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Extending Our Reach Through Partnerships June 2-6, 2013 Phoenix, Arizona

Extending Our Reach Through Partnerships June 2-6, 2013 Phoenix, Arizona. How to Get Started in Social Media. Greg Crawford, BA Director, Vital Statistics Data Analysis Bureau of Epidemiology and Public Health Informatics Kansas Department of Health and Environment.

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Extending Our Reach Through Partnerships June 2-6, 2013 Phoenix, Arizona

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  1. Extending Our Reach Through PartnershipsJune 2-6, 2013 Phoenix, Arizona

  2. How to Get Started in Social Media Greg Crawford, BA Director, Vital Statistics Data Analysis Bureau of Epidemiology and Public Health Informatics Kansas Department of Health and Environment National Association of Public Health Statistics and Information SystemsNational Conference, Phoenix, AZ – June 5, 2013

  3. Objectives • You will be able to identify at least two mistakes to avoid • You will be able to discuss how Social Media is part of the 10 Essential Public Health Services • You will be able to identify the two common approaches to program-level social media activities

  4. Social Media and Public Health • Components of Domain 3 • Provide information on public health to individuals, groups, or the community at large • Work with a collaborative network to provide health promotion activities • Assist in the training, evaluation, credentialing, or monitoring of staff performance and quality of work outcomes • Work in a program which helps enforce the local laws and regulations to protect the public's health and ensure safety

  5. Challenges Organizational access Attracting an audience Keeping an audience Time

  6. Do you have time for social media?

  7. Agency Social Media Approaches • Independent • Has separate presence • Ideal for health promotion • Has program-level staff, expertise • Adjunct to agency Social Media • Dependent • May not need separate presence • Need PIO expertise • Use agency’s presence

  8. Merits for Vital Records Programs • Vital Records Programs • Promote services • Level demand for services • Visual Instructions • Statistics Programs • Highlight products • Contribute to population health • Self Promotion • How to features

  9. Steps to getting started Assess why Identify message(s) Coordinate with agency communications Identify the tools to be used Identify internal staffing Calendar your messages Monitor the progress Evaluate

  10. Integration • Social media is not a stand alone tool • Integrate social media with other promotions • Develop a social media plan and calendar • Schedule posts on an electronic calendar with a reminder to post on specific days

  11. Social Media Approaches

  12. Social Media Best Practices • Focus on your audience • Media may pick up posts – think carefully about what you say • Science-based posts (credibility) • Re-use / “Re-tweet” / “Share” credible info • Create “sharable” content • Leverage networks – Friends have friends • Set realistic goals • Evaluate

  13. Avoid These Mistakes at All Costs 1. Hand the keys to someone not ready to drive 2. Fire the person in charge of social media 3. Confuse a reply with a direct message on Twitter 4. Commit rank insensitivity 5. Fail to understand corporate confidentiality 6. Ask for potentially hostile users to chime in 7. Get political 8. Fail to understand the mechanics of social media 9. Neglect social media security Source: PC World

  14. If you are really serious . . .

  15. References & Acknowledgments How Much Time Does It Take To Do Social Media? Beth’s Blog. http://beth.typepad.com/beths_blog/2008/10/how-much-time-d.html Online Public Health Promotion. Ginger Park. KDHE Bureau of Health Promotion. Kansas Governor’s Public Health Conference. 2013 9 social media mistakes your business must avoid. PC World. http://www.pcworld.com/article/2038746/9-social-media-mistakes-your-business-must-avoid.html Social Media at CDC. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. http://www.cdc.gov/socialmedia/ Adoption and Use of Social Media Among Public Health Departments. R Thackeray, et al. BMC Public Health 2012, 12:242

  16. Questions

  17. Contact Greg Crawford, BA Director, Vital Statistics Data Analysis Bureau of Epidemiology and Public Health Informatics Kansas Department of Health and Environment Phone: 785-296-8627 E-mail: gcrawford@kdheks.gov June 5, 2013

  18. Source: Network Public Relations.

  19. Headline Network Public Relations. http://www.networkpr.com.au/

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