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Dynamic 1 10 6 to 3.6 10 17. Dynamic 2 10 5 to 3.2 10 17. 3.2x10 17 p/s/m. BLMC. BLM Specifications. 9.4.2 BLMS. Dynamic range almost equal for BLMC and BLMA Relative to quench level is dynamic extended: to lower values BLMC (tuning, observation time > 1 s)
Dynamic 1 106 to 3.6 1017 Dynamic 2 105 to 3.2 1017 3.2x1017 p/s/m BLMC BLM Specifications 9.4.2 BLMS • Dynamic range almost equal for BLMC and BLMA • Relative to quench level is dynamic extended: • to lower values BLMC (tuning, observation time > 1 s) • to higher values BLMS (beam loss at injection, observation time < 0.1 ms) BLM Specification, BDI internal review, B.Dehning
Loss Levels and Required Accuracy • Some comments: • Fast losses, transient losses: assume 5 turns to reach quench level = > increase per turn 0.2 => 3 – 4 turns between dump und quench level (delay of dump 3 – 4 turns) BLM Specification, BDI internal review, B.Dehning
Reliability and Time Resolution Definition (specs): By criticality, we mean that the system must be 100% operational to allow beam injection and that the beam is dumped if it fails. In general hardware interlocks that cannot be removed enforce this strategy. • In case of a non working monitor this monitor has to be repaired before the next injection BLM Specification, BDI internal review, B.Dehning
Some more Specification Requirements • BEAM 1/BEAM 2 DISCRIMINATION • If this would not be possible, the collimators of the two rings would have to be operated one after the other and the search for aperture limitations carried out with a single beam. • DATA FOR THE CONTROL ROOM AND THE LOGGING SYSTEM • The loss rates should be normalized with respect to the quench level, i.e. the calibration should be energy and integration time-dependent. Abnormal, higher local rates can thereby be spotted easily [30]. • Updated frequently, typically every second • provide coincidence signals from several close-by quadrupoles • frequency analysis • long term summation for comparison with data on integrated radiation doses all around the machine • POST-MORTEM ANALYSIS • buffered for the last 100 - 1000 turns • average rates of all monitors should be easily available for time scales of a few seconds to 10 minutes before a beam-dump • Reliability • fault rate of less than one per month • A set of movable BLM’s BLM Specification, BDI internal review, B.Dehning
Ions Specification: • PROTONS VERSUS IONS • These two quantities (Ion bunch and ion beam energy) are very close to respectively a pilot bunch and a proton beam of intermediate intensity (5 109and 2.2 1012). It can be concluded that no particular properties need be added to the present specification with respect to ion beams. • Ion loss and fluence calculation before final decision on detector location, ... BLM Specification, BDI internal review, B.Dehning
Ionisation chamber currents (1 litre) BLM Specification, BDI internal review, B.Dehning