Create your own healthy recipe Create your own version of a quick healthy recipe or take a favorite recipe and change it to be more healthy. Word process your recipe and send it to me via email(lrendon@hemetusd.k12.ca.us) and we may select and publish your name and your recipe to be shared at our upcoming Health and Fitness family event. In addition, your recipe will be placed in a raffle and if selected will win gift cards to Target. I challenge you to cook a quick healthy and tasty recipe! Be inspirational and inventive with your family in your kitchen! Use the following helpful tips if you like to make a healthy recipe. • Add more vegetables • Add seasoning such as herbs or peppers for more flavor • Add stronger flavored cheese so you do not need as much cheese in the recipe • Avoid processed ingredients-fresh is best • Use honey or sweet fruit instead of sugar • Use low fat dairy products • Use wheat flour instead of white flour • If it is a dessert recipe, design fruit type desserts • Use olive oil if you can instead of saturated fats (butter, lard, certain oils such as palm oil)-Saturated fats can increase heart disease • Applesauce can sometimes be substituted for oil or make it part oil and part applesauce in desserts • Purchase foods without added sugar – for example, use plain yogurt and then you add the type of sweetness to the yogurt so you are in control of the sugar level Use the format below: Due Feb. 27th 2014. Test your best recipe until it meets your satisfaction before sending it. Parents need to supervise. Submit only one recipe. Your recipe needs to fit within the parameters below. __________________________ Creative Title of recipe __________________________________________________ Name (first and last, grade, Advisory teacher) List amount and type of ingredients: Procedure of recipe: 1. 2. Etc.