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UNIX Shell-Scripting Basics

UNIX Shell-Scripting Basics. Agenda. What is a shell? A shell script? Introduction to bash Running Commands Applied Shell Programming. What is a shell?. ▌. %. What is a shell?. /bin/bash. What is a shell?. #!/bin/bash. INPUT. shell. OUTPUT. ERROR. What is a shell?.

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UNIX Shell-Scripting Basics

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  1. UNIX Shell-Scripting Basics www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  2. Agenda • What is a shell? A shell script? • Introduction to bash • Running Commands • Applied Shell Programming www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  3. What is a shell? ▌ % www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  4. What is a shell? /bin/bash www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  5. What is a shell? #!/bin/bash www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  6. INPUT shell OUTPUT ERROR What is a shell? www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  7. What is a shell? • Any Program • But there are a few popular shells… www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  8. Bourne Shells • /bin/sh • /bin/bash“Bourne-Again Shell” Steve Bourne www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  9. Other Common Shells • C Shell (/bin/csh) • Turbo C Shell (/bin/tcsh) • Korn Shell (/bin/ksh) www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  10. An aside: What do I mean by /bin ? • C Shell (/bin/csh) • Turbo C Shell (/bin/tcsh) • Korn Shell (/bin/ksh) www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  11. An aside: What do I mean by /bin ? • /bin, /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin • /sbin, /usr/sbin, /usr/local/sbin • /tmp • /dev • /home/borwicjh www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  12. What is a Shell Script? • A Text File • With Instructions • Executable www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  13. What is a Shell Script? % cat > hello.sh <<MY_PROGRAM #!/bin/sh echo ‘Hello, world’ MY_PROGRAM % chmod +x hello.sh % ./hello.sh Hello, world www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  14. What is a Shell Script? A Text File % cat > hello.sh <<MY_PROGRAM #!/bin/sh echo ‘Hello, world’ MY_PROGRAM % chmod +x hello.sh % ./hello.sh Hello, world www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  15. INPUT OUTPUT ERROR env An aside: Redirection • cat > /tmp/myfile • cat >> /tmp/myfile • cat 2> /tmp/myerr • cat < /tmp/myinput • cat <<INPUTSome inputINPUT • cat > /tmp/x 2>&1 0 1 2 www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  16. What is a Shell Script? How To Run % cat > hello.sh <<MY_PROGRAM #!/bin/sh echo ‘Hello, world’ MY_PROGRAM % chmod +x hello.sh % ./hello.sh Hello, world www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  17. What is a Shell Script? What To Do % cat > hello.sh <<MY_PROGRAM #!/bin/sh echo ‘Hello, world’ MY_PROGRAM % chmod +x hello.sh % ./hello.sh Hello, world www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  18. What is a Shell Script? Executable % cat > hello.sh <<MY_PROGRAM #!/bin/sh echo ‘Hello, world’ MY_PROGRAM % chmod +x hello.sh % ./hello.sh Hello, world www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  19. What is a Shell Script? Running it % cat > hello.sh <<MY_PROGRAM #!/bin/sh echo ‘Hello, world’ MY_PROGRAM % chmod +x hello.sh % ./hello.sh Hello, world www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  20. Finding the program: PATH • % ./hello.sh • echo vs. /usr/bin/echo • % echo $PATH/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/home/borwicjh/bin • % which echo/usr/bin/echo www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  21. Variables and the Environment % hello.sh bash: hello.sh: Command not found % PATH=“$PATH:.” % hello.sh Hello, world www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  22. An aside: Quoting % echo ‘$USER’ $USER % echo “$USER” borwicjh % echo “\”” ” % echo “deacnet\\sct” deacnet\sct % echo ‘\”’ \” www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  23. Variables and the Environment % env […variables passed to sub-programs…] % NEW_VAR=“Yes” % echo $NEW_VAR Yes % env […PATH but not NEW_VAR…] % export NEW_VAR % env […PATH and NEW_VAR…] www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  24. Welcome to Shell Scripting! Input, Output, and Error Shebang! The Environment PATH chmod www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  25. How to Learn • man • man bash • man cat • man man • man –k • man –k manual • Learning the Bash Shell, 2nd Ed. • “Bash Reference” Cards • http://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  26. Introduction to bash www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  27. Continuing Lines: \ % echo This \ Is \ A \ Very \ Long \ Command Line This Is A Very Long Command Line % www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  28. Exit Status • $? • 0 is True % ls /does/not/exist % echo $? 1 % echo $? 0 www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  29. Exit Status: exit % cat > test.sh <<_TEST_ exit 3 _TEST_ % chmod +x test.sh % ./test.sh % echo $? 3 www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  30. Logic: test % test 1 -lt 10 % echo $? 0 % test 1 == 10 % echo $? 1 www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  31. Logic: test • test • [ ] • [ 1 –lt 10 ] • [[ ]] • [[ “this string” =~ “this” ]] • (( )) • (( 1 < 10 )) www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  32. Logic: test • [ -f /etc/passwd ] • [ ! –f /etc/passwd ] • [ -f /etc/passwd –a –f /etc/shadow ] • [ -f /etc/passwd –o –f /etc/shadow ] www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  33. An aside: $(( )) for Math % echo $(( 1 + 2 )) 3 % echo $(( 2 * 3 )) 6 % echo $(( 1 / 3 )) 0 www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  34. Logic: if if something then : # “elif” a contraction of “else if”: elif something-else then : else then : fi www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  35. Logic: if if [ $USER –eq “borwicjh” ] then : # “elif” a contraction of “else if”: elif ls /etc/oratab then : else then : fi www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  36. Logic: if # see if a file exists if [ -e /etc/passwd ] then echo “/etc/passwd exists” else echo “/etc/passwd not found!” fi www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  37. Logic: for for i in 1 2 3 do echo $i done www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  38. Logic: for for i in /* do echo “Listing $i:” ls -l $i read done www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  39. Logic: for for i in /* do echo “Listing $i:” ls -l $i read done www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  40. Logic: for for i in /* do echo “Listing $i:” ls -l $i read done www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  41. Logic: C-style for for (( expr1 ; expr2 ; expr3 )) do list done www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  42. Logic: C-style for LIMIT=10 for (( a=1 ; a<=LIMIT ; a++ )) do echo –n “$a ” done www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  43. Logic: while while something do : done www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  44. Logic: while a=0; LIMIT=10 while [ "$a" -lt "$LIMIT" ] do echo -n "$a ” a=$(( a + 1 )) done www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  45. Counters COUNTER=0 while [ -e “$FILE.COUNTER” ] do COUNTER=$(( COUNTER + 1)) done • Note: race condition www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  46. Reusing Code: “Sourcing” % cat > /path/to/my/passwords <<_PW_ FTP_USER=“sct” _PW_ % echo $FTP_USER % . /path/to/my/passwords % echo $FTP_USER sct % www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  47. Variable Manipulation % FILEPATH=/path/to/my/output.lis % echo $FILEPATH /path/to/my/output.lis % echo ${FILEPATH%.lis} /path/to/my/output % echo ${FILEPATH#*/} path/to/my/output.lis % echo ${FILEPATH##*/} output.lis www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  48. It takes a long time to become a bash guru… www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  49. Running Programs www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

  50. Reasons for Running Programs • Check Return Code • $? • Get Job Output • OUTPUT=`echo “Hello”` • OUTPUT=$(echo “Hello”) • Send Output Somewhere • Redirection: <, > • Pipes www.wfu.edu/~borwicjh/presentations/UNIX%20Shell-Scripting%20Basics.ppt

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