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The super fun math game!!! . Instructions. 1 st press button on the key board 2 nd read the question 3 rd answer the question by clicking the RIGHT box 4 th when you click on the RIGHT box the game will continue. HAVE FUN!!!! . next.
The super fun math game!!! Instructions 1st press button on the key board 2nd read the question3rd answer the question by clicking the RIGHT box 4th when you click on the RIGHT box the game will continue. HAVE FUN!!!! next
Playing With Jelly Beans!!! If you have 4 jelly beans and you give me 1 jelly bean how many jelly beans do I have left. - = Click on the RIGHT answer!!!!! 1 8 3 5
Wrong Wrong Click here to try again!!!!
YUMMY PIZZA!! - - This pizza has 8 slices. I ate 2 pieces and my dad ate 4 pieces. How many pieces are left for my mum. Click on the RIGHT answer!!!!! 4 2 6 0 next
Wrong Click here to try again!!!!
Wrong Click here to try again!!!!
ADDING NUMBERS :D WHAT IS…….. 3 + 2 = Click on the RIGHT box 0 1 6 5 10
Wrong Click here to try again!!!!
Subtracting numbers!!! - = 10 5 Click on the RIGHT box 527150
Wrong Click here to try again!!!!
Click on the RIGHT box EATING CHOCOLATE!!!!!! - I have 3 pieces of chocolate, I give you 1 piece how many pieces of chocolate do I have left. = 34912
Wrong Click here to try again!!!!
Strawberry's If I buy 4 strawberry’s, and my mum buys 5 strawberry’s how many strawberry do we have all together? + Click on the RIGHTbox 34912
Bibliography http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_lsZ_NOuXwhg/Smfq0XUaW8I/AAAAAAAAALA/mHehTLnxhD8/s400/33f84e099d16532bc0e08c5242461ec1.jpg http://www.valdosta.edu/~cjcochran/math.gif http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSZcE3zLATvbZK-UtBU9JW87UTMRzUxgreJ1jMMLYXnHU7338Gjfwo5ZBjq http://www.andreadams.com/assets/watermark%20files/pizza_1.jpg http://i.istockimg.com/file_thumbview_approve/9184739/2/stock-illustration-9184739-pizza-slice.jpg http://www.enasco.com/prod/images/products/E5/AC052561l.jpg http://www.family-getaways-melbourne.com/images/cartoon-picnic-family.jpg
Bibliography http://www.detoxdrinks.info/images/strawberry_detox_drinks.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y178/wendy81/54514-58931-Easter-card.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_j0y7D1wMUpk/TIANJSsgcFI/AAAAAAAACw0/NQZO08MV5cg/s1600/SadFace3.jpg