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XXIV Uniapac World Congress XXIX ASSISES NATIONALES DES EDC. REGISTRATION FORM. Thank you to fulfill this registration form and send it to back to the Uniapac Paris office: uniapaccongress@gmail.com before February 1st, 2012.
XXIV Uniapac World CongressXXIX ASSISES NATIONALES DES EDC REGISTRATION FORM Thankyou to fulfillthis registration form and sendit to back to the Uniapac Paris office: uniapaccongress@gmail.com beforeFebruary 1st, 2012. You candownload the registration form on the Uniapac web page: www.uniapac.org For your record, pleasekeep a copy of this document. Participant ❑ Mrs ❑ Miss ❑ Mr ❑ Priest Name : ………………………………………….. Surname: ………………………………………….. Member of Uniapac : ❑ yes ❑ no Association : ………………………………………….. Email (for the correspondance and invoicing) : ………………………………………….. Company (if youwant the invoice to be made out to itsname) : ………………………………………….. N° and name of the street : ………………………………………….. Postal code : ………………………………………….. City : ………………………………………….. Country : ………………………………………….. Tel : ………………………………………….. Cellular phone : ………………………………………….. Accompanyingperson Is concernedanypersonaccompanying the participant with a familyrelationship (spouse, child more than 17 years). She/hewill not receiveanypersonnal correspondance from us but willparticipate to the sameactivities as thosechosen by the participant. An invited, a friend or anyrelationship of the participant cannotbeconsidered as an accompanyingperson; hewill have to fulfill a separate registration form. ❑ Mrs. ❑ Miss ❑ Mr. Name : …………………………………….. Surname: ........................................ Spokenlanguage (exceptmothertongue) : ❑ French ❑ Other………………………………… Precious Information to makeeasier the communication with the EDC members. How do you go to the 2012 UNIAPAC World Congress ? ❑ Plane ❑ Tren ❑ Car ❑ Carpooling Arrival ………/…………./………. at ………………… Departure ………/…………./………. at ………………… Other (s) precision(s) (flight n° , tren...) : ❑ I will have a car during the UniapacCongress and I propose carpooling ; I have ……… places. Negociatedprice for the parking with the parking company LPA (Lyon Parc Auto) : ❑ 23 €, Pass for twodaysat the Cité Internationale / Centre des Congrès – parking P0 ❑ 7 €, Pass for Sundaymorningfrom 8h00 am to 12h00 amat the Saint Georges parking (near St-Jean Abbey) ❑TCL Pass (Public Transport of Lyon) 7,50 € / person for 3 days Friday/Saturday/Sunday Accomodation ❑ I don’tneedaccomodation ❑ I wouldlike to beaccomodated in a family (in the limit of the available places) / financial participation of 30 €/person, payable when youreceive the proposal. ❑Thursday March 29th evening ❑ Friday March 30th evening ❑ Saturday March 31st evening ❑ Single room ❑ Doble room ❑ I contact directly the hotel I have chosen, proposed in the list (seeHotels’list). Please note thatwe have negotiated the prices but the deadline for the registration has to berespected. ❑ I am spiritual adviser and I wish to beaccomodated (free of charge): ❑ In a religious house or similar ❑ or in a family When : ❑ Thursday March 29th evening ❑Friday March 30 March evening ❑ Saturday March 31st evening Particular indications, in order to offeryou the mostadaptedwelcome:
XXIV Uniapac World CongressXXIX ASSISES NATIONALES DES EDC REGISTRATION FORM (CONTINUATION) Dinner in family on Friday March 30th 2012 The familydinnermakes part of the spirit and organisation of the Congress. ❑ Yes, I participate Number of participants : ❑ 1 person or ❑ 2 persons At the same time, a meeting willbeorganizedwith entrepreneurs/managers whowish to continue the started exchanges during the Congress. Place: around Lyon (limited places). ❑ Yes, I wish to beinformed of this alternative ❑ No Festive dinner on Saturday March 31st 2012 at the « Cité Internationale » of Lyon: ❑ Yes, I participate Number of participants : ❑ 1 person ❑ 2 persons ❑ No, I don’tparticipate Sunday April 1st 2011 in the morning – Holy Mass and « Gone up to» the Fourvière Basilica : The Palm Sundaywillbecelebratedat the St-Jean Abbey, from 9h00 am to 10h45 amunder the presidency of the Archbishop of Lyon, The Cardinal Philippe Barbarin. Between 11h00 am to 12h00 am, youwill have the possibility to go up to the Fourvière Basilicasituated nearby. ❑ Yes, I participate to the Holy Mass Number of participants : ❑ 1 person or ❑ 2 persons ❑ I willparticipate to the gone up to Fourvière Basilica . Beforeleaving , I wish to order: ❑ 1 lunch box or ❑ 2 lunch boxes Registration cost ❑ Personnal registration (190€ if donebeforeDecember 31st 2011) ……………………………….. ………………. 200 € ❑BeforeDecember 31st, 2011 -10€ ❑ If paid by the company …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 370 € ❑ Participation of the spouse ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 100€ ❑ Spiritual Adviser (free of charge) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 0€ ❑ Financial support (fiscallydeductible) to the organization of the Congress …………………………………….. …….. € ❑ I sponsor the invitation of a young people during one day …………………………………………………………….. 20€ ❑ I order the TCL(Transports en Commun Lyonnais) pass for 3 days ……………………………………………………. 7,5€ ❑ I order the LPA Parking pass (only P0, of the Cité Internationale) friday /saturday ………………………….. 23€ ❑ I order the LPA parking passnear to the St-Jean Abbey for Sundaymorning ………………………………. 7€ ❑ I order ❑ 1 lunch box ❑ 2 lunch boxes : free TOTAL …….. € Modalities of payment : I pay by banktransfer to : UNIAPAC ACCOUNT – SOCIETE GENERALE IBAN:FR76 3000 3033 8300 0500 6042 768 BIC:SOGEFRP The registration willbe effective onlyatreception of the total payment. Cancellation condition : in writtingbefore March 1st, 2012. The registration costwillbereimbursed, but wededuce 60€ for the administratveexpenses. Afterthis date, wewill not proceed to anyreimbursement. Registration form to send to the followingadress : UNIAPAC International, 17 rue Eugène Delacroix -75116 PARIS .Tel.: 33 1 55 73 07 54 – E mail : uniapaccongress@gmail.com