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TREES OF HOPE. Activities/ Recognitions. Certification of Appreciation from UN as well as from the Mongolian government Invited Dr. David Schimel , Nobel Peace Laureate , as a guest speaker at Northfield Mount Hermon School
Activities/ Recognitions • Certification of Appreciation from UN as well as from the Mongolian government • Invited Dr. David Schimel, Nobel Peace Laureate, as a guest speaker at Northfield Mount Hermon School • Raising awareness of desertification and deforestation around the world
Activities/ Recognitions • Planting trees in Mongolia, in which desertification has become a disquieting environmental problem • Fundraising activities • Cooperate with NMH Eco Leaders to organize environmental awareness programs/ workshops • Work closely with NMH Sustainability Committee to promote environmental-friendly school policies and activities • Hold annual Green Cup Challenge, which was started by Northfield Mount Hermon School
Guest Speaker, David Schimel, 2007 Nobel Peace Laureate Trees of Hope invited David Schimel, a recipient of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his work on climate change, to speak at all-school meeting on Wednesday, 04/21/2010 .
David Schimel, CEO of National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) and the senior scientist from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), was one of the recipients of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his work on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Report.
Schimel earned his PhD at Colorado State University and joined the Colorado-based NCAR in 1992. According to his biography on the NEON, Inc. website, Schimel served as a senior terrestrial scientist in NCAR’s Climate and Global Dynamics Division for 16 years, and was founding co-director of the Max-Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry. He was appointed CEO of NEON in November 2006. He is also the editor-in-chief of Ecological Applications for the Ecological Society of America.
Dr. Schimel talked about NEON, which is a proposed national observatory that will use 20 stations across the United States to collect accurate, precise, and easily comparable climate and ecology data. Unlike previous networks, NEON will focus both the causes and effects of ecological change and how the two are linked. The sensor arrays and numerous facilities are expected to take five years to complete and are expected to last at least 30 years.
Recycled Creations Winners • The winners for the recycled creation contest were announced at all-school meeting on Monday. They are: • 1st place: LiChen Pan, Sravani Lanka
NMH Greencup Challenge • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vApBwxhSkAI&feature=player_embedded • GreenCup Challenge, started by NMH, was created in an effort to sustain clean environment at boarding schools. This year, 213 schools, including three in Canada and Australia, have joined the challenge. Dinner in the dark was held successfully in Alumni Hall last week. NMH continues to have inter-dorm competitions to see which house can reduce the most energy.
Small dorms (Rikert, Shea, Mackinnon, and Cottages) and large dorms(Crossley, Wallace, Hayden, and Tron) will be competing against other dorms in the same category throughout this February. Results of the first week are now posted on NMH Green Blog and SWIS.
Final Tally __March 1st, 2010 • 11.9% reduction from the dorms over the 4 weeks • 3.5% reduction for the whole community • Large dorms : Tron with greatest reduction (11.8%)Small dorms : C2 with greatest reduction (30%)
Green Fashion Show • NMH’s 1st Green Clothing Swap and Fashion Show tookplace on Friday, January 28 in Alumni Hall. Dorms sponsor models (and win potential intramural points), while students create designer teams for re-used and non-fabric outfits in three categories: casual wear, haute couture/fancy fashion, or wildcard (anything goes, as long as it’s appropriate). • Related Video Clip
Green Cup Challenge Lights Off Dinner & Movie We're kicking off Greencup 2008, on January 30th with NO lights on in the dining hall. Basically, we're having a dinner in the dark. There will be glowsticks handed out at the door and a showing of a movie. This dinner is one of NMH's first steps down the path to WINNING GREENCUP 08. And is also in recognition of Focus the Nation. Focus the nation is a day acknowledged nation-wide to raise awarenessof, and collaborate for solutions to global warming. Green cup shirts will also be sold at dinner.
Sustainable Synergy • February 12th, 2010 • Sustainable Synergy NMH is the newly created sustainability publication at NMH. It is written and produced by the NMH Eco Leaders and Trees of Hope in an effort to keep the community updated on sustainability projects around campus and contemporary environmental issues that occur both locally and globally. There are only a few hard copies around campus, so look for Sustainable Syngergy.
Green Structure Challenge • At Creative Craft on Friday, 8-9 pm, in Blake atrium, students participated in the Green Cup Structure Challenge. Competitors must build a structure within the allotted time using ONLY recycled materials. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place structures were determined by a distinguished panel of judges.
The winner of the Green Structure Challenge was LICHEN PAN!!!
Green on Facebook • Visit theFacebook page for NMH Goes Green and watch the videos, follow the links, or check out the events!!! • http://www.facebook.com/pages/NMH-Goes-Green/183482278616?ref=ts#!/pages/NMH-Goes-Green/183482278616?sk=photos
2010 NMH Green Cup 350 Students formed the number 350 after Wantman State of the World speaker, Kurt Hoelting, spoke to students at Northfield Mount Hermon, October 10, 2010 Haha! It’s me and Sam