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Pope High School 101 Parent Night September 27, 2011. “Making High School Count!”. School Counseling Office Location: Room 102. A-E Mrs. Sax F-Le Mrs. Shearstone Li - R Mrs. Bruce S-Z Mrs. Hamrick Graduation Consultant Mrs. Callahan
Pope High School 101Parent NightSeptember 27, 2011 “Making High School Count!”
School Counseling Office Location: Room 102 • A-EMrs. Sax • F-Le Mrs. Shearstone • Li - RMrs. Bruce • S-ZMrs. Hamrick • Graduation Consultant Mrs. Callahan • Counseling Clerks Mrs. Sabo Mrs. Brown Mrs. Henderson
The Basics of High School • Graduation Requirements • Transcript & GPA Facts • Honors & AP Courses • What is important to colleges? • PSAT • HOPE Scholarship & Grant • Resources • Advocating for your student
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS 23 units of credit are required for graduation: • 4 English • 4 Math • 4 Science • 3 Social Studies • 0.5 Health and 0.5 Personal Fitness • 3 Tech/Fine Arts/Foreign Language • 4 Additional electives For detailed info on the graduation requirements, visit http://www.cobbk12.org/centraloffice/adminrules/I_Rules/Rule_IKF.pdf
English4 Units Required 9th Grade Literature English Literature American Literature World or Multicultural Literature Honors and/or AP available at each level.
Mathematics: 4 units required GPS Algebra or AccelMath I GPS Geometry or Accel Math II GPS Adv. Algebra, Accel Math III, or any higher level math course, incl. AP 4th Unit of Math (GPS Pre-Calc, AP, or higher) Other math options are recommended by teacher (AP, Math Support, etc.)
SCIENCE4 Units Required Honors and/or AP available at each level. Biology Physics Chemistry or Environmental Science 4thScience (academic or career tech*) *A career tech science (ie Horticulture or Electronics) may not meet admissions requirements at some colleges. However, it will count for HOPE!
Social Studies3 Units Required World History U.S. History Economics/ Government Honors and/or AP available at each level. World Geography is important preparation for later Social Studies classes.
Health/Personal Fitness ½ unit Personal Fitness & ½ unit Health Other PE courses are available, but do not count for the graduation requirement. For example: Weight Training, Team Sports, etc. are NOT Personal Fitness
Foreign Language*/Fine Arts**/Career Tech 3 units required from any area *4-year college admissions require 2 units of the same Foreign Language. Many recommend 3 units. Some even require3 units (i.e. Clemson). **Some colleges require a fine arts unit (SC colleges, U of Tennessee, California colleges, to name a few)
GENERAL ELECTIVES 4 units required Elective 1 Elective 2 Elective 3 Elective 4
HIGH SCHOOL: The Basics What is a Transcript? • Middle school courses taken for high school credit appear as a “P” for Pass so students get a fresh start! • Colleges and employers will use the transcript to help determine what kind of college student or employee the student will be. • A transcript lists every course and grade earned in high school, including those earned THIS YEAR as a freshman! • A transcript is your “Permanent Record” • A transcript includes GPA, class rank, and total number of credits.
A 90-100 B 80-89 C 74-79 D 70-73 F 69 & below If a student fails a required course, he/she will have to repeat that course the next year, go to summer school, take it in NovaNet, or take it online through Cobb Virtual Academy to make it up. A failing grade will appear on the transcript forever. It will not be removed even if the course is repeated for a passing grade. GRADING Scale
HOW TO EARN CREDIT IN HIGH SCHOOL • Pope is on a traditional schedule so classes last for the whole year. • Pope students can earn 6 credits each year: • 2.5 credits are earned in the Fall Semester (Part A) • 2.5 credits are earned in the Spring Semester (Part B) • 1.0 credit is earned at the end of the year for Math • Each non-math class earns .5 credit per semester • Example: 9th Lit A (fall) = .5 9th Lit B (spring) = .5 Total = 1.0 unit of 9th Lit for freshman year
How many credits are required to graduate? • In order to graduate,23 credits must be passed in the specific graduation requirements. • At Pope, students have the opportunity to earn up to 24 credits by the end of 12thgrade. • It is very important that your • student pass every class!
Grade Point Average,Quality Points, and Rank Grade Point Average (GPA) The GPA on the transcript is the overall, numeric average of all high school grades, calculated on a “4.0 Scale” A=4.0 B=3.0 C=2.0 D=1.0 F=0.0 Quality Points* For the Pope GPA, Honors courses get an extra .5 “quality point” added to each course’s grade point. AP courses get an extra 1.0 quality point. *(Honors 9th Lit, Acc Math I, and H World Geog. do not receive extra quality points) Rank Rank is determined by ordering all students’ GPAs in the particular class.
