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Yee Cataloging Rules (YCR), or, Alternative RDA

Yee Cataloging Rules (YCR), or, Alternative RDA an experiment in designing a different approach to FRBR-izing the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules with a focus on the rules for continuing resources Continuing Resources Cataloging Committee Update Forum

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Yee Cataloging Rules (YCR), or, Alternative RDA

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  1. Yee Cataloging Rules (YCR), or, Alternative RDA • an experiment in designing a different approach to FRBR-izing the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules with a focus on the rules for continuing resources • Continuing Resources Cataloging Committee Update Forum • Midwinter 2008, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • January 14, 2008

  2. INTRODUCTION • Martha M. Yee • Cataloging Supervisor • UCLA Film & Television Archive • myee@ucla.edu • As you can see, NOT a serials cataloger (I tremble before you!)

  3. WEB SITE • http://myee.bol.ucla.edu • Yee cataloging rules and RDF model

  4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS • I’ve gotten a LOT of help from the following people: • Everett Allgood • Sherman Clarke • Renette Davis • Greta de Groat • Neil Hughes • Ed Jones • Kelley C. McGrath

  5. QUICK SUMMARY • A quick summary of what the rules are trying to do

  6. QUICK SUMMARY • 1. An experiment in designing rules that guide catalogers in mapping data elements to FRBR group 1 entities (work, expression, manifestation, and item) so that the resulting records can be used to build FRBR-ized displays for users

  7. QUICK SUMMARY • 2. A suggestion that we try to create entity definitions that are more likely to correspond to those of our users and those of catalogers in other countries; to do this, the rules discard the change-of-name-is-change-of-identity principle.

  8. QUICK SUMMARY • 3. An experiment in data modeling. I am working on an RDF (Resource Description Framework) model of the resultant rules to try to find weak spots in RDF where it cannot accommodate our data.

  9. 1. FRBR MAPPING • Continuing resources: • Work identified by latest title in conjunction with principal creator if applicable

  10. 1. FRBR MAPPING • Serials: • new work created only by splits and mergers • not by title change • not by restarting the numbering

  11. 1. FRBR MAPPING • Serials: • Expression for simultaneously released editions, such as different language editions or newspaper editions for different markets

  12. 1. FRBR MAPPING • Serials: • a new entity introduced called a title-manifestation to deal with major serial title changes • minor title changes summarized in the title-manifestation description

  13. 1. FRBR MAPPING • Monographs: • an example of monographic title-manifestations would be an expression of a work that is simultaneously published in the United States and Great Britain under two different titles but with identical content

  14. 1. FRBR MAPPING • Serial: • a hollow shell containing other works; underlying content changes with every issue • therefore content change, which is fundamental for defining expression with monographs, cannot be used for defining FRBR entities for serials

  15. 1. FRBR MAPPING • Serials: • manifestation for copies in different physical formats or for copies distributed differently (e.g., print plus more than one online copy with different URLs plus microfilm copies from different publishers)

  16. 1. FRBR MAPPING • Degression: • work level: all data elements that apply to every expression/title-manifestation/manifestation of the work

  17. 1. FRBR MAPPING • Degression: • expression level: all data elements that apply to every title-manifestation/manifestation of the expression

  18. 1. FRBR MAPPING • Degression: • title-manifestation level: all data elements that apply to every manifestation of the title-manifestation

  19. 1. FRBR MAPPING • Degression: • the same data element can migrate up and down the FRBR levels depending on the circumstances • Example: • If all expressions, title-manifestations and manifestations are illustrated, the illustration statement goes at the work level and is not repeated at any of the lower levels

  20. 1. FRBR MAPPING • Record structure: • None specified in the rules. The rules could be used to create work-based records, expression-based records, title-manifestation-based records, or manifestation-based records.

  21. 1. FRBR MAPPING • Display: • Fundamental principle on the web is to separate data definition from display • All cataloging data is useless without effective display software • In these rules, manifestation data would be incomprehensible if displayed without the context provided by title-manifestation, expression and work data

  22. 2. REFORMED ENTITY DEFINITIONS • Current approach: • Change of name is change of identity • Change of title creates a new serial work • Change of name in a corporate body creates a new corporate body

  23. 2. REFORMED ENTITY DEFINITIONS • Do users really consider change of name to be change of identity? • This principle is a major source of confusion for users trying to find entities in our catalogs

  24. 2. REFORMED ENTITY DEFINITIONS • actual international agreement on which name changes cause entity change is unlikely (even though the principle is enshrined in Paris principles and ICP) • our entity definitions would be more likely to agree internationally if we dropped the principle that change of name causes change of identity

  25. 2. REFORMED ENTITY DEFINITIONS • If we could agree on entity definitions internationally, it would be a lot easier to build a virtual international authority file

  26. 2. REFORMED ENTITY DEFINITIONS • A virtual international authority file could underpin the ability to use names commonly known in English in predominantly English-speaking libraries • Example: • Palestine Liberation Organization • Not • Munazzamat al-Tahrir al-Filastiniyah

  27. 2. REFORMED ENTITY DEFINITIONS • A virtual international authority file could underpin the ability to allow OPAC users to define their language, script and transliteration preferences such that sophisticated software could switch to the preferred forms in the selected language, script and/or transliteration scheme for that user only

  28. 3. RDF MODEL • RDF (Resource Description Framework) is a flavor of XML that is the underpinning of Tim Berners-Lee’s semantic web being developed by the W3C. http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/ • As such, it has the potential to become as widely adopted as HTML has been. • A language that can be used to define classes and properties, as well as relationships among them, in order to label data for publication and sharing over the web.

