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Links. Current tv doc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNrL4OnEt4Q Ted Talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8htxQmVybM Obama on Mosque: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZOIBEEvbO0 Mosque: 60 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRRAh2iUFUc

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  1. Links • Current tv doc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNrL4OnEt4Q • Ted Talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8htxQmVybM • Obama on Mosque: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZOIBEEvbO0 • Mosque: 60 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRRAh2iUFUc • CNN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_wqt9edqOQ

  2. Prejudice Chapter 2

  3. What is prejudice? Is prejudice the same as discrimination? • Is prejudice natural or learned?

  4. Ethnocentrism • An expression of prejudice • Cultural Superiority • Judging other groups and cultures by the standards of one’s own culture • Are we all ethnocentric? • Examples

  5. Prejudice vs. Discrimination • Prejudice • Attitude • Entire category • Often expressed through ethnophaulisms • Derisive nicknames • Speaking in a condescending way • Can prejudice be positive?

  6. Discrimination • The acts that arise from prejudices • Individual discrimination: Unfair or unequal treatment based on group membership, on an individual level • i.e. Not inviting a co-worker to lunch based on their race • i.e. hate crimes • Discrimination is: • Subtle: for example not sitting next to someone • Blatant: Racial slurs • What is the other main type of discrimination?

  7. Is using an ethnic slur prejudice or discrimination?

  8. Islamophobia • Range of negative feeling towards Muslims and their religion that ranges from generalized intolerance to hatred • Is it patriotic to be anti-Muslim? • Studies show widespread prejudice and increased hate crimes and harassment of Muslim American since ____?

  9. Can an individual be prejudice but not discriminatory?

  10. Robert Merton’s Typology • Explored the relationship between negative attitudes and negative behavior • Identified 4 major categories • 1. The unprejudiced non-discriminator • 2. The unprejudiced discriminator • 3. The prejudiced non-discriminator • 4. The prejudiced discriminator

  11. Prejudice and Discrimination • LaPiere’s study • People do not always act as they believe • Looked at the relationship between racial attitudes and social conduct • Assert that there are many timid bigots

  12. White Privilege • Refers to the rights or immunities granted as a particular benefit or favor for being White. • This advantage exists unconsciously and is often invisible to White people (Ferber 2008). • Privilege is difficult to acknowledge

  13. White Privilege • Examples of White Privilege (McIntosh 1988) include: • • Being considered financially reliable when using checks, credit cards, or cash. • • Taking a job without having coworkers suspect it came about because of race. • • Watching television or reading a newspaper and seeing people of your own race widely represented. • • Speaking effectively in a large group without being called a credit to your race.

  14. Theories of Prejudice • What is a theory?? • 4 Primary Theories Discussed in Text • 2 Psychological • Scapegoating theory • Authoritarian personality theory • 2 Sociological • Exploitation theory • Normative approach theory

  15. Psychological Theories of Prejudice • Scapegoating Theory • “I am a victim; I am not guilty for my failures, other people are!” • Who are America’s scapegoats? • Authoritarian Personality Theory • There is a personality type that is likely to be prejudiced and dislike people who are different

  16. Sociological Theories of Prejudice • Exploitation Theory • Racism stigmatizes a group as inferior, so that exploitation can be justified • It’s ok to exploit people for economic advantage • Immigrant labor; day laborers • Who picks most of our crops, makes most of our clothes, and slaughters and packs most of our meat? • Normative Approach theory • Prejudice results from norms and situations that encourage or discourage intolerance • Social forces encourage intolerance • What if you grew up in the Antebellum south?

  17. Using Theory to Understand Prejudice • Sociologists typically use all theories for a broader understanding of prejudice, but one theory may be more appropriate in certain studies or situations

  18. Stereotypes • Book Example of secret service agent? • Unreliable generalizations about all member of a group that do not take individual differences into account • Research show they are widely held • Are all Latinos lazy? • Are all feminists lesbian man haters? • Are all Jewish people Christ killing shrewd businessman? • Of course not, a kernel of fact leads to faulty generalizations?

  19. Stereotypes in Action • Book Example-Black dentist-Elmo Randolph DWB on the New Jersey Turnpike? • Racial Profiling • Any police initiated action based on race, ethnicity, or national origin rather than that person’s behavior • Does it occur? • Efforts to stop racial profiling at airports came to halt when? • What is SB1070 in Arizona?

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