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Explore diseases affecting heart valves like stenosis or regurgitation. Learn about mitral valve conditions such as prolapse, stenosis, and regurgitation. Understand symptoms, diagnostics, and treatments.
CONGITAL & VALVULAR HEART DISEASES Diseases Of Valves: -either stenosis or regurgitation -Congenital, Rhumatic, Degerative, Infective endocarditis,$ or Traumatic
Mitral Valve: Mitral valve prolapse: -5% of population , Congital -S&S: -mainly asymptomatic -systolic click & murmur ,chest pain ,systemic embolisation -predispose to infective endocarditis
Mitral Stenosis -rhumatic -pathophisiology:increase lt atrial press to overcome stenosis backpress pul congestion & hypertension -S&S: dyspnea, arrythmia , cough, haemoptesis, systemic embolization,taping apex, accentuated 1st sound, opening snap, mid diastolic murmur, presystolic accentuation,promenant a wave - :CXR,ECG,ECHO,CATH -ttt: -medical :diuretics, digoxin, anticoagulant, prophylactic antibiotic -surgical
Mitral Regurgitation -rhumatic, infective, cardiomyopathy -Pathophysiology: backpress on lung & afterload on lt ventricle -S&S: 1st sound ,pan syst. murmur radiates to axilla - :CXR,ECG,ECHO,CATH. -ttt: medicale &surgical
AORTIC VALVE : Aortic stenosis: -congenital, rhumatic, senile, -subvalvular, valvular& supravalvular -pathophysiolgy:lt vent. Failure & cardiac Outpot -S&S: syncope, angina,arrythmia, dyspnea, suden death,syst. Murmur radiates to neck, small volum pulse - -ttt: surgical
Aortic Regurgitation: -rhumatic,conginetal, infective -dialatation of 1st part of aorta :marfans, $ -pathopysiolgy: lt vent. dilatation then failure -S&S: pulsatile artries, wide pulse press palpitation, dyspnea, early diastolic murmur - -ttt:surgical
CONGENITAL HEART DIS. -Persistant ductus arteriosus -Coarctation of aorta -ASD -VSD -Fallot’s Tetrology