  29. 3. RDF MODEL • I have set up a blog to discuss problems that arise in the course of developing the RDF data model: • http://yeecatrule.wordpress.com

  30. 3. RDF MODEL • I’m hoping that this will be a vehicle to help us as a community learn more about RDF so we are better equipped to evaluate RDF data models for our cataloging data. • example: the planned development of RDA as an RDF vocabulary for use in developing a Dublin Core application profile. http://dublincore.org/dcmirdataskgroup/FrontPage

  31. DISPLAY EXAMPLE • Strongly disagree with RDA’s abdication of any responsibility for display • Yee rules collect the data and try to model it so as to support the display in your handout

  32. DISPLAY EXAMPLE • Initial display of work among other works: • American Society for Information Science and Technology. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology.

  33. DISPLAY EXAMPLE • Display of work description once user has selected this work above: • American Society for Information Science and Technology. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. • Original language: English • Began with: v. 1 (Winter, 1938) • Originally published in Chicago, Illinois, by the American Library Association. • Type of content: journal • illustrated. • Subject(s): • Documentation--Periodicals. • Information science--Periodicals. • Discipline(s): • Z1007.A477 [General bibliography--Periodicals] • Editions (Expressions) [in cases like this in which there is only one available expression, this display line could be replaced with the default display of the latest title-manifestation below, with the works related and works about links at the bottom] • Works related to this work • Works about this work

  34. DISPLAY EXAMPLE • Display of expressions once user has selected the hotlink above: • Work: American Society for Information Science and Technology. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. • English.

  35. DISPLAY EXAMPLE • Display of English expression once user has selected the hotlink above (note that the latest title-manifestation displays as a default on the same screen with the expression description, with other title-manifestations available in the form of hotlinks below): • Work: American Society for Information Science and Technology. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 2001- • Language: English. • Began with: v. 1 (Winter, 1938) • Latest title (title-manifestation): • Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology : JASIST. • Subtitles: 2001-: JASIST. • Began with: Vol. 52, no. 1 (Jan. 2001)- • 2001-2004: New York, N.Y. : John Wiley & Sons, c2001-2004. • 2005: Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, 2005- • 2001-2004: Fourteen no. a year. • 2005-: Monthly, except twice in Jan. and Feb. • ISSN-L: 1532-2882 • Copies available • Previous titles this expression has held (title-manifestations)

  36. DISPLAY EXAMPLE • Display of other title-manifestations once user has selected the hotlink above: • Work: American Society for Information Science and Technology. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. • Previous titles (title-manifestations): • 1938-1942: Journal of documentary reproduction. Copies available • 1950-1969: American documentation. Copies available • 1970-2000: Journal of the American Society for Information Science. Copies available

  37. DISPLAY EXAMPLE • Display of manifestations of the latest title-manifestation once user has selected the 'Copies available' hotlink above: • Work: American Society for Information Science and Technology. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 2001- • 1. volumes ; 28 cm. • Mode of issuance: Issued in successive parts. • ISSN: 1532-2882 • 2. 1 online resource • Mode of issuance: Issued as an integrating resource. • ISSN: 1532-2890

  38. DISPLAY EXAMPLE • Display of the American documentation title-manifestation once user has selected the '1950-1969: American documentation.' hotlink above: • Work: American Society for Information Science and Technology. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. • Title (title-manifestation): American documentation. • 1950-1967: Washington, D.C. : American Documentation Institute, c1950-1967. • 1968-1969: Washington, D.C. : American Society for Information Science, c1968-1969. • Began with: vol. 1, no. 1 (winter 1950) • Ended with: vol. 20, issue 4 (Oct. 1969) • Frequency: Quarterly. • ISSN-L: 0096-946X • Copies available

  39. DISPLAY EXAMPLE • Display of the manifestations of American documentation once user has selected the 'copies available' hotlink above: • Work: American Society for Information Science and Technology. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. • Title (title-manifestation): American documentation. • 1. 20 volumes ; 27 cm. • Mode of issuance: Issued in successive parts. • ISSN: 0096-946X • 2. 1 online resource • Mode of issuance: Issued as an integrating resource. • ISSN: 1936-6108 • 3. microfilm reels • generation: service copy • Mode of issuance: Issued in two or more parts simultaneously. • ISSN: 0096-946X


  41. DISPLAY EXAMPLE • NOTE THAT THE FOLLOWING TITLE VARIANTS SHOULD LEAD DIRECTLY TO THE PARTICULAR EXPRESSION OR EXPRESSIONS BEARING THAT TITLE (SEE SECTION 2.3): • Journal of documentary reproduction • American documentation • Am. doc. • Journal of the American Society for Information Science • J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. • JASIS

  42. DISPLAY EXAMPLE • NOTE THAT THE FOLLOWING CORPORATE NAME VARIANTS SHOULD LEAD DIRECTLY TO THE PARTICULAR EXPRESSION OR EXPRESSIONS BEARING THAT NAME VARIANT IN THE EXPRESSION STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY: • Science Service. Documentation Institute. • Science Service. Documentation Division. • American Documentation Institute. • American Society for Information Science.

  43. CAVEATS • Definitely experimental

  44. CAVEATS • No expectation that anyone would actually implement

  45. CAVEATS • A demonstration code to make the ideas behind it more concrete

  46. CAVEATS • A think piece to get people to start imagining ways we could use current telecommunications technology (i.e. the internet) differently than we do now, in order to create better catalogs for our users

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