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Crude: The Story of Oil By Sonia Shah November 18-20, 2006. Crude is the product of the decayed remains of billions of sea creatures. Foraminifera fossils commonly found in crude oil. Oil seeping to surface, Iraq.
Crude: The Story of Oil By Sonia Shah November 18-20, 2006
Crude is the product of the decayed remains of billions of sea creatures. Foraminifera fossils commonly found in crude oil
Spontaneous combustion of natural gas seep in Iraq: the “everlasting fire” of Biblical times
Crude is uniquely energy intense Energy in 1 gallon of oil equal to = 5 kilograms of the best coal =more than 10 kg of wood =more than 50 days of full-time human labor =100 times more energy than its extraction requires
First market for crude = kerosene lighting • “Give the poor man his cheap light” John D. Rockefeller, Standard Oil • Octane was waste
Kerosene market crumbled after Edison invented light bulb in 1879; but Standard Oil was swimming in oil A forest of oil derricks, California
The first “horseless carriages” • Automobile races held to entice skeptical public
Per person per mile • Cars require three times more energy than trains • Cars require 30 times more energy than bicycles
The paving of the United States • 1907: less than 200,000 miles of U.S. roads had any kind of surfacing • Today, nearly 4 million miles of paved highway alone
1955: 50 million cars owned by Americans • 1975: 100 million cars • 1990: one car owned per licensed driver • Today, a new car is bought in the US every 3 seconds • We consume crude 100,000 times faster than it can accumulate underground
M. King Hubbert delivering his speech to the American Petroleum Institute, 1956 • Minutes beforehand, employer Shell urged him to tone down his findings
The first oil shock • 1960: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries formed • OPEC countries govern access to over half of the world’s conventional oil • 1971: US oil production peaks • 1973: OPEC embargoes oil to US and Netherlands • Price of oil rises from $3/barrel to $12/barrel in six months • Between 1970-1980 consumer prices double
“Any means necessary” • The Carter Doctrine: the US will defend access to Persian Gulf oil using any means necessary • Oil is lifeblood of US economy • 70 percent of weight of US army = fuel
North Sea and Alaskan oil decline • North Sea oil peaks in mid-1980s • Alaskan oil peaks in 1988 • $10 billion needed to rehabilitate North Slope • 300 million gallons of toxic sludge in North Sea
New oil: an heroic effort • Over 2,000 icebergs • 15,000 ton rig sank in 1982 • New rig built with 400,000 tons of concrete and 69,000 tons of steel • Submerged with 400,000 tons of iron • Total production = 0.5 billion barrels Hibernia
Declining discoveries of new oil • Since 1960, the size of new oil finds has declined • Since 1980, the rate of discovery of new oil finds has declined • Last year, one new barrel of oil found for every 6 consumed, despite industry spend of $238 billion on oil exploration • Flow of oil from known oilfields declines 3 to 5 percent a year
Fuelling petro-demand • Increasing oil demand in China and India is “crucial to the long-term growth of oil markets,” according to the DOE • World Bank spends 15 times more on fossil fuel projects than renewable energy • World Trade Organization accepted China’s membership contingent on slashing tariffs on car imports
Bicycles banned in Shanghai • 40,000 new miles of highway planned in India • Developing countries led by China and India expected to consume 90 percent as much oil as industrialized countries by 2020
Asian Brown Cloud A 2-mile thick cloud of toxic pollution permanently hanging above Asia
“Dutch Disease”: The curse of crude • Oil production in Algeria, Angola, Congo, Ecuador, Gabon, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Peru, Qatar, and Trinidad Tobago coincided with a decline in the standard of living • Per capita income in Saudi Arabia dropped from $28,000 in 1981 to ~$10,000 in 2004 • War in Angola, Colombia and elsewhere paid in petro-dollars
Challenges for oil industry • Public disapproval of high prices and profits in industry • Declining discoveries of new, conventional oil • Declining production of old oil • Record profits from high oil prices • $10 trillion invested in current oil and gas infrastructure • Minimal investments in renewables • Increasing investment in natural gas • Increasing investment in unconventional oil resources
300 billion potentially recoverable barrels of oil • Globally, 2.5 trillion barrels oil locked in tar sands • Cost of extraction in 1980: $30/barrel (compared to Saudi oil at $2/barrel) • Cost of extraction today: $5-7/barrel Tar sands: Open-pit mining, Alberta
Turning tar sands into oil • Burns up to a fifth of Canada’s natural gas supply • Emits 6 times more C02 than producing a barrel of conventional oil • Requires 6 barrels of freshwater for each barrel • Threatens Alberta’s forests with acid rain
Crude’s royal successor: natural gas • Exxon invested $7 billion in new project to turn natural gas into diesel • Half of BP’s $8 billion investment in alternative and renewable energy is in natural gas
Natural gas: an “environmentally friendly” fossil fuel? • Burning natural gas emits less carbon dioxide than burning oil • Unburned natural gas (methane) absorbs 23 times more heat than carbon dioxide • With 3 percent leakage, using natural gas has same climate-warming effect as burning oil • With 6 percent leakage, using natural gas has worse effect on atmosphere than burning coal • Most recent data suggests present leakage of at least 2.3 percent
“Our biggest problem is not the end of our resources.That will be gradual. Our biggest problem is a cultural problem.We don’t know how to cope with it.” —M. King Hubbert
Toward a sustainable energy future • Appropriate price signals • Energy literacy • Challenging power of oil industry • Modelling a post-oil society
Based on Crude: The Story of Oil By Sonia Shah November 18-20, 2006