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Compiler Construction: Syntax Analysis (Part 1)

Learn about syntax analysis and parsing in compiler construction. Topics include top-down parsing, bottom-up parsing, lexical analysis, abstract syntax trees, symbol tables, and more.

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Compiler Construction: Syntax Analysis (Part 1)

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  1. Winter 2006-2007Compiler ConstructionT3 – Syntax Analysis(Parsing, part 1 of 2) Mooly Sagiv and Roman Manevich School of Computer Science Tel-Aviv University

  2. Executable code exe ICLanguage ic Today • Today: • Review • Grammars, parse trees, ambiguity • Top-down parsing • Bottom-up parsing LexicalAnalysis Syntax Analysis Parsing AST SymbolTableetc. Inter.Rep.(IR) CodeGeneration • Next week: • Conflict resolution • Shift/Reduce parsing via JavaCup • (Error handling) • AST intro. • PA2

  3. Goals of parsing • Programming language has syntactic rules • Context-Free Grammars • Decide whether program satisfies syntactic structure • Error detection • Error recovery • Simplification: rules on tokens • Build Abstract Syntax Tree

  4. E E + E num ( E ) + E * E num id num * 7 x From text to abstract syntax 5 + (7 * x) program text Lexical Analyzer token stream Grammar:E id E num E  E+EE  E*EE  ( E ) Parser parse tree valid syntaxerror Abstract syntax tree

  5. Terminology Symbols:terminals (tokens)+ * ( )id numnon-terminals E Grammar rules:E id E num E  E+EE  E*EE  ( E ) Parse tree: Derivation:EE + E1+ E1+ E + E1+2+ E 1+2*3 E E + E 1 * E E 3 2

  6. Ambiguity Grammar rules:E id E num E  E+EE  E*EE  ( E ) Rightmost derivation Leftmost derivation Parse tree: Parse tree: Derivation:EE + E1+ E1+ E + E1+2+ E 1+2*3 Derivation:EE * EE *3E + E * 3E +2* 31 + 2* 3 E E E + E E * E 1 3 * + E E E E 3 2 2 1

  7. Grammar rewriting Non-ambiguous grammar: E  E + T E  T T  T * F T  F F  id F  ( E ) Ambiguous grammar:E  id E  num E  E + EE  E * EE  ( E ) Parse tree: Derivation:EE + T1 + T1 + T * F1 + F * F1 + 2 * F1 + 2 * 3 E E + T T * F T F 3 F 1 2

  8. Parsing methods • Top-down / predictive / recursive descent without backtracking : LL(1) • “L” – left-to-right scan of input • “L” – leftmost derivation • “1” – predict based on one token look-ahead • For every non-terminal and token predict the next production • Bottom-up : LR(0), SLR(1), LR(1), LALR(1) • “L” – left-to-right scan of input • “R” – rightmost derivation (in the reversed order) • For every potential right hand side and token decide when a production is found

  9. Top-down parsing • Builds parse tree in preorder • LL(1) example if 5 then print 8 else… Token : ruleif:S  if E then S else Sif E then S else S5: E  numif 5 then S else Sprint:print Eif 5 then print E else S … Grammar: S  if E then S else S S  begin S L S  print E L  end L  ; S LE  num

  10. Left recursion: E  E + T Symbol on left also first symbol on right Predictive parsing fails when two rules can start with same tokenE  E + T E  T Rewrite grammar using left-factoring Nullable, FIRST, FOLLOW sets Problem: left recursion Left factored grammar: E  T Ep F  id Ep + T EpF  ( E ) EpT  F Tp Tp * F TpTp Arithmetic expressions: E  E + T E  T T  T * F T  F F  id F  ( E )

  11. More left recursion • Non-terminal with two rules starting with same prefix Left factored grammar: S  if E then S X X  X  else S Grammar: S  if E then S else S S  if E then S

  12. Bottom-up parsing • No problem with left recursion • Widely used in practice • LR(0), SLR(1), LR(1), LALR(1) • JavaCup implements LALR(1)

  13. Bottom-up parsing 1 + (2) + (3) E  E + (E) E i E + (2) + (3) E + (E) + (3) E + (3) E E + (E) E E E E E 1 + ( 2 ) + 3 ( )

  14. Shift-reduce parsing • Parser stack: symbols (terminal and non-terminals) + automaton states • Parsing actions: sequence of shift and reduce operations • Action determined by top of stack and k input tokens • Shift: move next token to top of stack • Reduce: for rule X  A B C pop C, B, A then push X • Convention: $ stands for end of file

  15. Pushdown automaton input u t w $ V control parser-table $ stack

  16. LR parsing table non-terminals state terminals 0 rk gm 1 ... gotopart shift/reduceactions sn Shift and move to state n Reduce by rule k Goto state m

  17. Parsing table example S  E$ E  T E  E+ T T i T (E) STATE SYMBOL

  18. Items Items indicate the position inside a rule:LR(0) items are of the form A  t(LR(1) items are of the form A  t, ) Grammar: S  E$ E  T E  E+ T T i T (E)

  19. T 5: E T $ 2: S E $  ( 13: T (E) 4: E T 6: E E +T 10: T i 12: T  (E) E 14: T (E ) 7: E E +T Automaton states 0 1 1: S E$ 4: E T 6: E E +T 10: T i 12: T  (E) 2: S E $ 7: E E +T 6 E i 5 2 11: T i + 7 i 3 7: E E +T 10: T i 12: T  (E) ( T + 8 4 9 8: E E +T  ) 15: T (E) 

  20. Identifying handles • Create a finite state automaton over grammar symbols • Sets of LR(0) items • Use automaton to build parser tables • shift For itemsA  t on token t • reduce For items A on every token • Any grammar has • Transition diagram • GOTO table • Not every grammar has deterministic action table • When no conflicts occur use a DPDA which pushes states on the stack

  21. Non-LR(0) grammars • When conflicts occur the grammar is not LR(0) • Parsing table contains non-determinism • shift-reduce conflicts • reduce-reduce conflicts • shift-shift conflicts? • Known cases • Operator precedence • Operator associativity • Dangling if-then-else • Unary minus • Solutions • Develop equivalent non-ambiguous grammar • Patch parsing table to shift/reduce • Precedence and associativity of tokens • Stronger parser algorithm: SLR/LR(1)/LALR(1)

  22. Precedence E  E+E*E E  E+E Reduce + precedes * Shift * precedes + Precedence and associativity

  23. Precedence E  E+E*E E  E+E Reduce + precedes * Shift * precedes + E E E E E 1 + 2 * 3 E E E E E 1 + 2 * 3 Precedence and associativity = 9 = 7

  24. Associativity E  E+E+E E  E+E Shift + right-associative Reduce + left-associative Precedence E  E+E*E E  E+E Reduce + precedes * Shift * precedes + Precedence and associativity

  25. Dangling else/if-else ambiguity Grammar: S  if E then S else S S  if E then S S  other if a then if b then e1 else e2which interpretation should we use? (1) if a then { if b then e1 else e2 } -- standard interpretation (2) if a then { if b then e1 } else e2 shift/reduce conflict LR(1) items: token: S  if E then S  else S  if E then S  else S (any)

  26. See you next week

  27. Grammar hierarchy Non-ambiguous CFG LALR(1) LL(1) SLR(1) LR(0)

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