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Writing Winning Grants

Writing Winning Grants. 8 June 2012. What is grant funding?. Where can I find funding opportunities?. Resources to find foundation funding. www.foundationcenter.org Foundation Directory Online Fee for subscription Can be accessed free: Houston Public Library (Central Branch)

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Writing Winning Grants

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  1. Writing Winning Grants 8 June 2012

  2. What is grant funding?

  3. Where can I find funding opportunities?

  4. Resources to find foundation funding • www.foundationcenter.org • Foundation Directory Online • Fee for subscription • Can be accessed free: • Houston Public Library (Central Branch) • 500 McKinney Houston, TX 77002 • United Way of Greater Houston • 50 Waugh Dr. Houston, TX 77007 • HPL & UW also have a variety of print sources available to use for free

  5. Additional ResourcesforHFB Partner Agencies • Agency Connection newsletter (monthly) • Member agency resources- HFB website • http://www.houstonfoodbank.org/memberagencyresources.aspx • Agency announcements (email blasts)

  6. Grant Planning: Before Getting Started • Things to consider before getting started • What is the problem / issue? • What is currently being done about it? • How will funding help ‘fill the gaps’? • What is your proposed solution? • How will it happen and when? • Who will do it? • With what result, outcome, or benefit? • Is the proposed plan realistic?

  7. The Grant-seeking Process

  8. Getting StartedResearch & Inquiry • Research- organizational metrics and area demographic information • Inquiry- solicit information from program managers or staff

  9. The Proposal

  10. Tips for Writing • Follow the guidelines • Customize each application • Eliminate jargon and write plainly • Don’t exaggerate– you have to do what you are promising • Revise, edit and clarify

  11. Formatting the ProposalCommon Elements • Cover Letter • Executive Summary • Introduction • Needs Statement • Management / Staffing Plan • Purpose of Request

  12. …common elements continued… • Project Description • Goals and Objectives • Evaluation • Sustainability • Budget • Attachments

  13. Packaging and Submitting • Follow the funder’s guidelines • Always keep a complete copy of what was submitted for your records • Keep background materials or any notes taken during the process • When submitting online register in advance and keep login information • Draft in Word and cut/paste to online form

  14. Approval and Response

  15. Funding is grantedCongratulations! • Take time to acknowledge the gift • Determine fund restrictions • Understand any reporting requirements and mark them on your calendar • Celebrate your achievement • now do what you said you’d do with the grant

  16. Funding is not granted-Better luck next time- • Reach out to the funder and ask why you were declined and what you can do better next time • “No” sometimes just means Not Now

  17. Common Pitfalls • Talking more about problems than solutions • Addressing specific problems with general solutions • Using buzzwords and jargon • Budgets that don’t add up or support the narrative • Ignoring application guidelines

  18. Houston Food Bank Partner Agency Grants • Agency Infrastructure Grants • $1.7M available for FY11, FY12, FY13 • Results from FY11 RFP cycle: • Applications received: 106 • Applications reviewed: 74 • Recommended for award: 35 (agencies) • Agencies that have items in place: 20 • FY11 funds expended (est.): $465,083

  19. Report Reminder • If you were awarded, or will receive, equipment– you will have to submit a report back to HFB. Please consult your grant agreement letters for details

  20. HFB’s Review Process • Panel review • Applications scored based on criteria • Consideration of partner’s standing • Recommendations to Board panel • Approval and award notification

  21. Score Sheet Criteria10 points of consideration • Completed application • Account status • Monthly report status • Potential to increase distribution • Geographic coverage • ZIP coverage, number of agencies in service area

  22. …scoring continued… • Monitoring compliance • HFB Guiding Principles • Practicality of projected increases • poundage and clients • Increased operations to serve clients • days and hours • Soundness of sustainability plan

  23. Tips from HFBto strengthen your A.I. proposals • Answer all of the questions • Highlight what makes your agency especially deserving– the panel may not be as familiar with your agency as you think– tell us how you’re special • Make sure metrics match the narrative • Detail HOW you plan to sustain increased costs

  24. …tips continued… • Remember, not all questions are weighted the same • Be detailed, but concise • Be realistic with your request • Have a third-party review your proposal • Don’t wait till the last minute • When in doubt, ask questions

  25. Agency InfrastructureRound II • The RFP process will open in Fall 2012 • Please keep an eye on the Agency Connection newsletter for more details • Terence Franklin, Director of Agency Services: • tfranklin@houstonfoodbank.org / 713-547-8617

  26. Stacy LasterGrants Manager • slaster@houstonfoodbank.org • 713-547-8669 • I’ll be in the Resource Fair until 11:45am for general grant writing questions

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