttp://del.icio.us 2. Narrow and broad folksonomies http://www.vandewal.net/random/category.php?cat=153 3. Folksonomies? How about Metadata ecologies?Louis Rosenfeld blog, January 2005 http://www.louisrosenfeld.com/home/bloug_archive/000330.html http://www.ejewish.info dovw@jazo.org.il

  20. http://www.ejewish.info dovw@jazo.org.il

  21. http://www.ejewish.info dovw@jazo.org.il

  22. http://www.ejewish.info dovw@jazo.org.il

  23. http://www.ejewish.info dovw@jazo.org.il

  24. http://www.ejewish.info dovw@jazo.org.il

  25. http://www.ejewish.info dovw@jazo.org.il

  26. The Jerusalem Declaration http://www.minervaisrael.org.il/jerusalem.html • 4. Digitization of CH and convergence present unique occasion for the Jewish People and their collective and evolving memory. • Call for a concerted policy for digitisation of Jewish cultural assets…long term preservation; continuous access; re-incorporation in the contemporary life of the Jewish People as living assets re-creating Jewish culture in its variety and multi-faceted aspects. • Israel as a democratic country should provide expression for cultural diversity. Expression for the historical and contemporary creativity of Arab, Druze, Islamic and Christian culture and others. • … http://www.ejewish.info dovw@jazo.org.il

  27. Thank you for your attention ! Contact: Dov Winer, Director, The Jewish Agency Initiative for Jewish Networking Infrastructures P.O.Box 92 Jerusalem 91000 Israel dovw@jazo.org.il phone: +972.2.6202992 fax: +972.2.6204194 http://www.ejewish.info http://www.ejewish.info dovw@jazo.org.il

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