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NUMERALS AND DATES. Автор: Рудакова Александра Игоревна, учитель английского языка МКОУ Павловская ООШ. How old are you? How old is your mother (father/sister/brother…)? When were you born? When were your parents born? Could you name your telephone number?. Тема: Числительные и даты

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  1. NUMERALS AND DATES Автор: Рудакова Александра Игоревна, учитель английского языка МКОУ Павловская ООШ

  2. How old are you? • How old is your mother (father/sister/brother…)? • When were you born? • When were your parents born? • Could you name your telephone number?

  3. Тема: Числительные и даты Цель: научиться правильно называть большие числа и даты, употреблять их в речи Задачи: познакомиться с новой лексикой, научиться использовать ее в речи Планируемый результат: уметь рассказать о годах рождения членов семьи, уметь назвать номер телефона, уметь называть большие числа

  4. Read and learn 100 – a (one) hundred 200 – two hundred 306 – three hundred and six 1,000 – a (one) thousand 2,706 – two thousand seven hundred and six 100,000 – a (one) hundred thousand 1,000,000 – a (one) million 1,000,000,000 – a (one) billion

  5. Read and learn: Dates: 1945 – nineteen forty-five (19-45) 1479 – fourteen seventy-nine (14-79) 2000 – two thousand 2014 – two thousand and fourteen Telephone numbers: 8093376 – eight oh nine double three seven six

  6. Numerals: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 17 18 19 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

  7. 100 947 730 206 488 610 339 567 814 7,500 2,003 12,570 1,002 4,120 6,233 8,450 11,560 10,001 1,300,000 5,000,300 3,040,002 1,500,700 1,500,070 1,500,007 1,057,000 1,005,700

  8. + plus - minus = is 20+98= 33+15= 167+19= 780+12= 3,750+60= 1,122+874= 10,855+90= 20,629+33=

  9. Read and learn (p.16-17) Vocabulary: (to be) founded – population – area – rainfall – temperature – square kilometres –

  10. Answer the questions • How many people live inMoscow? • How many people live in Moscow and Washington together? • How many people live in Moscow and London together? • How many people live in your village? • How many people live in Washington?

  11. Answer the questions • How old will London be in two thousand and fifteen? • When will Washington be three hundred years old? • When will Ottawa celebrate its three hundredth birthday? • When did Sydney celebrate its two hundredth birthday? • How old is London now?

  12. Make your own questions!

  13. Let`s play a game “Snowball”!

  14. “Chain of numbers”

  15. Let`s have a rest! The Big Numbers Song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0dJWfQHF8Y

  16. Key: Одна голова хорошо, а две - лучше.

  17. When were you born? • When were your parents (your sisters, brothers) born? • Could you name your telephone number?

  18. 5 – я все сделал правильно 4 – у меня были небольшие ошибки 3 – я выполнил задание с чьей-либо помощью Оцените свою работу:

  19. Hometask write about 5-7 important dates in your family

  20. Goodbye!

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