Different Types of GPAs • Overall GPA – includes everything on the transcript (core classes and electives) • Weighted GPA vs. Unweighted GPA – If any classes/grades receive extra “quality points” the GPA is weighted; if there are no quality points, the GPA is unweighted. • Core (or Academic) GPA– calculated using English, Math, Science, Soc. St., and For. Lang. classes only • Colleges typically recalculate a student’s GPA to be a core or academic GPA and may or may not award quality points. • HOPE GPA - uses all CORE courses and only awards AP courses with .5 extra quality point. A’s receive no quality points. The POPE Transcript includes both a Weighted and UnweightedOverall GPA. It does NOT list a Core or HOPE GPA!
Promotion Requirements To promote to: • 10th grade – earn 5 units, including 1 full unit in required English, Math, and Science • 11th grade – earn 10 units, including 2 full units in required English, Math, and Science • 12th grade – earn 16 units
End of Course Tests (EOCTs) • End of Course Tests (EOCTs) are given in the following courses: The EOCT counts as 20% of the final grade.
Georgia High School Writing Test All students must take and pass the GHSWT to graduate. This test is given in September of the junior year.
Honors & AP Courses Pope offers Honors and AP courses in each subject, including some electives. • Rigorous courses prepare students for college • Selective colleges look for Honors and AP courses because they prepare students better for college! • AP courses are college-level courses. • You may earn college credit if you earn certain scores on the AP Exams! • Pope awards extra quality points on the overall, Pope GPA for Honors and AP courses, which impacts your rank!
What is the HOPE Scholarship? Earn $$ for college for getting good grades! • Students must graduate with a 3.0 GPA in all CORE curriculum subjects to receive this scholarship. • ONLY AP courses receive a .5 extra quality point (excluding A’s, to keep GPA at 4.0). Honors courses are not weighted. • The HOPE Scholarship pays a large portion of tuition for any public college in Georgia! • Students must also complete the rigor requirement • Must maintain a 3.0 in college to keep HOPE • Create an account on www.gacollege411.org in the spring to see your current HOPE GPA.
HOPE: The Zell Miller Scholarship Earn $$ for college for getting good grades! • Pays 100% tuition to a public GA college • Graduate from high school with: • CORE HOPE GPA of 3.7 AND • 1200 SAT (critical reading and math) or 26 ACT (from one sitting) • The Valedictorian and Salutatorian automatically receive the scholarship • To keep the scholarship, you must maintain a 3.3 in college • Drop to HOPE if the GPA is 3.0 to 3.29
What is the HOPE Grant? • The HOPE Grant is available to students who attend a Technical College in Georgia to pursue a diploma or certificate, regardless of GPA or numeric average. • The HOPE Grant pays tuition. • Must maintain a 3.0 to keep • Chattahoochee Tech is a popular local technical college
PSAT What? A practice test for the SAT When?Octoberof every 9th,1oth, and 11th grade years. The test is October 12 (Come pay $15 in counseling office by Oct. 11 to receive the score report) Why?- Prepare for the SAT - Get a higher score on the SAT - College exploration & planning - A chance to earn $$ for college The PSAT is an important test… take it seriously and it can be quite beneficial in planning for your future!
What factors do colleges consider? Grades Activities Essays Rigorous classes Rank SAT and ACT Recommendations
Teachers can help with academic issues and class problems. Tutoring is available. Counselors can help with planning courses, personal issues, academic issues, and college & career planning. Counseling staff can help with transcripts, counselor appointments, and general questions. Administrators can help handle conflicts with students or teachers. The social workercan help utilize school and community resources when faced with personal and economic challenges. Many people at Pope can help your child be successful…
How to advocate for your student! • Stay informed – Blogs, Hounds Highlights, Pope website, Pinnacle, PTSA meetings, etc. • Establish and maintain contact, as well as a good working relationship, with your child’s teachers. • Get involved. • Alertthe teachers if there are any major changes in your child's life.
When There's a Problem • The teacher is the first point of contact. • Address concerns as soon as they arise. • If you request a meeting, briefly state your reasonto the teacher so he or she can prepare. • If you need to meet with multiple teachers, contact the counselor to assist you. • Department chairs and administrators can assist with personnel and discipline issues. • Remember, your child may not always be the best source of information!
- Research Careers & Colleges - Learn about yourself Utilize computer programs and websites like Career Cruising and GACollege411 Get assistance with all of the above See your counselor for more information! PopeCAREER CENTER
Great Resources to Use Now! • www.careercruising.com • Research careers, colleges, scholarships and more. • Log-in: • User: pope • Password: greyhounds • Take the “Matchmaker” assessment to find careers for you. • Save your results to your profile for later. • www.gacollege411.org • “Plan, Apply, and Pay for College” • View your current HOPE GPA (beginning Spring) • Learn about careers, take personality assessments, research Georgia colleges, prepare for SAT/ACT, learn about financial aid/scholarships (including HOPE), and much more!
9th Grade Advisement • Parent/student meeting to create a 4-year plan to map out your high school classes. • Will occur in the Spring with AO teachers
Welcome to Pope!!Please let us know if you have any questions!